Guys Im starting my first cycle in about 3 weeks,
with sust 250, D-bol, and nova for pct.
8 weeks, with Sust at 250mg a week and d-bol at 25mg ED
Nova 20mg for 4 weeks pct
Will I see results?
25 years old
BF 15%
lifting 6 years
Guys Im starting my first cycle in about 3 weeks,
with sust 250, D-bol, and nova for pct.
8 weeks, with Sust at 250mg a week and d-bol at 25mg ED
Nova 20mg for 4 weeks pct
Will I see results?
25 years old
BF 15%
lifting 6 years
8 weeks is a little short with sust as it has long esters. I would go 10 weeks minimum 12 even better
How will you be taking the sust? its best shot ED or EOD due to the short esters in it.
How long are your running the dbol? I would not go past 6 weeks MAX with it as it is harsh on your liver
your PCT needs some work. I would suggest Clomid/Nolva,not just nolva
and you may want to have an AI on hand for during the cycle in case of bloat or gyno signs
i think he should bump the dbol to 40-50mg ed for 4 weeks and strecth the sus for ten just my opinion
Well I was going to take 1ml once a week,
Is 1ml a week enough for the first cycle? (250mg a week)
I was going to run the d-bol for 8 weeks monday to friday when i train and not take it sat/sun on my days off so I could run it for longer.
Is 40-50mg not a bit too much for my first cycle?
Not really its not the dosage thats the problem its the length with dbol that we are suggesting........Its just used as a kickstart for the long esters in the sus to kick in usually around week 4
You need to do some research about your pct.......we just handed you your cycle at safe doses/duration......but are only here to guide not to plan....not being rude....Read a little pct plans in threads or sticky and then post up what you find
250 mgs/week of sust is a LOW dose, but first cycle, you will see its up to you, BUT
I would at the very minimum split the dose into TWO shots a week. again, optimum is EOD, but you can get away with twice a week. NO LESS
purpose is to keep blood levels as stable as possible to help reduce side effects
so you inject according to the esters that are attached to the compound
i am not a fan of test blends so i have never researched them due to my man BIG giving me solid advice and good I am not the one to give you sus dosage....T-MOS suggested EOD so if your planning on running 250mg a week(if this a correct dosage)
1-10 75mg eod sus
1-4 40-50mg dbol split thru out day due to short life of dbol
__-__ clomid/nolva at ___dosage
____ for signs of effects at ___ed till sides subside
You research and attempt to fill in blanks
What is the dose of sus T-MOS?
Guys Im here to learn!! so tell me what ever you think..... Im just looking at it from the point of view that your body becomes less receptive to steroids the more you use them.....
Ya but you have to consider what the minimum dosage is for the suggested AAS...The Dbol dose we gave is fine.....but T-MOS said sus was low but reasonable.....but never left the common dosage of sus at EOD
Ya that I know much should a he be using in eod dosages?
Bad T-MOS Bad T-MOS![]()
Last edited by RangersLTW; 08-13-2009 at 09:28 PM. Reason: error
T-mos if 250ml is low what would be a normal sust per week 500ml?
500 mgs/week is the normal dosage for a beginner, but you will see gains from 250
Hey tmos since i know your here hate to be a thread jacker but w/e. Its on the same topic... I am currently running test E and couldnt obtain another vial i have the option to run a 2 test blends 1 of which test e ,c, and p 300 or sust 250. So as i come to the end of my vial of test e which just kicked in im at week 5 i am forced to switch too one of the two blended compounds. Which would you suggest and when switching will i experience any lag bridging the gap between compounds? Your advice is much appreciated.
RangersLTW what was your first cycle?
So would 500mg per week be ok say 250mg monday and 250mg thursday?
I dont mind needels but jez I will be lake a pin cushion after 12 weeks of ed or eod!!!
hey big mate, hows the form? ive used sust x2 a wk mon and thurs, had great gains of it, most advocate eod on here, but a few do x2 a week and report back good gains, just try and see mate, as said above chuck in clomid with nolva for pct, hcg good also if you can get it.
guys, fookin uncanny seeing posts from t-mos, being missed badly. rip
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