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Thread: Help with primo/anavar

  1. #1

    Help with primo/anavar

    Was looking for advice. I am 5'10'' 173lbs, 33 y/o. Did a short dose of primobolin previously but had to stop for a variety of reasons. I was looking to do another cycle and have primobolin and anavar on hand. I was thinking of doing primobolin 400mg/week (200 every 5 days) and anavar 20mg ed for 6 weeks. Been doing tons of searches but couldnt find my answer, so sorry if the question sounds dumb. I am just looking for a mild cycle (and I already have this gear).

    What do you think of the cycle, any suggestions on dose? I was going to use clomid for a PCT. I have read that it isnt necessary with this mild cycle and have read other posts that it is necessary, I was going to do it anyway to be safe. PCT's seem confusing to me as far as when to start, when is the best time to start with this cycle?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Nobody huh...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    What are your stats? Also, you should throw some prop in there. It will make all the difference in the world.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarheel View Post
    What are your stats? Also, you should throw some prop in there. It will make all the difference in the world.
    well that may be true, but we have no idea what this guy has in mind for this cycle. he may just want to cut down a bit, if thats the case, what he has is adequate.

    my question is: is the primo acetate or enanthate?

  5. #5
    Yes, just looking to cut. Not looking to bulk. I have been searching this site to not ask stupid questions. There is so much information out there (a lot of it conflicting) I have been given some advice to throw some test in there. Not sure about that. What I mean is I know that will be a little more aggressive cycle. My diet has been good. I am finishing up on a fat loss routine of daily cardio HCG and spot on diet to get my BF down to below %15. I am going to do this for 3 more weeks. Then I want to cut with lean muscle. I was able to get the primo and var. any thoughts?

  6. #6
    Sorry, I didnt answer your question. The primo is acetate.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Canada(Miss you Mom)
    What is your medical histroy in your family? Any high blood pressure or anything major that we should be worried about? If not then I can help you out

  8. #8
    No, no med problems, no high BP, nothing. I'm 34 and no meds, cholesterol is great. Just had blood work done at MD a month ago, liver great.

  9. #9
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    ...and you said you had a cycle before of primo, what were your reasons for stopping?

  10. #10
    Well, I wouldnt say cycle, I think I called it a "dose". Only did for 2 weeks. Main reason I stopped was to get my diet in check. I know any cycle is useless if your diet and work out routine are not in check. I am now solid on my routine and diet. Got my body fat down and looking to run a mild cycle. Just not sure about running test with it. Some people have said that it will be the best thing to do. I do however want some good results ( for that I mean a mildly noticible change, lean muscle, fat loss etc).

    Thanks again

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Canada(Miss you Mom)
    Personally in my own opinion I like to get bigger first then cut to my ideal body. Test might be a great start for you(I am not saying it is the best for everyone and some like to do orals only as a start so I am just hear to steer you the right possible way that I can) How much anavar and primo did you get. Do you have a pic of yourself so I can see where your at.

  12. #12
    Sorry, no pic. I have enough primo and anivar for a 6 week cycle. Some have said that cycle is not long enough and I should do 12 weeks. I have to check my source to see if i can get more primo and var, and it is expensive stuff. I have debated the test and have the primo and var on hand now. I can get sustanon to add in there if needed. Would it even be worth doing a 6 week cycle with test added in there? I also considered using some HCG during the cycle and clomid for PCT, would you recommend nolva as well?
    Again, thanks for your help.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    weeks 1-8 anavar at 50mg/ed
    weeks 1-10-12 primobol 400mg/week

    I have found that if you are running for 6 weeks with primo you will start to see the gains right when you come off so it is best to have it ran for a bit longer. Why I am saying test for you is what makes us men and what keeps your general downstairs happy whe he goes to war.

    I would not add sust or any others till you see how you react to certain substances. That way you will know if one is the problem instead of guessing.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    doesnt primobol shut down natty test???

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Canada(Miss you Mom)
    I am sure it would shut you down.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    well then he shouldnt be running primobol without test and as he has never ran a real cycle he should stick with test

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    well that may be true, but we have no idea what this guy has in mind for this cycle. he may just want to cut down a bit, if thats the case, what he has is adequate.

    my question is: is the primo acetate or enanthate?
    if it was methenolone acetate in an injectable form he would have mentioned the pain even at 50mg/mL it is terrible it has to be enanthate

  18. #18
    Sorry, I posted that wrong. I actually have the Enanthate (injectible) Primo

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by thai-lan View Post
    doesnt primobol shut down natty test???
    no its a very mild dht it can begin to suppress after a while but wont cause shut down. supression is lower test shut down is no test. you can get away with leaving test out, its not serious like deca or tren but adding test is still a good idea.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    if its suppressive why run it without test?? why risk your test production?? and it doesnt even matter this is his first cycle so he should start with Test only IMO..

  21. #21
    So I should not run the primo and var? I like this as it is a very mild (from what I have read) cycle. My fear with the test is a gain of too much weight. what I was thinking now is an 10 week cycle (maybe 8):

    Primo weeks 1-10 400mg/wk
    Var weeks 1-8 20mg ed
    HCG weeks 6-10 500 iu's 2 times/week

    PCT of Clomid 100mg ed (should I use nolva as well?)

    Does this sound retarded?

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by thai-lan View Post
    if its suppressive why run it without test?? why risk your test production?? and it doesnt even matter this is his first cycle so he should start with Test only IMO..
    ur saying if u run test on cycle it doesnt risk test production?
    Quote Originally Posted by magicm714 View Post
    So I should not run the primo and var? I like this as it is a very mild (from what I have read) cycle. My fear with the test is a gain of too much weight. what I was thinking now is an 10 week cycle (maybe 8):

    Primo weeks 1-10 400mg/wk
    Var weeks 1-8 20mg ed
    HCG weeks 6-10 500 iu's 2 times/week

    PCT of Clomid 100mg ed (should I use nolva as well?)

    Does this sound retarded?
    u could even run hcg the entire cycle at 500iu a week and that would cover ur test production plenty
    and your dosages for primo and var are very low i know girls that have taken 300mg primo or 20mg anavar but ya theyre both expensive things because they are so low in sides

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    if you arent afraid of needles you could run Test p for 8 weeks ..

    but really if you only want to burn bodyfat you shouldnt be doing steroids because they arent for you.. proper diet and simple cardio would help you so much more than you think...

    and atleast diet and cardi will not suppress your natural testosterone

  24. #24
    Not just looking to burn body fat, I did read that body fat loss happens with primo and var and thought that would be great.
    I'm looking to build some lean muscle and cut. I agree with the diet and exercise. I have come a long way with diet and cardio over the last year as far as fat loss.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by workin_hard View Post
    ur saying if u run test on cycle it doesnt risk test production?

    u could even run hcg the entire cycle at 500iu a week and that would cover ur test production plenty
    and your dosages for primo and var are very low i know girls that have taken 300mg primo or 20mg anavar but ya theyre both expensive things because they are so low in sides
    what im saying is you need to replace the test that you suppress/shut down

    and op dont even bother running that cycle because of your doses are too low

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by thai-lan View Post
    what im saying is you need to replace the test that you suppress/shut down

    and op dont even bother running that cycle because of your doses are too low
    oh okay
    but we have somethin like 8mg a day if u only drop to 6mg or 5mg its not such a huge deal on a shorter cycle. ya addin test is better but it wont kill somebody to just drop a little, plenty of people in real life function on less than that without other steroids

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