Recieved my clen from ar-r. Now i also got some taurine. Where does this fit into the equation wit the clen. There isnt a great deal of info on their website.
Recieved my clen from ar-r. Now i also got some taurine. Where does this fit into the equation wit the clen. There isnt a great deal of info on their website.
taurine is supposed to be used to combat possible muscle cramps that clen has been rumored to give you. I ordered the same and never used the taurine. I was takin up to 180mcg a day of clen and never had one muscle cramp. But i have always been extrememly tolerant to stimulants. Id just keep it on hand and see how it effects you!
How did you got with the clen?
Taurine is for cramping, if you dont get cramps dont use it.
Anything works with proper diet, and everyone is different.
i was asking 2jz how he went with the clen. Results.
So the clen can be taken straight trough the oral syringe, doesnt need to be mixxed with water. Before or after meals?
im going to start in monday, prob at 40mg for three days and then 60mg if the body holds up ok, riasing as/if the body needs it. I will be in week6 and 7 of my sust cycle. I iwll be putting it under the tounge first thing in the morn. Should it be done for eating or it doesnt matter?
ok we are away, second dosage, started at 50mcgs broken into two lots. Tastes like shit.
Yesterday Sides were ok, bit sakey but not to bad, didnt seem to sweat more but i have been sweating more since starting the sust 250 anyway. Slight strange feeling throughout day, bit wired. Worked out in the gym but mixed it up with routine so hard to tell if on point. Felt weaker but still worked the same.
third day at 60mcg will stay here as shaking is a bit annoying, typing is a bitch.
Temp up, down 2 pounds, feel weak but still lifting ok, pb with deads yesterday. Shoulders today.
Cramps gone but drinking so much water my teeth are floating. Definatly short of breath with cardio, no ifs no buts.
anyone reading/
Day Four, hurting like a bitch, muscles sore as shit, didnt train yesterday. Drinking heaps of water, not upping the dosage, shakes arent as bad, but whole body is pretty sore.
Day 5 and 6
Day 5
Staryed at same amount, had no sides, felt a little hot. Still a bit sore am now taking multivitamins, pissing bright techno yellow.
Day 6
Upped doasge at 100mcg taken an hour ago, feel warm, bit shakey but nothing like the start.....yet.
Dont know if i moving weight as i am training aswell so i assume i would be sifting fat maybe not weight. Def thinner. Will post pics in a week or so from start to finish.
18-19%% bf i guess.
Day 7 kept doasge at 100mcg, no sides, maybe a bit warmer.
Strength is good, feel fine, multivitamins seemed to have done the trick a bit.
Still dont know if i moving weight, i have been drinking tons of water but not pissing that much. Is this normal, also would that mean i am retaining water.
It's not so much that the Clen with give you extra strength but will burn the fat without burning excess muscle.
I know mate, i am mid cycle aswell, watching to see if my strength is dropping. There is reporst that it will inhibit some beneifts from aas. No way to prove its not but as long as i keep gaining.
Day 9
at 120mcg, no shakes, no sides at all except for hot flushes. Feel fine. Weight dropping. prob about a 3 pounds a week.
Ok Question.
I hear talk of benedryl, is this the cough medicine? Im not in the usa and wonder if its the same thing.
Benadryl is a brand name antihistamine. There are different versions of it that have different active ingredients. The one you're looking for Diphenhydramine. I don't know what the availability is like in other parts of the world but I suspect it's easily attainable. In the US, you can get several different generic version (Walmart brand, etc.).
I will go and se if i can get some today. I will just look at the side of the bottle.
I am also gonna go the benedryl route in another week to up regulate the receptors and not have to get off the clen. im on day 8 at 120mcg i look thinner in the waist but haven't lost anything which is okay i guess since ive had a few cheat beers.
I take all my clen in the morning and I plan on taking the benedryl before bed. I'd like to lose about 10-12 lbs out of this first cycle and then go with lions clen/T3 in a month or so after this one.
OK so i start my second two week cycle of clen next week. I am 4kgs down and in week 9 of my sust 250 cycle. I have leaned out a bit, others notice it more then me. I know i am stronger, bench is up, squats are up, deads way up. So i have three weeks left of cycle and then i iwll soot after pics and look at the before. Tat will be the big test.
My log of clen didnt seem very interesting so i wont bother everyday.
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