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Thread: Loosing gains after a cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Vancouver, Canada

    Loosing gains after a cycle

    I am thinking about doing my first cycle of Test-Prop but recently had my confidence shaken by a friend of mine.

    He just did a 10 week cycle of Test-Enanthate, grew considerably - 30lbs - and then, once starting his PCT of Nolvadex & Clomid, he lost about 50 percent of his gains. He is only in his 3rd week of PCT and says that he feels like he is still getting smaller....

    I was wondering how common it is for such mass loss to happen after a cycle or if my buddy was doing something wrong that led to this turn of events ? I have also noticed another guy that goes to my gym who has displayed some serious size loss in the last month... I am really looking forward to my first cycle but I do not want to loose like these guys have lost. What can you guys tell me ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    A lot could be water weight. prop needs to be shot at min eod. if this is your first. yer better with Test E or C.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    he should have ran it 12 weeks, did he change his diet? During PCT many not all people keep there diet the same as if they were still on the cycle as soon as you finish your PCT the change your diet to per cycle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Vancouver, Canada
    Yeah I was probably going to switch to Enanthate anyways. I fear the needle so the less I have to pin the better !

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by RANA View Post
    he should have ran it 12 weeks, did he change his diet? During PCT many not all people keep there diet the same as if they were still on the cycle as soon as you finish your PCT the change your diet to per cycle.
    with saying that how long after pct should someone continue their diet as if they were still on test cycle?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    IMO... Your diet shouldn't change much at all if you want to hold on to what you have, and possibly make more gains during your time off... ya know what I mean.. I rarely mess with my diet.. 500 cals extra if I want to gain more muscle quicker, 500 cals less if I want to start cutting fat at a faster rate...

    But you should never abandon your diet.. ever... that's when bad things happen. like muscle loss.. and fat gain... people don't understand.. YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT !! If you wanna be big and muscular.. eat that way, if you wanna be fat.. eat whatever u want... your body is what you make it...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2009
    yeah i know what you mean. i will be back on a 5,500- 6,000 calorie a day diet before, during my cycle, and of course after pct has been over for a good confident while.

    however keeping up with that many calories per day thing year around is tough business.

    watch someone yell at me and say this is not the diet section.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    If done correctly, there is no rerason he should have lost that much that quick.. it is of course normal for some of that weight and some size to come off once the steroids have cleared your system. just remember, for some, the duet needs to be tweaked a lot once you come off. Sometimes you need to add a bunch of calories to help hold that weight until the gains solidify. it all depends on you! I would expect myself, with knowing how my body works pretty well, to only lose a total of say 25% of everything I gained at the most.
    I would for sure not be pla nningpon losing 20# if i gained a total of 30# ! Something would be up if that happened

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