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Thread: Future Cycle/PCT advice

  1. #1

    Future Cycle/PCT advice

    As I consider to learn and begin working on my physique I have questions and looking for advice for future cycle.

    So far I keep hearing that Test alone makes a very good beginner cycle and some places I read Test 500mg weekly for 8 weeks plus Dianabol for 4 weeks at 25mg daily is good.

    I've also heard a lot about anavar which seems to be a very good option for a start which I imagine PCT will still be needed but I'm not really sure I can do the whole injecting my self with a needle thing but I mean I bet some people can give advice on that.

    I've also been over to the diet forum to ask about advice which can be found here but not many responses.

    Everyone is probably going to ask for age, weight, and height so they can give the best advice so...

    I'll be 20 in December and I'm 5' 6" and weight jumps between 138 - 145

    According to these charts I'm pretty good standing with my weight for my height

    I am also looking for advice on good supplements. I've already ordered creatine and waiting for it in the mail.

    Any advice involving diet/supplements/cycle/pct/injecting/ would be great
    Last edited by iTh3 Riddler; 09-07-2009 at 08:27 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Bro i would wait a year or two at least before considering any steroid.. Your still too young bro.... No sense in shutting down already high testosterone levels....

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    Bro i would wait a year or two at least before considering any steroid.. Your still too young bro.... No sense in shutting down already high testosterone levels....
    I agree.

    Stick around and read, bro.

    In that time learn how your body responds to different dieting/training protocols.

    In no time you'll have learned a ton of info, and will have built up a solid natural base on which to build.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Bro I'm your same height. And didn't start cycling until like 170ish..

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Your dont want to being using any kind of AAS at 19yrs old, your natural testosterone is at the highest you will ever be in your lifetime so why shut it down! Your HPTA what controls and manages your testosterone isnt full developed and shutting it down before it is can create serious probelms for you such as low libido, unable to get erection, depression, sleeping problems and weight loss to name a few.

    You can with the correct diet achieve some very good goals and IMHO isnt worth causing these problems in your 20's

  6. #6
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    Only cycle i would run is a cycle of creatine, protein, and my some celltech BABY!

  7. #7
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    Welcome....You are too young to cycle, but you are not too young to research. Glad to see that you are beginning to do some research, the more you can read, the better off you will be.

    As far as those charts go, they are a joke. They are meant for the average man or woman, without an atheletic build. I am 1 inch taller than you and I am sitting right around 188, at around 10-11% bodyfat, without doing a cycle yet.

    It is all about diet, whether being enhanced or natural.

  8. #8
    I understand the advice you guys say bout waiting. Hence future cycle and how I am learning and researching which Is why I also asked about supplement advice and diet. I am in no way gonna start cycling till I get the supplements and diet plus workout down. This is research and I'm not gonna dive right into it without learning

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Research as much as you like, this forum is full of knowledge and very good information what will make you achieve your goals but dont consider cycling till the age of 24yrs-25yrs.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Research as much as you like, this forum is full of knowledge and very good information what will make you achieve your goals but dont consider cycling till the age of 24yrs-25yrs.

    I was going to wait a while to cycle but I have questions which can be better answered if I direct it at everyone how I would like to know it. Thats why I made this thread. Learn Learn Learn is what I keep reading all over this forum so thats what I am doing which is why I ask these questions and ask for advice.

  11. #11
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    As far as supplements go, this is what has worked best for me:

    1.A good whey protein for post workout


    3.Creatine Mono

    4.A good multi-vitamin

    5.A good diet

    Diet should be top of the list.

  12. #12
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    is it just me or have their been a ton of teens and 20 year olds posting about wanting to cycle ! WTF!! imo age wise ,you shouldnt consider using aas until 25 earliest. and they are all 90lbs and shlt wanting an easy get big fast thing . ITS A LIFESTYLE MAN IVE BEEN LIFTING ON AND OFF SINCE 13 ,ITS LIKE A DRUG TO ME IF IM NOT LIFTING I DONT FEEL RIGHT (its in the blood)

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by ted666 View Post
    is it just me or have their been a ton of teens and 20 year olds posting about wanting to cycle ! WTF!! imo age wise ,you shouldnt consider using aas until 25 earliest. and they are all 90lbs and shlt wanting an easy get big fast thing . ITS A LIFESTYLE MAN IVE BEEN LIFTING ON AND OFF SINCE 13 ,ITS LIKE A DRUG TO ME IF IM NOT LIFTING I DONT FEEL RIGHT (its in the blood)
    Future Cycle Man. Wish some people would realize this is me trying to learn for the long term and not right now. Diet and supplements have been my thing lately but that doesn't mean I can't ask and learn as much as I can about a cycle now for the future

  14. #14
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by iTh3 Riddler View Post
    Future Cycle Man. Wish some people would realize this is me trying to learn for the long term and not right now. Diet and supplements have been my thing lately but that doesn't mean I can't ask and learn as much as I can about a cycle now for the future
    Check out the stickies at the top of the page, all the info you require for future cycling is there.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Check out the stickies at the top of the page, all the info you require for future cycling is there.
    Already have. This was a post to ask advice from everyone not a specific thread.

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