so iv been taking American (tren) + mass capsules for id say 3 cycles of 2 month periods.. i off cycle with testanon 2250, im close to 21 years of age and im about 5'6 and WAS 165.
so basically my problem is this. i hav a good diet and trained straight off and off cyle with maybe only a month or 2 break with all the days together in the year.i gain from about 140 to 165 and i worked hard for it cause im trying to get as big as possible, because i can cutt very easily. well i got sick for about a week 2 weeks ago just a normal cold and couldnt lift or eat cause strip throat. i loose EVERYTHING im down to 140...? im on my off cycle by the way. its just so depressing all that work i put in and i loose it all in a matter of 2 weeks.
basically i just want advice on what im doing wrong or is there anything else i could try for AMAZING mass results, my main problem is i have VERY fast matablism.....sorry i mventing im just so mad and my freind told me about this site