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Thread: please help...depressed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    please help...depressed

    so iv been taking American (tren) + mass capsules for id say 3 cycles of 2 month periods.. i off cycle with testanon 2250, im close to 21 years of age and im about 5'6 and WAS 165.

    so basically my problem is this. i hav a good diet and trained straight off and off cyle with maybe only a month or 2 break with all the days together in the year.i gain from about 140 to 165 and i worked hard for it cause im trying to get as big as possible, because i can cutt very easily. well i got sick for about a week 2 weeks ago just a normal cold and couldnt lift or eat cause strip throat. i loose EVERYTHING im down to 140...? im on my off cycle by the way. its just so depressing all that work i put in and i loose it all in a matter of 2 weeks.

    basically i just want advice on what im doing wrong or is there anything else i could try for AMAZING mass results, my main problem is i have VERY fast matablism.....sorry i mventing im just so mad and my freind told me about this site
    Last edited by napt; 09-09-2009 at 09:08 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Melbourne, Australia
    sounds like your to young to be cycling anyway, and a proper diet is more in need befor starting a new cycle..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    First, edit your post.

    No lab names can be used.




  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    well the problem with just the diet is well iv been lifting constent for id say sense freshmen year? so about 6 years. and iv never took anything up until early this year. but i get NO results after i hit 145 like a max out in weight if im not on a cycle. i was eating 4 BIG meals and 2000 calories worth of protein shakes a day, gym 5 days a week cycling muscle groups. and literally cant gain a pound. i know alot of people are against the use of anything at younge age, but i figure if i get edgucated enough about it at 21 i should be able to do somthing other then good dieting and creatien.

    i dunno man, honest between loosing all my gain and my chick cheating on me recently after 3 years its just to much. i need the size just to make my self feel better cause the dieting isnt working..going nuts

    edited btw, sorry new here
    Last edited by napt; 09-09-2009 at 09:14 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    bay area/ colfax
    well 4 big meals a day at 2000 calories a day isnt gonna cut it pal. especially if you wanna get a big as possible like you said. so your probably 19 years old? if so way too young too be cycling

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    You are using supplements to gain mass, and more than likely not dieting/lifting correctly. What ever mass you gained "on cycle" does not "stick" like natural gained muscle. You need to drop the supps, and check the diet forum. Diet is key to gain real, clean muscle. You may also wanna get some blood work done to make sure you are at normal levels.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by napt View Post
    so iv been taking American culular labs (tren) + mass for id say 3 cycles of 2 month periods.. i off cycle with testanon 2250, im close to 21 years of age and im about 5'6 and WAS 165.

    so basically my problem is this. i hav a good diet and trained straight off and off cyle with maybe only a month or 2 break with all the days together in the year.i gain from about 140 to 165 and i worked hard for it cause im trying to get as big as possible, because i can cutt very easily. well i got sick for about a week 2 weeks ago just a normal cold and couldnt lift or eat cause strip throat. i loose EVERYTHING im down to 140...? im on my off cycle by the way. its just so depressing all that work i put in and i loose it all in a matter of 2 weeks.

    basically i just want advice on what im doing wrong or is there anything else i could try for AMAZING mass results, my main problem is i have VERY fast matablism.....sorry i mventing im just so mad and my freind told me about this site
    You are too young to cycle.

    Your BW is to low, meaning your diet is not right.

    You need to stop every thing you are doing and start your PCT.

    Your post is confusing to me, so Bare with me here.

    You need bloodwork done. ASAP.

    You need to know what your baseline natty test was , is now, and what it can return to.(after PCT).

    Go see a doctor!

    Sounds like you may have issues other than just your test axis being screwed up.(If that is the case).



  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    protein shakes are crap eat FOOD!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    I still don't understand how people think that drinking DUST is a viable replacement for REAL FOOD.

    2000 calories from DUST? WOW.

    Probably went through a ton of toilet paper for this diet.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    I hear ya!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    He said 4 meals PLUS 2000 calories worth of protein shakes.

    Four food-based meals plus protein shakes is perfectly fine and a LOT of people do this, so I don't see why you're shitting on him for that.

    What I'm wondering is how the hell did protein shakes work up to 2000 calories? Are these 'gainer' shakes? If so, the weight you dropped was most likely FAT and WATER.

    If you actually gained 25lbs of LBM, there's no way you would have lost all of it in just two weeks.

    Sounds like your diet and training needs improvement though.

    Post your diet and routine. Also, what exactly were you cycling and for how long each cycle? I find your first post a bit confusing.

    BTW, been there done that.. I've gotten sick/injured three times in the past year, and each time had to take time off from lifting. It's both depressing and frustrating. Just keep at it and don't look back, otherwise you're just going to drive yourself crazy.
    Last edited by kloan; 09-09-2009 at 10:18 PM.

  12. #12
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    Jul 2009
    it's not " perfectly fine" its overkill and he is not gettin the quality food he needs for quality muscle. Protein shakes are meal supplements. I am anxious to hear what the 4 food based meals consist of.

  13. #13
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    Aug 2008
    It's overkill for 2000 calories worth...

    If the 4 meals he's eating is good quality, proper sized meals with all the right protein/carbs/fats I dont see the problem with having a couple shakes in a day to go along with it.

    Protein shakes are supplements, yes. That's exactly what I'm talking about. Tons of people drink 2 to 3 shakes a day along with 4 to 5 meals, or as low as 3 meals when dieting.

    Whey protein is FAR from 'dust'... why the **** would people drink it, if all it was was 'dust'?

    Anyway, obviously there is something wrong with his diet, otherwise he wouldn't have lost so much during his time off. That's why I asked him to post specifics.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    lets just see what this dudes diet is and go from there. judging from his weight and situation i highly doubt he is running a good diet.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by kloan View Post
    He said 4 meals PLUS 2000 calories worth of protein shakes.

    Four food-based meals plus protein shakes is perfectly fine and a LOT of people do this.

    ", so I don't see why you're shitting on him for that."


    dude, 2000 calories of shakes? man, that is like liquid shits from hell. how many shakes is that? 6? 7?

    I know a lot of tastiest and healthier things than 2000 calories worth of shakes.

    For me, i'm down to drink one in the morning, one PWO, and one before sleep. Or one when I'm in a rush, and don't have time to cook food.

    shakes are supplements, not food replacements.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    im using isopure zero carb at the moment. I will never put a shake in front of tasty cooked dead animal.

  17. #17
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    Sep 2009
    im taking a weight gain powder, my meal usually consist of 2 hardboiled eggs and a bowl of cereal in the morning, 1st lunch tuna and manaise with 1 hardboiled egg, 2nd lunch another regular tuna can with hard boiled egg, and for dinner usually chicken and rice or some kind of noddles spegeti and protein shake. i have a protein shake b4 or after every meal as well.
    Last edited by napt; 09-10-2009 at 01:51 AM.

  18. #18
    i was going to come in here and ego trip all over this bizzitch but i wont because you said so.

  19. #19
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    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by napt View Post
    im taking a weight gain powder, my meal usually consist of 2 hardboiled eggs and a bowl of cereal in the morning, 1st lunch tuna and manaise with 1 hardboiled egg, 2nd lunch another regular tuna can with hard boiled egg, and for dinner usually chicken and rice or some kind of noddles spegeti and protein shake. i have a protein shake b4 or after every meal as well.

    look if u hav negative things to say about what im doing please keep it to urself i hav enough problems and dont need to kno why im messing up. thank you to the guys actually trying to help i really appreicate it. i know i dont know enough about what im doing. im only edgucated from what the store clerks and people at the gym have told me, which is why i came here for help.

    im in a terrible up hill battle and want useful information and help.. not that im "TO YOUNGE" because really the guys saying that shit need to grow up there selfs and stop ego triping on me because im younger
    holy hell dude, your diet needs serious work.

    listen, the only reason anyone's giving you a hard time is because you need to hear it. sometimes it's the only way you can learn.

    when one does a cycle (still not sure what you used), a lot of weight gained can be water retention. this is very dependent on the diet as well. you can run different compounds that will yield slightly more muscle mass, but you still have to run a proper PCT and eat/train to maintain those gains. a lot of the time, one will still drop weight even if those are done properly, because again depending on the types of compounds you ran, a lot of the weight can be water.

    so if you gain 25lbs, but it's mostly water bloat and fat, if you suddenly stop working out immediately after that you're going to lose it quick.

    stop drinking the weight gainers. they're crap. most of them are full of empty carbs (sugar) and do nothing for gaining quality muscle.

    you need to get yourself some normal whey protein (i like the plain isolate/concentrate combo from true protein myself - no carbs in it). dont have more than 2 a day so you can rely more on real food to get the amount of protein, carbs and fat you need in a day.

    you also need to do a lot more research into diet. you're not eating properly. you need more natural source protein, better carb sources (not from weight gainers) and you need to be able to know your body and how you gain so you can adjust when you need to so that you're not getting too fat while bulking up.

    it was too soon to do any kind of cycle (pro hormone or steroid). its very important you get your diet and training nailed before you ever consider doing steroids. its a big step, so you want to make sure you get the most out of it, right?

    i think you should just read up on diets, focus on gaining naturally and keeping yourself healthy. in a couple years when you've managed to gain those 25lbs on your own, without the help of AAS, then if you still want to you can reward yourself with a cycle.


    Anyway, Google sample bulking diets to see what kind of diets people use.... if your an ectomorph/hard gainer (sounds like you are) here's a good read:
    Last edited by kloan; 09-10-2009 at 02:08 AM.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by premedreject View Post

    ", so I don't see why you're shitting on him for that."


    dude, 2000 calories of shakes? man, that is like liquid shits from hell. how many shakes is that? 6? 7?

    I know a lot of tastiest and healthier things than 2000 calories worth of shakes.

    For me, i'm down to drink one in the morning, one PWO, and one before sleep. Or one when I'm in a rush, and don't have time to cook food.

    shakes are supplements, not food replacements.
    and now we know it was 2000 calories from weight gainer shakes.... yuck.

    me, i drink one a day, two on workout days... im currently dieting.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Listen to them and go see an endo.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by napt View Post

    MEAL 1) 2 hardboiled eggs and a bowl of cereal in the morning,

    MEAL 2) 1st lunch tuna and manaise with 1 hardboiled egg,

    MEAL 3) 2nd lunch another regular tuna can with hard boiled egg,

    MEAL 4) Chicken and rice or some kind of noddles spegeti and protein shake.
    "BIG" meals?

    Also, What kind of chicken is it? McDonald 1 dollar chicken grilled sandwiches?

  23. #23
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    Sep 2009
    no its home made chicken grilled, whatever i dont eat i pack for lunch for work over the rest of the week. chick legs maurenated. and the cereal is wheatys. im gona read up on the dieting though. i think another big problem is tho i cant eat alot at once because i cant life on a full stomach, so i try to eat smaller but more times if that makes sense. but im gona read up on dieting and im sure it will answer my question.

    also i figured it was a problem with the water weight, but i was thinking it was from the TREN, i didnt think it would be the shakes.either way im not sure the dieting will help me gain mass, because yes it will get me healthy but literally i could eat donuts and soda for 3 months and not gain a pound either because of my metabalism.

    i will read up on the dieting any information i can use will help, i just dont know if anyone could sort of relate to my problem. most people have a problem loosing weight but for me its the complete opposite. no matter what i eat i cant even gain fat if i tried, but working construction hagning drywall might be burning more carbs then im aware. either way thanks for the post its much appreciated and i will be looking into a better diet
    Last edited by napt; 09-10-2009 at 03:21 AM.

  24. #24
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    Aug 2008
    since you have a hard time gaining weight, eating more quality carbs will certainly help. the carbs in those weight gainers is mostly sugar.. that's not going to help you gain quality muscle. perhaps someone more experienced with how to explain it can chime in, i just know it isn't good for you and won't help.

    reading up on the diets doesnt mean 'weight loss'... its just referring to a structured meal plan, called a 'diet'. its important to know that distinction.

    doing the work you do definitely will contribute to your weight gain difficulty, so eating more carbs will help with that as well. but you need more food-source protein too.

    also, try not to eat too much canned tuna. i know it's convenient, but it's also high in mercury and can be toxic if you eat too much of it.

    for convenience meals, canned chicken and turkey are also good quick fixes, and are pretty cheap in the grocery store as well.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by napt View Post
    no its home made chicken grilled, whatever i dont eat i pack for lunch for work over the rest of the week. chick legs maurenated. and the cereal is wheatys. im gona read up on the dieting though. i think another big problem is tho i cant eat alot at once because i cant life on a full stomach, so i try to eat smaller but more times if that makes sense. but im gona read up on dieting and im sure it will answer my question.

    also i figured it was a problem with the water weight, but i was thinking it was from the TREN, i didnt think it would be the shakes.either way im not sure the dieting will help me gain mass, because yes it will get me healthy but literally i could eat donuts and soda for 3 months and not gain a pound either because of my metabalism.

    i will read up on the dieting any information i can use will help, i just dont know if anyone could sort of relate to my problem. most people have a problem loosing weight but for me its the complete opposite. no matter what i eat i cant even gain fat if i tried, but working construction hagning drywall might be burning more carbs then im aware. either way thanks for the post its much appreciated and i will be looking into a better diet
    first thing you will learn in the diet forum is that the word diet dosnt nessasaraly mean dieting to loose weight.....there are different diets for bulking and is obvious that you have a lot to learn....but you are in the right place if that is what you really want to do...learn....

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