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Thread: Its time...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    East Coast

    Its time...

    Its time...oh its time....ITS CYCLE TIME!!

    Whats up fellas? I'm new to this forum...Not new to AS or these type of forums but my old forum got shut down and was looking for a good one to post and gain some knowledge and give some as well (no matter how much you know, you can always learn more from others whom are experienced and less experienced). Anyways its been a good year (cycle 4) since I last dipped into the world of the insane...and I feel its time again.

    Age: 26
    Height: 5'7''
    Weight: 190
    Body Fat: approx. 9%-12%

    So here we go, I have all my gear in hand and ready to dive head first. I'm just stuck on what I wanna add into my cycle, I want it to be close to perfect...heres what I was thinking...always would like to hear others opinions and comments.

    Test E @ 500mg wk 1-4 then bump 750mg wk 5-12
    Dbol wk 1-6 at 50mg ed
    EQ starting 2 weeks before my actual cycle @ 1000mg (front load) then wks 1-12 @ 750mg
    I have liquid Nolva and Liquid Clo but also have the oral form...I like them both but haven't decided on which to use for PTC.

    Alright guys have at it....tell me if you like, hate or wanna changed something. I enjoy hearing what others think...
    Last edited by E Police 183; 03-03-2010 at 07:51 AM.

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Stick with one dose all the way through with the cycle - test E,
    30mgs ed for the first 4-5 wks will be fine - dbol,
    drop the eq, its worthless IMHO.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by E Police 183 View Post
    Its time...oh its time....ITS CYCLE TIME!!

    Whats up fellas? I'm new to this forum...Not new to AS or these type of forums but my old forum got shut down and was looking for a good one to post and gain some knowledge and give some as well (no matter how much you know, you can always learn more from others whom are experienced and less experienced). Anyways its been a good year (cycle 5) since I last dipped into the world of the insane...and I feel its time again.

    Age: 26
    Height: 5'7''
    Weight: 190
    Body Fat: approx. 9%-12%

    So here we go, I have all my gear in hand and ready to dive head first. I'm just stuck on what I wanna add into my cycle, I want it to be close to perfect...heres what I was thinking...always would like to hear others opinions and comments.

    Test E @ 500mg wk 1-4 then bump 750mg wk 5-12
    Dbol wk 1-6 at 30mg ed (someone told me they did it has 50mg ed, too much?
    EQ starting 2 weeks before my actual cycle @ 800mg (front load) then wks 1-12 @ 500mg
    I have liquid Nolva and Liquid Clo but also have the oral form...I like them both but haven't decided on which to use for PTC.

    Alright guys have at it....tell me if you like, hate or wanna changed something. I enjoy hearing what others think...

    The cycle needs a little tweeking, but it's a nice mild cycle to come back into the world of AAS. The EQ will give you some very nice vascularity (especially with your low bf%) and some greatly increased hunger. This is what I would propose:

    (weeks 1 - 15) Test-E @ 600-650mg each week
    (weeks 1 - 14) EQ @ 600-700mg each week
    (weeks 1 - 6) D-bol @ 40-50mg each day

    Should be a nice cycle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    East Coast
    sorry for this extra post.
    Last edited by E Police 183; 09-18-2009 at 02:05 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Thanx for the quick replies. The EQ is a personal favorite...i have been told by many people to drop the EQ whenever i do a cycle but i love it, like v-man said, it makes me eat everything in site (only good foods tho) which is one reason why I like to have it in all my cycles (didnt use it in my first cycle). I didnt want to have the eq over power the test, limp dick effect, but maybe with only 50mgs over the test that would be irrelevant. This will be my first time using Dbol...besides looking at profiles and researching it I have no idea what I will see from it, obviously different with everyone...
    past cycles have included: Test E, Test Cyp, EQ, Andriol, Winny, Sust, and of course prob the most important, proper PCT.
    what do you think i should look for with the dbol, what can i expect?
    ahh, forgot to add, and like the EQ, i use this in every secret weapon....Superdrol. I know its not an AAS but imo it is a great supplement...and the best "OTC" I have seen. When it first came out and I used it i f'n loved it and stocked up (still have 12 bottles left) the new superdrol just isn't the same.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009
    12 bottles?? OHHHHH diggity! SD is one of my personal favorites as well! Just can't get my hands on it any more. You lucky dog...

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    yeah bro that stuff is like the dinosaurs, F'n extinct!!!
    Dbol results?
    and whats the best thing i can do to min. the bloat? (besides not use it haha)

  8. #8
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    East Coast
    sorry guys, new to the site and having troubles with the posting.
    Last edited by E Police 183; 09-18-2009 at 02:31 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    East Coast
    Well I did my first injection today, decided to change it up a bit and do 275mg every 3 days of my test. I also started with the dbal at 50mg, and my favorite EQ bringing it down to 500MG...Its been at 800mg the past 2 weeks front loading. Obviously i ran to the gym right after the shot (i know i'm not gonna see anything, i'm not a newbie but I still had my gym time) Did a good chest workout getting my max at 315 for a rep, cant wait for the gear to kick in and really start putting up weight. ahhh i love it and can wait. I still dont know what to expect from the Dbol tho...a newbie with that...any ideas?

  10. #10
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    a good quick build up of strength and noticable size

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