After my study of the Kabbalah and related texts (Goetia, 72 Names of God etc.,) I've pretty much come to the conclusion that there is no "heaven" or "hell" by definition, and are just mearly means of describing mental states of being - not actual places.
"Spirits" and "Demons" are really just acts of your conscious/unconscious mind. Demons being knowledge or ego based actions, and "higher spirits" or angels as people say would be acts of true will or "self".
If anyone is familiar with the Goetia, they know of King Solomons system of evoking and controling "spirits". Through ceremonies using perfumes, candles, props, hallucinagins, etc., all to alter the state of the person "evoking" this spirit. It all is symbolic of certain areas or portions of your very own brain that normally go left untapped, and by following these rituals, you supposidly "open" these special areas of your own mind.
So.. no spirits, no demons, no devil, no "God" by definition. Its my belief that "God" is nothing more then a higher state of being, and that Jesus was nothing but a modern day magician.
Not sure if anyone follows any type of philosophy... but just thought Id bring this up and see where it goes.