Hey. I've been lifting for about 2 years now. I've put a lot of research into training, nutrition, and things of that nature during this time. I feel I know my stuff pretty well, and as a result I've been able to gain pretty effectively. For instance, in the last month I've put on 7lbs of weight, 5 of which has been muscle. This is pretty common for me, which from my understanding is very fast gains when done without. Would anyone agree with this?
Anyway, I recently went to the doc and had my blood tested. The results of the test showed by test levels at 205ng/dl. (I'm 23, never used steroids before) Which is waaaayy low. He prescribed some androgel 1% (50mg). I've felt pretty good, but haven't noticed any real weight gain or anything of that nature, mostly just more energy. I know it's pretty weak stuff, as only 10% is absorbed. Has anyone used this stuff and found it to be effective for bulking or cutting?
Having had a taste, I’ve decided I want to do a bigger cycle of some “real” stuff. As someone with naturally low test, would it be wise to do a "big" cycle for growth? My concern is, what would be the best way to cycle off, just do a cycle then normal PCT (clomid or whatever) coupled with what is prescribed to me? I don't want to mess myself up bad.
For a first cycle I was thinking about just running d-bol, starting with 10mg/day at first, growing up to 50mg/day towards the middle of the cycle, then cycling back down towards the end, for a total of 8 weeks. I fear side effects, as I'm a little acne prone and my dad is bald as hell, so my main concern is doing a cycle with as little sides as possible. Any suggestions for a good beginner cycle for my situation?
My stats:
Age: 23
Height: 6'3"
Weight 275
BF %: 19.5%