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Thread: 1st Cycle for dude with naturally low test

  1. #1

    Cool 1st Cycle for dude with naturally low test

    Hey. I've been lifting for about 2 years now. I've put a lot of research into training, nutrition, and things of that nature during this time. I feel I know my stuff pretty well, and as a result I've been able to gain pretty effectively. For instance, in the last month I've put on 7lbs of weight, 5 of which has been muscle. This is pretty common for me, which from my understanding is very fast gains when done without. Would anyone agree with this?

    Anyway, I recently went to the doc and had my blood tested. The results of the test showed by test levels at 205ng/dl. (I'm 23, never used steroids before) Which is waaaayy low. He prescribed some androgel 1% (50mg). I've felt pretty good, but haven't noticed any real weight gain or anything of that nature, mostly just more energy. I know it's pretty weak stuff, as only 10% is absorbed. Has anyone used this stuff and found it to be effective for bulking or cutting?

    Having had a taste, I’ve decided I want to do a bigger cycle of some “real” stuff. As someone with naturally low test, would it be wise to do a "big" cycle for growth? My concern is, what would be the best way to cycle off, just do a cycle then normal PCT (clomid or whatever) coupled with what is prescribed to me? I don't want to mess myself up bad.

    For a first cycle I was thinking about just running d-bol, starting with 10mg/day at first, growing up to 50mg/day towards the middle of the cycle, then cycling back down towards the end, for a total of 8 weeks. I fear side effects, as I'm a little acne prone and my dad is bald as hell, so my main concern is doing a cycle with as little sides as possible. Any suggestions for a good beginner cycle for my situation?

    My stats:
    Age: 23
    Height: 6'3"
    Weight 275
    BF %: 19.5%
    Last edited by thekzilla; 10-15-2009 at 07:17 PM. Reason: Left my stats out

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    blue trunks
    Have you researched a proper first cycle?

  3. #3
    I believe so. A lot of people suggest running 500mg/week of some test coupled with maybe a jump start of some D-bol for the first week or two. I know there are a lot of different approaches. I've read a few books on the subject, so all I lack is true experiance. My real worries are

    1. My naturally occuring low test issue, and how to best cycle off of the higher doses in such a way as to avoid my low test issues (no energy, crap recovery ability, etc)

    2. I gain fast already. I want to gain faster with "help", but I'm not so gung-ho that I'm willing to risk going bald or having my face go all nasty like I'm 15 just quite yet. With that said, I want a cycle that is safe sides wise. I know early bodybuilders ran just D-Bol, and I've considered doing the same. I'd like to keep it simple for a first go-round.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Boston, MA
    if your still able to gain 5 pounds of muscle a month.. i don't think you need to start

  5. #5
    I've considered that. But a lot of the concerns for not using steroids while younger is so you don't screw up your hormones and therefor your natural ease of gaining, correct?

    Well, my test is naturally low and I can still gain quickly. With that said, who cares? I want it now, same as anyone else who does this. :P I do have reasons as to why it would be advantagous for me to put on 30lbs in 8 weeks vs 6 months, above and beyond being impatient.

    Plus in many cases bodyfat % decreases during a cylce, with LBM increasing. My weakness being a high bodyfat %, I certaintly wouldn't mind reaping those rewards.

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