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Thread: Bad Idea? Feed Back Please

  1. #1

    Question Bad Idea? Feed Back Please

    Hey Guys,

    Looking to take a few things and wanted your option on what you guys think, as far as what could happen/dangers

    I am looking to take:

    Lg Science Stack (4 wk stack, 2 wk pct)
    Strombafort (30-40mgs 5-6 wks)
    Hydroxycut (4 wks)
    Clomid (1 wk 50-100, 2 wk 50, 3 wk 50-25, wk 4 25)

    *Obviously I would time them to all end at the same time*

    I do not want to take test or anything like that (sticking is not an option) far as what is laid out what do you think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    you'd probably have better luck posting this in the supplement section.

    Out of curiosity, what are your stats and goals?

  3. #3
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    So a couple supplements and winny and clomid?
    Sounds awful.
    Body fat%?
    Years training?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    So a couple supplements and winny and clomid?
    I missed the winny in that mix.

    good eye, Big.

  5. #5
    Haha it was just a thought, curious what would happen...

    Goals - looking to cut up a lil bit and get that extra boost
    Age- 20
    Height - 6
    Weight - 184
    BF % - 11-13%
    Years Training - Last summer of 08 to present

  6. #6
    Ment to add w/ the clomid as well, Milk Thistle (i believe that's how you spell it, but you get the idea)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    If you just started lifting you need to give it some time before you mess with gear or prohormones. I dont know what LG's stack is but im assuming its a prohormone methylated stack. Just eat and lift....use creatine, get ur protein and carbs post workout, when you get all your natural gains in and put in some effort and work then mess with this stuff.

  8. #8
    I have been going hard for that amount of time but i have hit the gym since freshmen yr of hs, just enough to stay in shape, so this was just outta curiousty to what this would do for me and what this would do as a stack together wit everything, I have taken 2 bottles of hydroxycut over the past yr and everything has worked out well.

    I am just trying to see what would these stack would hypothetically do

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    i hear more kids are having prbs with the prohormones/supps than anything.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by ItsAllNatural View Post
    I have been going hard for that amount of time but i have hit the gym since freshmen yr of hs, just enough to stay in shape, so this was just outta curiousty to what this would do for me and what this would do as a stack together wit everything, I have taken 2 bottles of hydroxycut over the past yr and everything has worked out well.

    I am just trying to see what would these stack would hypothetically do
    Well Hydroxycut is quite differerent than pro hormones. If you just are looking to lose fat and build muscle...look to your diet and possiby add a fat burner again when you get that in check. Doesn't make sense to jump in pro hormones at ur age.

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