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Thread: bad acne still after 6 months post cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    bad acne still after 6 months post cycle

    early in 09 i took and omnadren 500mg/deca 300mg cycle for 12 weeks, (first 11 with deca, last week was test only) with a nolvadex pct, i feel like i have recovered basically everywhere except my skin is still a mess especially my back, it has been 6 months since the cycle was ended i would ha ve thought all of these sides would have cleared by now, anyone else have ongoing acne and if so, how long did it take to finally clear up

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    i have never had acne but i know people who have ,have you tryed tanning beds? it drys the skin and can really help clear up acne .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    yes i have and it helps mdoerately for a few days, but as soon as it fades its basically back to square 1, its not nearly as bad as it was the first month or two post cycle, but nowhere close to as g ood as it was pre cycle

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Welcome to my world ever since my first cycle my back turned into a war zone of pimples, they would rip throughout the day or during workouts and bleed through my under shirts.

    It was a mess, right now I am currently on my 2nd run through of an antibiotic acne medication called Doryx and hopefully it will limit acne while I am on cycle right now. My back is alot better than when my first ended.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    There are acne educational threads to be found in here but.....

    start taking 10grams of vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) a day and it should definately help. Also.... look into a product called Zapzyt containing benzoyl peroxide - it helps me.

    You can also look into a product called acne annhilator.....

    This happens to me if i don't take care of the acne.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Venice CA
    Quote Originally Posted by Rockin Z28 View Post
    early in 09 i took and omnadren 500mg/deca 300mg cycle for 12 weeks, (first 11 with deca, last week was test only) with a nolvadex pct, i feel like i have recovered basically everywhere except my skin is still a mess especially my back, it has been 6 months since the cycle was ended i would ha ve thought all of these sides would have cleared by now, anyone else have ongoing acne and if so, how long did it take to finally clear up
    Got the same problem. It's been a year since my last cycle and the acne is still pretty bad. I had it bad as a teenager then it went away in my early 20s and came back when I started using steroids in my late 20s, and hasn't left. I'm wondering if steroids change the oil glands permanently.

  7. #7
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    Sep 2007
    The b-5 mentioned seems to help a bit, I seemed to benefit from it initially then after about 2-3 weeks the backacne was back to normal.

    Tanning, well although it dried out my skin for a few days and eventually when the zits were gone there were spots (scar type)from burning the zits onto my skin, I dont recommend the tanning beds.

    The only thing that seemed to work for me, which is always frowned upon is accutane. I used a light dose to see how my skin would react to it, and eventually used eod. Worked like a miracle, just be sure if your not getting it from your doctor that you have your liver values monitored. I was very skeptical given all the negative side effects. Do your research but its the only thing that has ever worked for me.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Coop77 View Post
    Got the same problem. It's been a year since my last cycle and the acne is still pretty bad. I had it bad as a teenager then it went away in my early 20s and came back when I started using steroids in my late 20s, and hasn't left. I'm wondering if steroids change the oil glands permanently.
    seems pretty unlikely but i guess anything is possible

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    There are acne educational threads to be found in here but.....

    start taking 10grams of vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) a day and it should definately help. Also.... look into a product called Zapzyt containing benzoyl peroxide - it helps me.

    You can also look into a product called acne annhilator.....

    This happens to me if i don't take care of the acne.....

    the acne annihilator by platinum labz is what my whole camp has used lately.
    Very effective,,cheap and ZERO sides. Ive seen it work wonders first hand.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2009
    seriously get a prescription for some antibiotics its the only thing that helped me out.

    CYPRO is great or doxycycline.

  11. #11

    Roid Acne

    Quote Originally Posted by BREW-MAN View Post
    i have never had acne but i know people who have ,have you tryed tanning beds? it drys the skin and can really help clear up acne .
    Tanning helps alot and you can also get a script for doxycline. It is very cheap (like 4bucks!) and is most often prescribed for problem acne. You should be able to get it with no questions asked. Just an idea.

    A lot of us huge roid muscle freaks wear it as a badge of honor! Sometimes the badge tends to get to out of control and just looks unattractive and that's when it's time for the doxycline. GOOD LUCK BIG MAN!

  12. #12
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    I have battled acne for 5 years and am finally on accutane (3+ months in treatment). It is CRAZY but worth it. So many insane mental and physical sides but nothing unbearable and supposedly all temporary sides. SUPER expensive. I have tried all suggestions listed here and can say for me the only thing that worked was constantly rubbing my face with isopropyl alcohol and tanning. The creams and antibiotics never worked and actually made me worse. Everyone is different and my case was pretty bad but I honestly believe every treatment is a scam except for accutane.

    Acne is terrible, it makes people treat you much differently and never in your favor. I recommend no one try to battle it and go to a doctor and go through treatments and get accutane because your life will get better if people treat you better. Get good health insurance if you are in america before hand because it will be worth it. If you are able to order it for cheap (I am not because I have gone to jail for that) then go to a doctor anyway for supervision because this stuff can kill you and you need the bloodwork.

  13. #13
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    Aug 2008
    Previous cycle with Test E and Dec triggered bad chest acne which took me three months of below regimen and laser treatment to remove scarring and stopped acne. I'm currently on Tren/Test E as well and the below regimen prevent acne formation:

    1) roccutane 10mg/d
    2) clindamycin tab 100mg/day
    3) Differin gel (night only)
    4) hydrocortisone or betamethasone cream + gentamycin for big pustules
    5) certirizine/ Zytrec one tab/day (to reduce inflammatory response)
    6) 100mg lysozyme/danzene

  14. #14
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    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by elfin1mf View Post
    I have battled acne for 5 years and am finally on accutane (3+ months in treatment). It is CRAZY but worth it. So many insane mental and physical sides but nothing unbearable and supposedly all temporary sides. SUPER expensive. I have tried all suggestions listed here and can say for me the only thing that worked was constantly rubbing my face with isopropyl alcohol and tanning. The creams and antibiotics never worked and actually made me worse. Everyone is different and my case was pretty bad but I honestly believe every treatment is a scam except for accutane.

    Acne is terrible, it makes people treat you much differently and never in your favor. I recommend no one try to battle it and go to a doctor and go through treatments and get accutane because your life will get better if people treat you better. Get good health insurance if you are in america before hand because it will be worth it. If you are able to order it for cheap (I am not because I have gone to jail for that) then go to a doctor anyway for supervision because this stuff can kill you and you need the bloodwork.
    Agreed, I tried it all trust me. Nothing worked like accutane. Save your money on all that vit b, annihailator wash, etc etc, if its bad its not going to work dont believe the hype. Search for it online it can be found very affordable and start with eod treatement first to monitor sides, you will not regret it. BUT if you have any type of mental, phsych issues DO NOT TAKE unless you consult a doctor. Some kids have taken and flew cessnas into buildings, true story.

  15. #15
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    nc triangle
    Funny story, the day after posting this I went to get my script for 80mg a day and my insurance had more than doubled the price on these bad boys. Thank goodness for canadian pharmacies and research chem sites. My doctor is completely on board with me getting it online. AGAIN, please get health insurance and see a doctor, but try to get the cheapest price on the meds themselves because only REALLY good insurance will cover enough on the actual medication to make it worth while.

  16. #16
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    they would rip throughout the day or during workouts and bleed through my under shirts.
    Poor bloke, that's an eye opener.

  17. #17
    bump, wondering if this guy cured his acne? im 8 months post a test e/deca cycle, still getting acne, 90% cleared up due to accutane............ but still getting acne, so desperate for help. there must be a reason why im still getting acne.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Idk I also have a bit of acne since my last cycle and some.more are going out at 200mg test/week(cruise)

    I started accutane 3 days ago at 20mg EOD. Alfe

    Ready starting to feel my lips dryer.

    I think it worth the try.

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