For research purposes, are these injected in the usual AAS locations, glute or quad or are these shallow injections in muscle groups with tiny pins?
For research purposes, are these injected in the usual AAS locations, glute or quad or are these shallow injections in muscle groups with tiny pins?
Last edited by magaton; 11-10-2009 at 10:11 AM.
you would use insulin syringes
which, yes... are tiny needles
and you WOULDNT inject into a muscle
you would pinch a bit of fat on your stomach usually and inject inbetween the layer of fat and muscle underneath
Last edited by Dukkit; 11-10-2009 at 03:28 PM.
I injected it subQ like gh.
Dukkit beat me to it.
Thanks for the responses, I do appreciate it!
Not trying to hijack your thread but where you thinking of going intramuscular like some people are trying with GH?
My favorite places are on the back of the delts where you can reach, and the abdominal area.
You can inject basically anywhere for sub-cu injections. Just have to watch the angles. 45 degrees or less...
I was thinking of going to the abdomen area like dukkitdalaw said i just needed to make sure that was correct.
You bring up an interesting point about the angles, 45' or less. Why is that and how deep should the injection be?
I like HGH subq in my stomach. Besides the normal HGH benefits I like that the HGH has local fat burning properties. Pinch your belly fat and inject the "shelf" between your fat and muscles. You can put the slin pin all the way into the subq.
Intramuscular? I tried it for a month. Works good. Maybe better than subq. But no local fat burning in the belly. So I went back to the belly.
Thanks for the info
IM administration is perfectly fine.. i just switched my GH to IM... per suggestion of Datbtrue... and i go bicep, tricep, chest, quads, forearms, calves .... Sub-q is the typical route of admin.. but NEW STUDIES and the GURU of all THING PEPTIDE and GH .. DAT suggest IM is the way to go for BOTH of these... so I am very much so going to listen to him... and YES with a SLIN PIN you can get deep enough on those muscles i identified up there to make them an intramuscular shot... 1/2" slin's not the 5/16" ....
Very interesting, please keep us posted on how that works for you.
the angle is important because you don't want to go passed the sub q layer. A friend of mine actually hit his ab muscles because he went in 90 degrees like i/m injections. I can't remember if the inject was effective for him, but he experienced discomfort for a few days. He already had low body fat though.
GH can go IM... and in FACT has a better absorption rate along side more consistent way of USING The Injected compound... if he injected his abdominal muscle.. he still utilized the compound.. AND PROBABLY MORE EFFICIENTLY Then if he had gone sub-q... seriously.. although ABS is NOT ideal shooting spot.. it's still MUSCLE.. and MUSCLE has been proven a better area to inject GH and Peps... Honest to God...
Great info here guys! Thanks a bunch.
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