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Thread: Muscle pain for a few days after injection

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    San Diego, CA

    Muscle pain for a few days after injection

    Hey, right now I'm running tren ace, test enan, and masteron at 1cc each, everyother day. This is my 3rd cycle and everytime i inject (usually 2cc leg and 1cc chest) whateer muscle I inject hurts like hell for the next day or two..feels like the muscle is badly bruised...I've tried smaller needles, smaller amounts in each muscle, slower injection speed, shorter needles, warming up the juice, but ts always the same pain... Sometimes alot more painful then others.. My 1st cycle hurt about half the time, second one too, and I'm only about 5 days into my 3rd and it's been painful everytime. Any ideas on what could be going wrong??

  2. #2
    I just posted a similar thread then read this one. I have the same problem but with swelling. Hopefully we get some suggestions.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Paradise Valley
    What you are describing is normal but it gets better over time. You're only five days into this cycle. In the meantime, rotate your sites. Do you ever pin glutes? Where are you pinning on legs? Why are you pinning your chest?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    San Diego, CA
    It's pretty killer pain. I don't see how it coul be normal.. Glutes hurt just as bad.. Chest because it's a different injection site. My chest is very painful today.. And quite hot.. I'm starting to think it's infected... Any other suggestions??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    You already mentioned a couple i was goona say...Try a heating pad..And inject early in the day so the blood can disperse through your body...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Worsley View Post
    It's pretty killer pain. I don't see how it coul be normal.. Glutes hurt just as bad.. Chest because it's a different injection site. My chest is very painful today.. And quite hot.. I'm starting to think it's infected... Any other suggestions??
    I know exactly what you are talking about..... it's probably the ammount of BA the lab used. BA cause your symptoms..... i've had batches of Test E with high BA that hurt like a SOB for 4 days..... the site would swell up..... actually almost like a synthol injection LOL


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    in the garage
    IcyHot and motrin should help. I put 2ml of Test400 in each quad once and had some pretty serious pain. Are you running high concentrations? I feel like the high concentration adds to the pain.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Pin it in your glutes.

    Wait a minute, and massage the injection site.



  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    nc triangle
    dilute it with oil. double the oil, half the pain. then you can pin it in several areas instead of just one is it is still bad.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    San Diego, CA
    Okay, yeah dilute the oil....... How do you expect me to do that haha and with what??

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    nc triangle
    are you joking? Syringe filters = 2 or 3 dollars a piece. Get nylon .22 micron. Use store bought oil of your choice and heat it on the stove at a temp between 350 and 400 F for 30 minutes to an hour. Draw it into a syringe and push it through the syringe filter into your hormone... Voila. It is so pathetically simple. OR just go on the internet and order some of that ridiculously expensive USP grade oil and draw that into your hormone.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    i injected twice once last monday and once this past monday. the injection spot was in the upper right glut both times which i have already learned is problem number one around injecting without rotating the site. The first injection caused pain in the injection area but no swelling or lump. By the following monday when i did the second injection in the same area i had zero soreness. Post the second injection i had soreness again on the next day. it was to the point where it hurt to sit. 5 days later the pain is beginning to subside but i did notice some swelling on the side of the buttocks a few inches from the injection spot and i feel like some slight swelling on the injection area as well. There isn't any redness, no fever and otherwise feel fine. Just a real pain in the ass i guess. should i be nervous about infection? also all pins are brand new and stuff is prescription and being used by a friend with no issues. Any insights would be appreciated!

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