We hear so much about professional athletes testing positive for steroids, I was curious to see if it's been published exactly what compounds these guys are taking or what kind of cycle they are on. Anyone have any info?
We hear so much about professional athletes testing positive for steroids, I was curious to see if it's been published exactly what compounds these guys are taking or what kind of cycle they are on. Anyone have any info?
They use super secret compounds that we could only dream of obtaining...
The same shit we use dude.
Test/Nandro/stanazonol just to name a few.
super pump 250, muscle milk, power bars..... and this stuff called BCAA. but you would have to be like a millionaire to get any of it
Wilipedia the term Doping
Man, don't listen to any of these kats in here. There's a banner at the top of this page (you know, the one with the doctor on it) and he's a licensed athletic performance enhancing big dog. That's their secret. If it were a snake, it would've bit ya.
When Barry Bonds broke the season HR record he was using Test / Tren
...and hgh
All the usuall suspects. It seams alot of athletes get pinched for nadrolone you would think they would just leave that stuff alone if they are getting tested.
the truth is a lot of them are dumb and not educated when it comes to steroids. Why on earth would someone use deca or equipoise when you can test positive for so long. I figure a lot of them just get approached by people who have them and they do not know to much about them.
Any pro or ex-pro in here that can give some input on here? im sure they run prop or susp, and depending some would run like tbol or var... but nandrolone is very benefical for the joints, so i see the purpose, but im sure a lot of athletes still use it and dont get caught,,, do they use masking agents?... do they have some sort of cleanse method?
As stated above athletes that run deca or EQ obviously don’t have a great steroid knowledge since they can test positive up to 18months later. That’s the guys who get caught.
The smart ones use short esters and rarely get caught.
There are also ways the cheat in drug tests, masking agents and cleansers but I’m not confident in either of them. You can also buy piss online in power form.
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