Been lurking the site and board for a while now and registered to make this post. I'm on my second attempt at a "first" cycle and I'm not seeing any significant gains to muscle mass. (more on this later) Post will be long, so I'm including headings for those who want to hop around.
28 years old, 6 foot 216lbs. Estimated body fat at 22%
Was a competitive rower in high school and college. While I was in good performance shape, I never looked like a guy who worked out 12- 15 hours a week, retaining more fat and accumulating less muscle than most would expect. I thought this might be due to the endurance aspects of training, but as I went to shorter distances of cardio and more strength based lifting, I came to close to the same results. In particular, gains seemed to be slow to come and were noticeably quicker than average to dissipate.
I made the decision about a year ago to try my first cycle after wading through all the anti-steroid propaganda. I should mention my goals are pretty modest, I have nothing close to contest aspirations, just want to move from a below average to above average physique.
Cycle history:
I did what I thought was right. I spent a solid 3 months focusing solely on the form for "big" lifts so I would minimize potential for injury, posting videos on sites for critique. I researched side effects so I could better spot warning signs. I read multiple sources on how to inject. Got my novaldex for PCT (clomid scared me with a history of depression in my family and my already bad eyesight) First cycle was:
400mg of QV 250 test enth (200mg twice a week)
I got this through a manager at my work who was a former(maybe current) user from a friend of his who was obviously well above his natural limits.
I started making some gains in strength but plateaued fairly quickly (Like when I was lifting not on cycle) The mass was not at all like I see posted by first time users on these boards. I noticed an initial boost in sex drive but not the way some people describe it. It also sort of plateaued. After 7 weeks only putting on a few pounds of muscle I got nervous that what I was putting in to my body wasn't what it said it was, stopped using, and went on a modest PCT.
About 6 months later, I ran in to an old friend I know used regularly and always had a bodybuilder's physique. I decided to give another shot. Though I'm sure my source believed it legit, maybe the stuff I got the first time was fake or under dosed? Maybe I was injecting wrong?(Is this really even possible?) Maybe I was deluding myself and I was missing more days than I admitted, or was slacking on a weak program or doing too much cardio. I'm now on that cycle.
Current cycle, just took 6th shot.
400mg DK test 400 once a week
200mg QV Deca once a week
I KNOW that at least this Test is legit by a remarkable increase in sex drive. (I have the browser history and rap sheet of questionable decisions at last call to prove it) I've gained 4-5 pounds since starting. I'm not really any noticeably leaner, so I'd say 6 pounds is the maximum amount of muscle I've gained and probably less.
I'm coming here to find any possible explanation as to why the gear I'm trying doesn't seem to be working.
Is something wrong with me? Is there some rare, super catabolic condition in some people that I've been cursed with?
Is it possible I've bought fake stuff twice? (Though the sex drive increase undermines that)
Would it be hypothetically possible to "miss the muscle" multiple times and inject in to gluteal fat and just see little to no results?
I've averaged over 250 grams of protein a day, with it never being below 160 in over 30 days. Any flaw in my diet would be the addition of too many empty/ low value calories, which shouldn't be an issue for gaining mass. I've been on the German volume training program to make sure I get enough volume in. (Possible, though unlikely issue on my first cycle) The program has splits of chest and back, Legs/Abs and an arms day. Ideally you do each split once every 5 days, but even with a couple disruptions I've hit each part at the very least once a week. I've done virtually no cardio this cycle.
Anyone have any possible advice or anything I should look in to? Thanks for any help you can provide.
I'll post my stuff in a latter post if people think it may be fake.