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Thread: sup bros... what do ya'll think?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Denver CO

    sup bros... what do ya'll think?

    sorry about having another "what do you think about this cycle" thread, but I didn't get everything answered in the steroid questions forum. So here is all the info ya'll need to know:

    thoughts on this cycle...

    Whats up bros! Newb here... god bless this forum I've learned tons of stuff from AR! Been doing TONS of research and I feel very confident to bust out a huge cycle! Any opinions are welcome. Been training 2.5 yrs seriously, 5'6, 10% bf, 155 lbs bodyweight, 20 yrs old. Just started my first cycle. Bench press is 300 lbs (no shirt) and about 315 with a bench shirt. My old max at a powerlifting meet was 286@140 with a bench shirt but that was back from last year. I'm hoping to put on some good mass but also cut my bf down to 7% or so... hoping to also get my bench past 350. Oh yeah also my squat is 400@155... I did that one yesterday!!! Alright enough talk here it is:

    Weeks 1-4: 30 mg naposim dbol ED
    Weeks 1-8: 400 mg deca EW
    Weeks 1-8: 500 mg Sust EW
    Weeks 8-14: 600 mg Eq EW
    Weeks 8-14: 200 mg Winng EW
    Weeks 11-14: Clen 10 ng ED
    Clomid: 300/100/50
    Nolva on hand

    Supps: flaxide oil, multis, aminos
    Diet: appr. 3800 calories a day, 300 g protein, 450 g carbs, fat: no idea

    Any comments are welcome!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Denver CO
    hello bros its me on my new screen name... the other one i forgot the password and didnt feel like emailing ar so I just created a new one. Common can I get some responses however? Anyone?

    big PRESSER

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Denver CO
    Someone please!!! Pheedno, Major, anyone... common now. I really want to get this set so I can continue.


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