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Thread: deca/winstrol cycle

  1. #1

    deca/winstrol cycle

    Hi guys

    5,7 160LB 31 years old (4 years in the gym)

    I will start my injection cycle next week and it is as follow:

    week1 deca 250ml / wistrol 100ml
    week2 deca 250ml/ winstrol 100 ml
    week3 deca 500ml/ winstrol 100 ml
    week4 deca 500ml/ wistrol 100 ml
    week5 deca 250ml/ winstrol 100ml
    week6 deca 250ml/ winstrol 100 ml
    week7 wistrol 100 ml

    it is all 7 weeks cycle and I don't want to stack anything else. I only need to get extra few pounds.

    the question is this: Is this cycle will cause me any sideeffect such as decrease in the sex drive or hair lose? or any other neg. effects?

    guys please let me know.

  2. #2
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    that is a bad cycle, deca will lower your sex drive aka deca dick, you need to add some test in there, others will shed more light on this

  3. #3
    Big's Avatar
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    As proposed, that's a horrible cycle. Yes, you would likely experience sides, lack of sex drive/ed would be practically certain.
    (And that's assuming you mean mg, not ml)
    Is this your first cycle?
    What is the planned pct?
    If all else fails you could follow the advice we gave you 2 months ago...

  4. #4
    I know that I should have test in my cycle, but there is two main problem i'm facing:

    1) The C & E test is not avilable where I live
    2) somehow am a bit afraid of the test conversion.

    so the only thing avilabel right now in my area is Deca, Winstrol, Growth and primopolan thats about it.

    so advice me what should I do in this case.

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by divesolid View Post
    I know that I should have test in my cycle, but there is two main problem i'm facing:

    1) The C & E test is not avilable where I live
    2) somehow am a bit afraid of the test conversion.

    so the only thing avilabel right now in my area is Deca, Winstrol, Growth and primopolan thats about it.

    so advice me what should I do in this case.
    Dont run that cycle unless you can get test.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bench_boss View Post
    that is a bad cycle, deca will lower your sex drive aka deca dick, you need to add some test in there, others will shed more light on this
    To the contrary, this is a very wise cycle. The steroids support each other in anabolic action, Deca heals joints that Winstrol damages, Winstrol acts as an anti-progestin and blocks Deca's progestagenic effects.

    You shouldn't forget that everybody is different. Don't press testosterone to all people, when they don't need it and may lose more than they gain. I have once used nandrolone, and I wouldn't know that something like "Deca dick" exists, unless I read about it in the internet. Similarly, now I use oxandrolone that allegedly "shuts people down hard", but I feel fine like never before on a steroid cycle. There exist general guidances, but you can't simply say, how the stuff will work in you, unless you test it.

    As for hair loss, this is a pretty safe cycle, if the doses of Winstrol are not too high. However, Mr. Divesolid should list exact doses. I can't judge anything from mililiters of oil or water.
    Last edited by Steroidman99; 12-17-2009 at 08:29 AM.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steroidman99 View Post
    To the contrary, this is a very wise cycle. The steroids support each other in anabolic action, Deca heals joints that Winstrol damages, Winstrol acts as an anti-progestin and blocks Deca's progestagenic effects.

    You shouldn't forget that everybody is different. Don't press testosterone to all people, when they don't need it and may lose more than they gain. I have once used nandrolone, and I wouldn't know that something like "Deca dick" exists, unless I read about it in the internet. Similarly, now I use oxandrolone that allegedly "shuts people down hard", but I feel fine like never before on a steroid cycle. There exist general guidances, but you can't simply say, how the stuff will work in you, unless you test it.

    As for hair loss, this is a pretty safe cycle, if the doses of Winstrol are not too high. However, Mr. Divesolid should list exact doses. I can't judge anything from mililiters of oil or water.
    that's a very wise cycle? seriously? ok, how often is he using the winny? once a week? could be, he doesn't really say, does he? deca, a really long ester, for weeks 1-6? please.

  8. #8
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by Steroidman99 View Post
    To the contrary, this is a very wise cycle. The steroids support each other in anabolic action, Deca heals joints that Winstrol damages, Winstrol acts as an anti-progestin and blocks Deca's progestagenic effects.

    You shouldn't forget that everybody is different. Don't press testosterone to all people, when they don't need it and may lose more than they gain. I have once used nandrolone, and I wouldn't know that something like "Deca dick" exists, unless I read about it in the internet. Similarly, now I use oxandrolone that allegedly "shuts people down hard", but I feel fine like never before on a steroid cycle. There exist general guidances, but you can't simply say, how the stuff will work in you, unless you test it.

    As for hair loss, this is a pretty safe cycle, if the doses of Winstrol are not too high. However, Mr. Divesolid should list exact doses. I can't judge anything from mililiters of oil or water.
    hmmm, now where's tht advice on giving advice thread?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steroidman99 View Post
    To the contrary, this is a very wise cycle. The steroids support each other in anabolic action, Deca heals joints that Winstrol damages, Winstrol acts as an anti-progestin and blocks Deca's progestagenic effects.

    You shouldn't forget that everybody is different. Don't press testosterone to all people, when they don't need it and may lose more than they gain. I have once used nandrolone, and I wouldn't know that something like "Deca dick" exists, unless I read about it in the internet. Similarly, now I use oxandrolone that allegedly "shuts people down hard", but I feel fine like never before on a steroid cycle. There exist general guidances, but you can't simply say, how the stuff will work in you, unless you test it.

    As for hair loss, this is a pretty safe cycle, if the doses of Winstrol are not too high. However, Mr. Divesolid should list exact doses. I can't judge anything from mililiters of oil or water.

    above = horrible advice

    Don't run your cycle without Test.

    Research this. A 50:1 right/wrong ratio can't mislead you. ^^^This guy being wrong.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steroidman99 View Post
    To the contrary, this is a very wise cycle. The steroids support each other in anabolic action, Deca heals joints that Winstrol damages, Winstrol acts as an anti-progestin and blocks Deca's progestagenic effects.

    You shouldn't forget that everybody is different. Don't press testosterone to all people, when they don't need it and may lose more than they gain. I have once used nandrolone, and I wouldn't know that something like "Deca dick" exists, unless I read about it in the internet. Similarly, now I use oxandrolone that allegedly "shuts people down hard", but I feel fine like never before on a steroid cycle. There exist general guidances, but you can't simply say, how the stuff will work in you, unless you test it.

    As for hair loss, this is a pretty safe cycle, if the doses of Winstrol are not too high. However, Mr. Divesolid should list exact doses. I can't judge anything from mililiters of oil or water.
    ^^^Didnt have to even read the rest of your post after seeing that....

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steroidman99 View Post
    To the contrary, this is a very wise cycle. The steroids support each other in anabolic action, Deca heals joints that Winstrol damages, Winstrol acts as an anti-progestin and blocks Deca's progestagenic effects.

    You shouldn't forget that everybody is different. Don't press testosterone to all people, when they don't need it and may lose more than they gain. I have once used nandrolone, and I wouldn't know that something like "Deca dick" exists, unless I read about it in the internet. Similarly, now I use oxandrolone that allegedly "shuts people down hard", but I feel fine like never before on a steroid cycle. There exist general guidances, but you can't simply say, how the stuff will work in you, unless you test it.

    As for hair loss, this is a pretty safe cycle, if the doses of Winstrol are not too high. However, Mr. Divesolid should list exact doses. I can't judge anything from mililiters of oil or water.
    Where did you get your information from?

  12. #12
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    just run a low dose of test to make sure your dk works,, otherwise deca/winny is a great stack if your sex drive doesnt shut down

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    ^^^Didnt have to even read the rest of your post after seeing that....
    Thank you for the compliment. You are not the first testo-fanatic, who would like to call me names.

    Remember please that anabolic steroids were developed in order to lower the well-known, unwanted side-effects of testosterone. If there are people, who can't simply sustain heavy acne or hair loss (like me), there's no point in pressing testosterone to their cycles. Yes, besides the prevention of the usual "dead dick-phobia" (which seems funny to me), testosterone can add something beneficial to the cycle, especially due to increased estrogen production in the body that further increases anabolism and has positive health effects. However, there are many people, who wouldn't change bigger biceps for a Kojak look. I can be satisfied with moderate muscle size and full head of hair, for which I don't need testosterone.
    Can you understand it and respect this my decision? Thanks.

  14. #14
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    To the OP; Deca-dick is very real. Steroidman99 is mislead. You listed this as a concern so if you want to use your dick, don't run that cycle without test.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steroidman99 View Post
    Thank you for the compliment. You are not the first testo-fanatic, who would like to call me names.

    Remember please that anabolic steroids were developed in order to lower the well-known, unwanted side-effects of testosterone. If there are people, who can't simply sustain heavy acne or hair loss (like me), there's no point in pressing testosterone to their cycles. Yes, besides the prevention of the usual "dead dick-phobia" (which seems funny to me), testosterone can add something beneficial to the cycle, especially due to increased estrogen production in the body that further increases anabolism and has positive health effects. However, there are many people, who wouldn't change bigger biceps for a Kojak look. I can be satisfied with moderate muscle size and full head of hair, for which I don't need testosterone.
    Can you understand it and respect this my decision? Thanks.
    If something is 99% successful, and you happen to fall into the 1% where it isnt, do you tell someone to go with the minority of success?

    A majority of people are allergic to poison ivy, but I am not... so my recommendation to people is to go ahead and walk and work in poison ivy because it doesnt affect me. <--- Not a wise theory....

  16. #16
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    i thnk deca dick is a little over blown myself

  17. #17
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    even if he did do it it still comes down to a 6week cycle which is pointless, you'll get minimal results and possibly horrible sides. Why risk it.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    i thnk deca dick is a little over blown myself
    i have had deca dick brother, and i can assure u that it is not overblown...

    it was the worst, hell i dont think i ever fully recovered...

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    i have had deca dick brother, and i can assure u that it is not overblown...

    it was the worst, hell i dont think i ever fully recovered...
    that suks,, what were you runnin

  20. #20
    ok guys .....

    after making 6000 call with all the steroid dealers, I came up with the following:

    Now I have test-c & Test-E along with the deca. Now please tell me how can i use them through my course. I mean how many injections per week, and what other medication would i use along with them to protect my kidny and live? Please advice

  21. #21
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    dont ask for a source thx
    honestly if you dont know the answer to those questions then you havent done enough resurch......there are stickys in the steroid forum that have all the answers....

  22. #22
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    lol worst cycle ever

  23. #23
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    this bitch is trolling.

  24. #24
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    losing the plot,remember?
    i wouldn't do a winstrol only cycle neither a deca only cycle (unless going on low dosage). mixing them together is a error.
    and 250ml of deca would grow you another butt cheek if you choose the buttock to inject. hope you meant mg

  25. #25
    Fizler ..........

    you should pick your words before you through it. It seems you are just half-dick TA. Grow-up and try something more mature, since we are here trying to get help from other members experience.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steroidman99 View Post
    To the contrary, this is a very wise cycle. The steroids support each other in anabolic action, Deca heals joints that Winstrol damages, Winstrol acts as an anti-progestin and blocks Deca's progestagenic effects.

    You shouldn't forget that everybody is different. Don't press testosterone to all people, when they don't need it and may lose more than they gain. I have once used nandrolone, and I wouldn't know that something like "Deca dick" exists, unless I read about it in the internet. Similarly, now I use oxandrolone that allegedly "shuts people down hard", but I feel fine like never before on a steroid cycle. There exist general guidances, but you can't simply say, how the stuff will work in you, unless you test it.

    As for hair loss, this is a pretty safe cycle, if the doses of Winstrol are not too high. However, Mr. Divesolid should list exact doses. I can't judge anything from mililiters of oil or water.
    Steroidman 99

    I must say I have to agree with you there. I read a number of medical journals and information about the history of these drugs and why they were initally used in the medical world. I have to say that I have read about this cycle before (not the specifics of he cycle just the drugs in use) and from my understanding it allows for moderate gans with less of the problematic side affects. Only Since I have come onto this forum do I read that everybody pushes test and I just cant always see the reasoning. I understand that test can have less negative affects on the body but what about the severe side affects asscciated with it?

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by gregghowie View Post
    Steroidman 99

    I must say I have to agree with you there. I read a number of medical journals and information about the history of these drugs and why they were initally used in the medical world, . I have to say that I have read about this cycle before (not the specifics of he cycle just the drugs in use) and from my understanding it allows for moderate gans with less of the problematic side affects. Only Since I have come onto this forum do I read that everybody pushes test and I just cant always see the reasoning. I understand that test can have less negative affects on the body but what about the severe side affects asscciated with it?
    the thing is, many medical journals were written by people who read studies that were compiled by people who read journals... how many of the authors do you think used these compounds at various dosages to see how they were affected? how many controlled studies do you think were performed where participants were given the doses of these compounds bodybuilders would use for several weeks while the results were logged? medical doses are no where near the equivalent of the doses we would use.
    what you have here are some of the most experienced users you are likely to find in one place, and many of us have used ourselves as guinea pigs over the years to see what works. we aren't referencing journals, we are referencing what actually happened to us. when hundreds of guys have the same effect from something, than the occasional 1 goes against the grain, I wouldn't be so quick to side with the 1.
    sure there are lots of boards where the members post lots of ignorant cycles, here we offer the safest advice with the best interest of the user in mind. you won't find that everywhere.

  28. #28
    deca is a long ester and takes a while to kick in ,around 4-5 weeks for me ,your cycle is far to short and as other have said its ot a good idea to run those compounds without test ,some people do and get away with no deca dick but i wouldent risk it .

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by suttie View Post
    deca is a long ester and takes a while to kick in ,around 4-5 weeks for me ,your cycle is far to short and as other have said its ot a good idea to run those compounds without test ,some people do and get away with no deca dick but i wouldent risk it .
    this is an old thread and the OP isn't here any longer, someone bumped it just for the sake of discussion.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    the thing is, many medical journals were written by people who read studies that were compiled by people who read journals... how many of the authors do you think used these compounds at various dosages to see how they were affected? how many controlled studies do you think were performed where participants were given the doses of these compounds bodybuilders would use for several weeks while the results were logged? medical doses are no where near the equivalent of the doses we would use.
    what you have here are some of the most experienced users you are likely to find in one place, and many of us have used ourselves as guinea pigs over the years to see what works. we aren't referencing journals, we are referencing what actually happened to us. when hundreds of guys have the same effect from something, than the occasional 1 goes against the grain, I wouldn't be so quick to side with the 1.
    sure there are lots of boards where the members post lots of ignorant cycles, here we offer the safest advice with the best interest of the user in mind. you won't find that everywhere.
    Understood. Not trying to take sides here by any means. I hear what you are saying. I appreciate the fact that you are an experinced member in the use of AAS, and that your information hold weight. As I think all to often people just give it the "when in doubt take test".

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by gregghowie View Post
    Understood. Not trying to take sides here by any means. I hear what you are saying. I appreciate the fact that you are an experinced member in the use of AAS, and that your information hold weight. As I think all to often people just give it the "when in doubt take test".
    I agree that it is often parroted, just like the "there is no good oral cycle" or "test always has to be higher than deca". in my opinion there are some cycles that are fine without test as a base, but the one proposed in this thread isn't one of them.

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