Every time I bulk I have sleeping issues. Ive had some snoring issues when bulking before, but my wife has told me that they are minimal right now. But still, I only got 2 hours of sleep last night. I just can't fall into a deep sleep. I was in and out of bed 6 times last night. Feels like Im going insane! Ive always been a very light sleeper. Right now, its taking its toll.
My BF% is not high, maybe 11-12%, visible abs, obliques. Im pretty big, so you can see them at a higher b f then some.
Ive tried benadryl, melatonin,sex, couple of rum and cokes(yes, not good on cycle but Im dying), more sex and even nyquil.
What meds work best to aid in sleeping? Ive got a call into my DR to see if he can prescribe something.