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Thread: Prop/Fina 10 weeks......... one goal

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    The Office

    Prop/Fina 10 weeks......... one goal

    Current stats: 5'11
    205 lbs (4/18/2003)
    bf% guessing around 14% test to come......
    previous cycle experience: none.

    First inject was friday april 18th @ 1am (thursday night)

    1cc (100mg prop) in the right shoulder
    1cc (75mg fina) In the left shoulder
    .5cc of liquidex in the throat (taste like cough syrup)

    Both injections were pretty painless I used a 25g 1' pin for both. The next day both shoulders were sore but the one I shot prop into was alot more sore. I've noticed that I sleep alot heavier on the juice (could just be me ) As of today 04/24/2003 I weigh 200 even. Haven't noticed anything except for slight strength gains and a i'm a little more irritable than usual......before pics will be posted shortly.

    I'll be on a diet of 2200 calories a day (adjusting to weight loss as it occurs) and doing cardio 3x a week in the morning on an empty stomach.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    Okay, let me get this straight, this is your first cycle and on your first injection(s) ever you spot inject the delts?!?! You have some big ones my friend, likely made of brass...i'm already making sure i have enough ice packs on hand for my quad injection

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    The Office
    It really didnt hurt that bad, but since then I've moved to glute injects. I ice it, and run the syringe under hot water before I inject. Helps soooooo much very painfree......until the next day that is. (girl friend shoots me i'm not that talented)

    Well last night was a good night in the gym got 135X8 for standing over head barbell press (good for me) and had alot more intensity than usual..... i'm noticably more aggressive as well. Its nothing like I expected (outburst and such) its more of a personality change, very subtle you dont even realize it until you think about it. I'm alot more blunt towards co workers and i'm a lot more confident.....
    Last edited by WS6_KID; 04-25-2003 at 05:40 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    The Office

    Update: 4/26/2003

    Well yesterday marked the end of week one.

    Weight: 200, Strength is up a little and intensity is through the roof.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Ohhh ur one of those guys. Test only brings the asshole out of u if there is one in u. Dont start with that irritatable stuff man. I got a friend who thought he was tough on his first cycle. Specially when his girl was around. i quickly put him in his place. Just some advice dude. take it for what it is.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    The Office
    NO, i'm nice Just more irratible than usual
    Last edited by WS6_KID; 05-10-2003 at 11:46 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Have you checked the BP , did it go up at all ?

    Starting same cycle soon but with Tren/Prop combo and Winny

    First cycle also

    I'll be looking for some updates

    Good luck

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    The Office

    Well its been a little over a month on the juice and it's runnin full force for some reason I gained a few pounds (i'm at 207) However I look much leaner and am ALOT more vascular. In-addition i'm a hell of alot stronger and more intense in the gym (no I don't yell and smack my self around ) Last night was chest/tri's and holy crap!!! I seriously thought my chest was gonna explode after 4 sets of flat bench press. I'm serious my muscles were so full of blood it was just painfull. I cut to triceps after that and noticed that I now have veins going horizontally across my triceps. Same story, after a few sets I got a sick pump. After a few more arms were looking huge (for me anyway) and pumped to the point where it hurt....bad. Over all i'm very pleased with my progress. Fat loss seems to be slowing for some reason so i've started doing 2 sprint training sessions per week hope that will help. I also supplement flax oil and xenadrine. Any suggestions?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    The Office

    Smile Mental effects and sex drive

    Oh yeah, on another note.....the mental effects.

    I like to be left alone alot more whens it comes to work. I'm not a jerk or anything I just have to make an effort not to be a dick. For example, me and a friend were watching wrestling and some one came out to fight. She asked me who it was and I blurted out I dunno i've only been watching the exact same thing as stuff like that I normally wouldn't say. So I haven't become an irrational a-hole....yet

    And as far as the sex drive goes As soon as I let one go i'm ready to go again IMMEDIATLY. No waiting no nothing. Its doing wonders for my relationship....

    Just an FYI for you guys considering something similar.

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