24 years old 184 pounds sust cut down on my body fat
before i was 214 pound with a lot of fat
i did a d-bol cycle 60mg 4weeks with 400mg test for 7 weeks
when i got and injury in my forearm and no traning for 18 weeks
only cadio
this is what i got on stock and nolva and clomid
30ml eq BD 200mg
10ml cyp 200mg
14 ml enhate 250mg i was thing of mix the test
90 tabs winny 50mg
30 a-bomb 50mg
34 ml tren 100mg
i was thinking af this
1-4 50mg abomb
1-9 100mg tren eod
1-15 400mg eq
1-2 750mg test mix
3-12 450mg mix
10-15 100mg winny
week 18 clomid
my goal to gain s muscle