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Thread: front load/jumpstart test cycle with suspention, prop and enth.

  1. #1

    front load/jumpstart test cycle with suspention, prop and enth.

    Ok so before we begin this is just a thought since I have all three compounds on my hands and on my spare time I've been trying to think of my
    fourth cycle.

    I one were to start on a 12 week test e at 600mg a week. Could one also front load the first two weeks with suspention and prop the. The next two weeks with prop and then just enth.

    Maybe not two weeks but this is just to give you an idea what I am talkig about.

    Is this possible and more Important is would this be more effective hen say just doubling your thest e dosage the first week or two?

    The goal would be to have a test cycle with gain almost instantly and I use instanly loosely.

    Lmk what you guys think and agai. Remember it's just an idea.

    Obviously I would pin suspention twice a day Ed and prop Ed as well and then e twice a weeks


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    test e 2x a week, you could in theory kick it off with sus, but I wouldn't do 3 test,

    wait till seniors get in might have something else up there sleeves to help you out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis

    If you're going to use another test while you're waiting for your test E to kick in, I'd stick with one.

    Have you used suspension before?

  4. #4
    200 pounds
    bf11-14 depending on how clean y diet is
    lifting for three years now

    I have used suspention a hour bfore work out sessions while on my last cycle.

    Neve cycled it alone though.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    22 and on your fourth cycle? sheesh.

  6. #6
    Just do a prop or enth cycle, or combine them, and you can shoot the suspension pre-workout. Don't need to shoot it twice a day if you're going to have other esters of test in the same cycle, better off just having it pre-workout.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Canada, Singapore
    You can certainly do this. Give it a try. Sounds like you will be the first to try it so keep a log. When you are done we will be the ones coming to you for suggestions.

    Sounds like you have no issues with injections. The water based drugs like Suspension and Winstrol Depot require larger needles like a 21 gauge. That thing (size) is a cannon considering I use 25 gauge but then again, I did inject every day.

    Some guys have had GREAT results injecting every day and this is what I do also, even with Enanthate and Cypionate. Give this a try also and see how you make out. Let us know...

  8. #8
    yea i started young. i get regular blood work done and try to be as smart as i can with the stuff.

    anyways, if i were to do this would i just take a double does of everything

    say 600mg wktest e

    400mg prop a week

    300mg of suspention a week

    for the first week and then drop the suspention then drop the prop after week two or three??

    or should i front load the test e to 1200mg a week for first week ??

    i read a thread recently that stated front loading test e will give you results much much faster. would this method i discuss work better or am i just wasting gear and just pinning my self ed for nothing.

    also what would be an example of just a test e and prop stack/ front load ???


    o and kdub the suspention i have is home brewed and passes through a 29g..... i didnt beleive it at first and thought the stuff was bunk but i took it pre work out and shits amazing.

  9. #9

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