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Thread: Body fat estimate?

  1. #1

    Body fat estimate?

    Stats 5'6" 160lbs, age 31
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  2. #2
    Not very good pics, will try and get better
    Last edited by go4gold; 01-15-2010 at 08:56 PM.

  3. #3
    and some more. I am hoping you guys say at least 18%. Most pics are with me relaxed in the abs.
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  4. #4
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    I would say 18% is a good estimate

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    ^^^^ my pics are in here and i was given between 16%-20%. I'd say tballz is close maybe a bit higher

  6. #6
    Well I will go with 18%, I do think I am lower, Upper abs do show but with the lighting and my pale white skin( very pale, do you think tanning could improve definition?), its difficult to see. not sure if my pics do me justice. Its just hard to get good pictures myself and in my home. But appreciate your opinions. Just motivated me even more. I am going to cut down to 145, And I know small, but build it back up to 155-160ish with solid gains after I get down to 145. Goal is to be about 8-9% by the middle of summer at 160. My hieght and that weight and that lean should suit my body type.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by go4gold View Post
    Well I will go with 18%, I do think I am lower, Upper abs do show but with the lighting and my pale white skin( very pale, do you think tanning could improve definition?), its difficult to see. not sure if my pics do me justice. Its just hard to get good pictures myself and in my home. But appreciate your opinions. Just motivated me evhen gain more. I am going to cut down to 145, And I know small, but build it back up to 155-160ish with solid gains after I get down to 145. Goal is to be about 8-9% by the middle of summer at 160. My hieght and that weight and that lean should suit my body type.
    so u want to cut 15lbs of fat and then gain 15lb of muscle in 5 mo? if so i hate to burst ur bubble cause it aint gonna happen----ur only hope is get in the diet section and good luck

  8. #8
    The wierd thing is that I have lost 20 lbs since the begining of december, and my body still looks almost the same. I have lost some inches around the waist though. I have 12 more lbs to lose, I actually weigh 157. But I am physically fit, Bench about double body weight, 25+ pull-ups, sets of 40-50 sit-ups on decline, squat mid 3s( estimate), and cardio has drastically improved, 45 min cardio 5 days a week with a spot on diet. I give myself about 2.5 months to lose the 12 lbs, which I am easily on pace for. Then I will do a var only cycle (80mg/day x 10-12weeks) when the fat lose and desired bodyfat % is achieved. I think I should be close to my goals, hope by july. Even if I weigh 152ish, but have a great bodyfat %, I am happy. But I see where it may seem a bit far fetch. But it is a goal and think I may be fairly close in 6-7 months time.
    Could I possible be lower then what I look, could it be my body type? I have always been extremely active( football, wrestling as a light weight, track and field, olympic weightlifting, And never had a caliber or analyzer say I was ever over 10% when I was younger, Usually 6-8% they read, but still I never had a six pack or the most well defined mid section. Could this just be genitics and my body type?
    Last edited by go4gold; 01-15-2010 at 08:07 PM.

  9. #9
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Over 20%.

  10. #10
    good luck. i honestly find the , 300+ bench, 25+ pull-ups, and 50 situps on sets you claim to be doing some bs with your physique; (could be genetics tho as u have suggested ; maybe you should see a doc if u do that much cardio and train that hard and still look like a person who exercises lil to none) but do what you do. good luck and keep working
    Last edited by youngerlion; 01-16-2010 at 12:59 AM.

  11. #11
    Lol, I have always had this type of strength. The hitting cardio Harder then ever is new. And those numbers aren't bs. I have always been a strength athlete. Double bodyweight benches and 25 pull-ups are not impossible lifts. This is the first time I have tried to do a bit of body building. I have seen plenty of guys well built out weigh me by 30-40 lbs not very impressive with their strength. I have seen 15-16 yr old kids that weight 165 that could probable out lift most NFL linemen. Physique does don't always eqaul matching performance. I do need better pics though, my physique is better then what is shown. I'll try and get some. But I always love being under estimated. But I will say with diet and weight loss, strength has decrease in some lifts, but the pull-ups and sit ups have increase. I'll put pics up again when I hit 145. And some more this summer after I get my weight and strength up.

  12. #12
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    these guys are being a little overly harsh on you i'd put your bodyfat at about 18%..the 300 pound bench who knows ive seen weirder things happen and plus a little technique and a chest bounch or two can go a long definately dont need to see a doctor you look fine i know people who train everyday and look completely average..a lot of people post pictures on here with extremely good lighting and using the best poses possible to make themselves look the most muscular and they arent taking into consideration you clearly didnt do any of that..just keep doin what your doin and tweak the diet up

  13. #13
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    I was not trying to be harsh at all. I was giving an honest assessment. He is extremely soft in the mid section and is carrying an abundence of fat in the flank and and suprailliac areas. I also am not seeing a large amount of lean mass to offset the fat. Plus, lighter/shorter/smaller individuals tend to register higher bodyfat percentages.

  14. #14
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    post up your diet---and lets see if its spot on like u say---hey it cant hurt---most likely will help

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by go4gold View Post
    I have seen 15-16 yr old kids that weight 165 that could probable out lift most NFL linemen.
    What planet are these "kids" from???

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by JMumf View Post
    What planet are these "kids" from???
    LOL, Jr Lifters are some of the worlds best. This is olympic weightlifting. You have 17yr old clean and jerking over 500lbs. They are out there. Its very impressive to see. But a lot from china, lol.
    Last edited by go4gold; 01-16-2010 at 06:51 PM.

  17. #17
    I do appreciate your guys input. Fireguy is right about where i do carry fat. I have always had that soft look and do carry it on the flank and superiliac areas. Not sure its an abundence, im actually thinner then I look, but I do have fat in those areas and concentrating on cardio and diet this time around. They are the problem areas. Now for the first time, I'm trying to cut down. I have been dieting and hitting the cardio hard since the begining of december. Starting weight at about 175, now 157, I am hopeing 145 should put me below 10%, but still not sure if abs will even show then. I am on pace and losing weight at about 1.5-2 lbs a week. And still feel good, strength goal are not my objective now, but will be again when the fat lose is achieved. Here is my diet discucussed on the diet section-

    Also are some more pics, I think they are a bit better.
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Name:	Picture 056.jpg 
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ID:	104817   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Picture 058.jpg 
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Size:	261.1 KB 
ID:	104819  
    Last edited by go4gold; 01-25-2010 at 07:30 PM.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by go4gold View Post
    I do appreciate your guys input. Fireguy is right about where i do carry fat. I have always had that soft look and do carry it on the flank and superiliac areas. Not sure its an abundence, im actually thinner then I look, but I do have fat in those areas and concentrating on cardio and diet this time around. They are the problem areas. Now for the first time, I'm trying to cut down. I have been dieting and hitting the cardio hard since the begining of december. Starting weight at about 175, now 157, I am hopeing 145 should put me below 10%, but still not sure if abs will even show then. I am on pace and losing weight at about 1.5-2 lbs a week. And still feel good, strength goal not my objective now, but will be again when the fat lose is achieved. Here is my diet discucussed on the diet section-

    Also are some more pics, I think they are a bit better.
    looks like u never got a good critique on ur diet------u def should not b working out on an empty stomach---u didnt even have ur cals and macro totals posted--u also said ur bmr was 2200--what about ur tdee---if ur bmr is truly 2200 and ur working out on a empty stomach and on cardio days not doin pwo meal all ur doin is burning muscle and holdin on to fat most likely----re post ur diet with all macro totals and ur true bmr and we'll fix u up---4 u to have asked the question "should i skip the pwo meal altogether" tells me ur not eating right----remember one thing and one thing only diet is everthing
    Last edited by mg1228; 01-16-2010 at 08:49 PM.

  19. #19
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    Never Never Land

  20. #20
    Ok man, down below is pretty much what I am doing for a cutting diet. But you are right, I am learning that diet is everything, I feel this is working for me so far.

    Workout in AM (after work) on somewhat empty stomach, Cardio done after weight training. I know, but working Graves makes it difficult any other way.

    Meal #1(right after workout)
    P-35g/ F-0g/ C-70g

    Meal #2( About one hour after meal#1)
    Egg whites, 1-½ cup oatmeal-
    P-30g/ F-5g/ C-30g

    Meal #3
    Veggies, Tuna or Chicken-
    P-30g/ F-12g/ C-5g

    Meal #4
    Protein Shake
    P-35g/ F-0g/ C-0g

    Meal #5
    Veggies, Red Meat or Chicken
    P-50g/ F-15g/ C-5g

    Meal #6 (This I take about 1.5 hours before my morning workout)
    Protein Shake
    P-35g/ F-0g/ C-0g

    P-215g= 860
    F-32g= 288
    C-110g= 440
    total= 1588 cals

    About 1750/day total with snacks

    New BMR is about 1750 cals/day

    Almonds for snacks
    ALA with carb meals, glutimine, Flaxseed oil along with fish oil capsules, I even take Niacin twice daily, caffiene pills before workouts( best thing I ever done for energy boost)

    Cardio at 45min a day, 4 days a week for now, but increase a day with each new month. Maintain HR 135-165. Lifting is routined to maintain strength with minimal muscle loss.
    Last edited by go4gold; 01-17-2010 at 02:04 AM.

  21. #21
    boz's Avatar
    boz is offline R.I.P. T-Gunz Gone but, Never Forgotten.
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    Have u cycled before man?

    Because it could just be me, but i think u got a minor case of gyno man.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by go4gold View Post
    Ok man, down below is pretty much what I am doing for a cutting diet. But you are right, I am learning that diet is everything, I feel this is working for me so far.

    Workout in AM (after work) on somewhat empty stomach, Cardio done after weight training. I know, but working Graves makes it difficult any other way.

    Meal #1(right after workout)
    P-35g/ F-0g/ C-70gwhat are u eatin here

    Meal #2( About one hour after meal#1)
    Egg whites, 1-½ cup oatmeal-
    P-30g/ F-5g/ C-30gdo 3 whole eggs 5 whites and the oats with water--1 1/2 cups of oatmeal is 67gr carbs

    Meal #3
    Veggies, Tuna or Chicken-
    P-30g/ F-12g/ C-5ghow much chicken 5 oz?--there is not 12gr fat in 5 oz chicken maybe 3---check ur macros

    Meal #4
    Protein Shake
    P-35g/ F-0g/ C-0gdo 1 can of tuna with 1 tbsp natty pb

    Meal #5
    Veggies, Red Meat or Chicken
    P-50g/ F-15g/ C-5gagain check ur macros

    Meal #6 (This I take about 1.5 hours before my morning workout)
    Protein Shake
    P-35g/ F-0g/ C-0gmake sure this is casein protein and add 3/4 cup oats with water

    P-215g= 860
    F-32g= 288
    C-110g= 440
    total= 1588 cals

    About 1750/day total with snacks

    New BMR is about 1750 cals/day

    Almonds for snacks
    ALA with carb meals, glutimine, Flaxseed oil along with fish oil capsules, I even take Niacin twice daily, caffiene pills before workouts( best thing I ever done for energy boost)u need to add these macros from flax and fish oil and to what meals

    Cardio at 45min a day, 4 days a week for now, but increase a day with each new month. Maintain HR 135-165. Lifting is routined to maintain strength with minimal muscle loss.
    look for the bold type above and redo ur macros and totals---ur current diet is 1200 cals back of tdee before ur workout and cardio---thats is def not good-----u need to be 500 back of tdee not 1200---thats why u have lost 20lb and u still look the same---ur still fat just weigh less(dont take that the wrong way)---use for ur macros---redo ur diet to a deficit of 500-700 cals to ur tdee and repost it----also ur hr for cardio should be at 65% of max hr--which is prob around 125-135---dont get it up to 165, u will again b burning muscle
    Last edited by mg1228; 01-17-2010 at 06:53 AM.

  23. #23
    I'm still fat, lol, I know what your saying. Well I will make some adjustments to my diet according to what you have told me, then i'll post it up on the diet section with all macros, tdd, and bmr. Thanks guys. I still think I havent lost much muscle, I have lost about 3 inches on my waist. But diet will be key and dont want to lose any muscle I have. Guess I should be eating more. I think I will still try and cut down to 145-150ish, I'll post some more pics at this weight. I think my Bodyfat should be fairly low at this weight and hopefully I'll look leaner. Just curious, Do you think I can remain close to my current weight and lose about 8% bodyfat, or is that a bit much? I'm guessing its to hard to build muscle and lose fat at the same. I'm guessing its better to seperate the the two?

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by go4gold View Post
    I'm still fat, lol, I know what your saying. Well I will make some adjustments to my diet according to what you have told me, then i'll post it up on the diet section with all macros, tdd, and bmr. Thanks guys. I still think I havent lost much muscle, I have lost about 3 inches on my waist. But diet will be key and dont want to lose any muscle I have. Guess I should be eating more. I think I will still try and cut down to 145-150ish, I'll post some more pics at this weight. I think my Bodyfat should be fairly low at this weight and hopefully I'll look leaner. Just curious, Do you think I can remain close to my current weight and lose about 8% bodyfat, or is that a bit much? I'm guessing its to hard to build muscle and lose fat at the same. I'm guessing its better to seperate the the two?
    yea ur either cuttin or bulkin---but u can maintain lbm while cutting fat-----yea redo that diet and ill check ya out in the diet section

  25. #25
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    1 1/2 cup oatmeal = 81 grams of carbs.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    1 1/2 cup oatmeal = 81 grams of carbs.
    yea ur rite---i was adding 3/4 and 1/2 cup to get the 67---i never do 1 cup---always 3/4 or 1/2--------either way it aint 30 like he posted---or maybe he meant just the 1/2 cup

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by boz88 View Post
    Have u cycled before man?

    Because it could just be me, but i think u got a minor case of gyno man.
    Does it look like a minor case of Gyno. I have always had a bigger chest and some fat in that area, but not sure if its gyno. There does seem to be a bit more fat diposit around the nipple and surrounding area, but not sure. No lumps or senetivity. Nips were pierced at one time though. I have cycled sus, deca, d-bol many years ago. and did see big changes, but now I do Var only cycles and like my results.
    Could Letro reverse the possibility of fat deposit in the chest and should I try this before I start my next Var cycle?

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