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Thread: Dbol Only Cycle

  1. #1

    Dbol Only Cycle

    Before you all go on flaming i am just curious a few things which through research seems hard to find the actual facts most is opinion with no backing. If you comment site your source or facts please. Anyways the idea behind a Dbol only cycle for a first seems odd. Most people will obviously say run test. Now from dbol only experiences have any of you had positives? What if you were to run a dbol cycle something like 12weeks at 10-15mg a day for weeks 1-6 then 25 or so for the last 6 with a 10mg of nolvadex ED and milkthistle daily as well? I understand it is one of the most highly anabolic AAS. I mean has anyone ever run just a 4-8 week cycle with positive gains and kept those through pct? and those who have and had bad results post as well. I am just trying to figure out the facts vs myths behind a dbol only cycle. Thank you all for you time and yes as a first cycle i had considered a 4-6 week cycle of dbol only. This is to also gauge how i will react to AAS and the sides i will see. However my stats- i am 21 and have lifting consistent for past 2-3 years. I am 155 to 160 with a bf% measured at the gym of 7.5-8%. i say a range because it was not just yesterday and i know it may very. My diet is high in calories protein and carbs. Diet in check and wanting to have some advice. Thank you all and im sure let the flaming begin....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    you're asking a forum that almost has 0 tolerance for steroids under 25, and then your planning to do a "oral for 12 weeks" and your 155 pounds?

    + you say your at 7.5% bf.. I mean what more can I say?

    GL and have a nice stay.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    I mean.. most people on this thread will tell you to run test for your own health..

    Dbol is a amazing AAS for the right person.

    Your 21? 155 - 160lbs? How tall are you?

  4. #4
    im 5'8

  5. #5
    and for the record im asking about 12 weeks at low dossage as a question. I would most likely if i did a dbol only do a 4-6 week cycle for liver reasons.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Hobbitjones View Post
    im 5'8
    Your talking about using Dbol. What kind of results do you want?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    New Jersey
    wait until your 25...

  8. #8
    im looking for more strength and size this first cycle. I would like to put on a solid 15lbs at least. Strength i would also like to go up a good bit. and to CANYOUDIGIT? should i be heavier in the bf%? i dont see how a low bf% is a bad thing at a weight like mine.....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    I'm not going to flame you.

    I'm sure you have been told, and I am hoping you read that anyone under the age of 24 - 25 shouldn't take steroids.

    If you do not care about the side effects then go for it.

    If you insist on starting a cycle, then please keep it simple.

    Maybe think about a 'test' cycle. Build some mass, don't hurt yourself.

    Remember knowledge is power with this stuff. I know next to nothing compared to most of these guys. Read read read.
    Last edited by Oakleys; 01-19-2010 at 11:16 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    why use AAS when you can put 20 pounds naturally, and then do AAS and get another 20 pounds?

    Weightlifting is a marathon, not a sprint!~

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    you said your diet was in check, can you please post what you ate yesterday? if you wouldn't mind.

  12. #12
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    In humans your Endocrine system is not fully functional until an average age of 25yrs, although the main development is up to around 21yrs it still fluctuates a little bit up to its fully functional age. There is a risk of permanently damaging your HPTA if you take AAS to young and you could end up with symptoms of andropause and HRT for life. Symptoms could be Limp dick, low libido, depression, low energy, low endurance, erection problems and many more but.......are these the types of symptoms you want to have in your 20's?. Believe me its hard to cope with these in your 40's yet alone in your prime of your life.

    Around this age your Testosterone levels are the highest they going to be in your life naturally, so use what you have and don't take the risk of damage, I am passionate about this because ive seen it many times with young kids wanting to looking like their heroes and they think the answer is in an injection/tablet.
    If the bolded part above isn't enough to convince a 21yr old not to use AAS, then I don't know what will...

  13. #13
    that is a very scary thought i agree but im still curious myth to facts. Whos actually run a dbol only pm me if youd rather i wanna know results good or bad!

    Yesterdays meals
    3 large whole eggs with milk and cheese
    1 20g protein drink
    bowl of oatmeal with brown sugar

    protein drink and some peanuts as snack

    2 Chicken breast grilled on George Forman!!
    White rice and carrots
    1 protein drink
    can of Mandarin Oranges also( out of can)

    1 protein shake
    and bowl of roman noodles

    4:30 p.m(post workout)
    2 scoops protein powder
    2 fish fillets grilled with tarter sauce
    bowl of white rice with peppers

    1 scoop protein powder
    1 orange
    another bag of peanuts

    1 scoop protein powder
    2 plate fulls of spaghetti and meatballs
    2 peices texas toast

    All protein shakes are 1 scoop 20g every few hours or with every snack or meal basically. Right after workout however is 2 scoops of 20g so 40g total. Snacks throughout day can change from peanuts to peanut butter and jelly sandwhich or oranges. I try to balance between fish and chicken a lot and fruits and vegtables. This was a rough estimate of yesterdays meals im sure i missed snacks. But throughout day is only milk, water, and juice of somesort.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2008
    way too many shakes.....

    switch em up for whole food.

    i'd also look at your training...are you one of the guys who does chest/arms every other day, but never does shoulders/back/legs?

    post up your weekly breakdown of your training

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Dude ditch some of those protein shakes and eat some food. It will do more for you. I have a friend who is 5'6" and about 150 and kinda sorta built but can gain weight still when he wants to bulk up. He is nowhere near his potential for his height. Try eating a $hit ton of protein from steaks chicken and fish and see how that helps and dont forget to eat all the veggies, broccolli is my favorite when its steemed.

    So basically what im saying is eat all normal food and just have maybe 2 or 3 shakes a day tops. Anybody else wanna chime in with some more detailed info?

  16. #16
    so you saying just 2 or 3 20g shakes? and ill try switching it up a little i just like to have some to make sure im getting more then enough protein. and i do chest/bi/tri on mon/wed/fri and i do shoulders/back/and legs on tues/thurs/and sat. If you guys wanna help break that down too great i appreciate it!! Still curious as to peoples dbol only cycle results though.......

  17. #17
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    yea or maybe like a 20-40g shake sometime before and then do a 40g shake after you workout for sure because thats the main time for your muscles to uptake the protein in your "ANABOLIC WINDOW" lol. But yea just make sure most of that protein comes from food throughout the day. I always found 8 eggs for breakfast is a good way to get the day going and really get the farts stinking by the end of the day haha. Oh and on your workout split. If i was you i'd break it up into 3 groups maybe or something because you need some rest in there to grow. You should only be hitting each body part about 2 times a week

  18. #18
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    oh and a good guideline for gaining some muscle is shoot for at least 1.5grams of protein per pound of body weight so if your 150lbs shoot for maybe 225+ grams a day. Follow that and it will get you a good start and I'm sure someone else can give you some more details on everything

  19. #19
    so your thinking just 2 shakes total rest just from food? and damn 8 eggs? i used to do 6 or so but im shitting it out hour later haha. Talk about farts add some more fiber to your diet and that shit never stops!!

  20. #20
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    Dec 2009
    you can put in shakes sometimes like a scoop if you think whatever your eating might be lacking on protein, like if you eat some hamburg/macaroni and you dont have an exact amount of protein intake.

    but like fatty said 1.5g per pound is a good guideline, if your a really hard gainer i'd push it to 2g per pound.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hobbitjones View Post
    Before you all go on flaming i am just curious a few things which through research seems hard to find the actual facts most is opinion with no backing. If you comment site your source or facts please. Anyways the idea behind a Dbol only cycle for a first seems odd. Most people will obviously say run test. Now from dbol only experiences have any of you had positives? What if you were to run a dbol cycle something like 12weeks at 10-15mg a day for weeks 1-6 then 25 or so for the last 6 with a 10mg of nolvadex ED and milkthistle daily as well? I understand it is one of the most highly anabolic AAS. I mean has anyone ever run just a 4-8 week cycle with positive gains and kept those through pct? and those who have and had bad results post as well. I am just trying to figure out the facts vs myths behind a dbol only cycle. Thank you all for you time and yes as a first cycle i had considered a 4-6 week cycle of dbol only. This is to also gauge how i will react to AAS and the sides i will see. However my stats- i am 21 and have lifting consistent for past 2-3 years. I am 155 to 160 with a bf% measured at the gym of 7.5-8%. i say a range because it was not just yesterday and i know it may very. My diet is high in calories protein and carbs. Diet in check and wanting to have some advice. Thank you all and im sure let the flaming begin....
    Mate you cant say your diet is in check and its high of protein and carbs, when your weight tells the tail. Don't mean to be blunt, but sometimes u have to.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Mate take all this advice in its all to help u in the long run and if u still dont listen an go ahead dont run dbol for 12 weeks its murder on your liver jut do a low 12 weeks on test dont be scared of the pin after the first shot u'll feel like a pro piece of piss.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Looking East
    do not use AAS your too young - you can seriously jack yourself for life dude.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    australia, melbourne
    wait ur 155 pounds????

    okay i think apart from telling this kid NO someone should explain why

    to the OP

    understand that YES dbol does help put on weight, and strength (while ur on it), however u do neeed to supply the calories and workout regime for this to happen

    now ur issue is u find it hard gaining weight, and ur wanting to use steroids to help you gain weight

    first dbol alone is a bad idea, its avery strong AAS and as far as side effects go, id say it produces more side effects then most other steroids IMO

    secondly it is suppressive, so if you do run it ur obviously going to suppress ur HPTA to some degree

    okay apart from that u need to realise that to gain you need ot eat more food

    ALOT of dbols weight gains are mainly water weight due to it aromatizes into estrogen, its why it produces such rapid weight gains

    its also why usually half of most dbol agins are lost, u actually dont loose muscle, its just water you loose once u stop the steroid

    to make things worse this water weight does tend to make u look puffy, so while ur on dbol ur not going to look any good, ur going to look blown up

    now apart from dbol, remeber even IF it helps you gain weight, muscle doesnt come out of thin air, you do need to eat more

    and thats your main problem, you dont eat enough

    if you struglle to go over 155 pounds, then steroids arent your anser, food is

    now lets say in a rare or GOOD case u gain 20 pounds on dbol, and once u come off it you keep 10 pounds, dbol also has the baility to stimulate appetite so you could end up eating more to help these gains due to the dbol

    ur now 165 pounds, which means ur metabalism is faster since u now weigh 165 pounds (10 pounds heavier of muscle and fat), so now u need to eat more just to support that new weight

    now remeber u cant get ur weight over 155 pounds atm?

    the problem here is once u discontinue the dbol and come out 165 pounds, ull return back to 155 pounds becuase of ur eating habits and metabalism

    my point here is even if you gain weight off the dbol, u wont be able to maintain it because u dont know how much to eat according to ur metabalism, whatever you gain you will loose becuase of this

    you need to get ur diet in check and understand ur body, once then youll know how much to eat to gain weight, if you cna understand this you can easily put weight on naturally

    saying you eat alot means nothing, most people who have the same issue as yourself give us on this board the exact same story you have (theirs ALOT of them)

    they tell us how they eat so much, they cant gain weight, and then tell us they eat so and so

    then we tell them how much we eat even while off gear, and its usually double what they eat, they are then shocked and say how can you eat that much?

    anser is if you wanna gain weight you have to, theirs no other way, with or without steroids

    if it helps im 220 pounds and this is my daily intake atm, and im gaining about half a kilogram every week, and my metabalsim isnt the fastest

    breakfast: 4-5 cups cereal, litre skim milk, glass juice, tin tuna
    lunch: 3 cups cooked rice, 2 chicken breasts, 1 glass juice
    pre workout: energy drink
    post workout: 2 gatorades, 2 scoops of whey in a shake
    snack 1: 2 wholegrain sandwiches, 2 chicken breasts
    snack 2: same as snack 1 plus glass juice
    dinner: 3-4 cups cooked rice, 2 chicken breast schnizels
    before bed: half litre skim milk, scoop protein, 2 tea spoons of coco for flavour

    thats just a slow gain, maybe u should consider upping ur calories and taking everyones adivce on this thread
    Last edited by ranging1; 01-20-2010 at 04:41 AM.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Looking East
    Epic Post Ranging.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    ranging is 110%.. listern to the guy. for your own good

  27. #27
    thank you ranging1 for the post. Your the first to explain your opinions really. Appreciate the honesty

  28. #28

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    why are you bumping a thread that you're not gonna take any advice from, how about you go try it, and you come tell us what happends when your done your 12 weeks of dbol.

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    australia, melbourne
    Quote Originally Posted by Hobbitjones View Post
    thank you ranging1 for the post. Your the first to explain your opinions really. Appreciate the honesty
    np i think most people realise when they get an explanation

    anyways man why dont you go to the diet section and post up ur diet so people can help you

    ur diets the problme so why not try fixing that

    then go to the workout section and post up ur workout routine so we can fix that for you to

    that way ull start seeing gains and progress

    ud be amazed how many times peoples workouts are usually shocking and are a reason why they get no where

    the same goes for diet

    either way u need to do both these, even people on steroids do this, its not something you can ignore if u wanna gain muscle

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    hey its best to listen to them about diet i am in the army and im a lil guy. so i strated doing some steroids got big than i started loosing it so my idea was i just need more roids got on here stated getting help with another cycle even got the stuff for the cycle than i was introduced to the diet section where i learned a world of information and found out why i cant keep my weight so i decied to hold off on the roides and get my diet in check. best descion i have ever made... i got a bottle of anadrol (i think its fake) and probly wont take it still (and its about a year later they helpd me writ my cycle) diet is your foundation. best actual weight gainer u can get thats my 2cents

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Monroe LA
    This is why steroids are illegal! Because children get them thinking they are a wonder power and end up misusing,please dont become a statistic!

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by **TOP** View Post
    This is why steroids are illegal! Because children get them thinking they are a wonder power and end up misusing,please dont become a statistic!
    DBOL CYCLES WORK WHEN YOU DONT MISUSE.they are not optimal but do work.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Dbol alone will provide gains in LBM and reduce FFM. It will increse protein synthesis and nitrogen retention.

    It will supress the HPTA so a PCT is needed afterwards. It may even cause "shutdown" in some user's.

    I tried it recently with Aromaisn 10mg/ED. I put on a few lbs but got acne fairly badly. I had a reduced appetite, energy levels and labido. Its far from optimal and shouldnt be used alone IMHO. But does work.

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