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Thread: Anavar only cycle, need help

  1. #1

    Anavar only cycle, need help

    So I have been doing my research trying to find a mild steroid and anavar is where i ended up. I am looking to add a couple punds of lean mass while shedding a few pounds of fat. Im 22, ~190lbs, 6ft, and about 10-11%bf.

    I have been working out for a few years and just wanted an extra boost for the summer season. Although I've done my research in finding that anavar in mild doses will not shut down one's own test production, (which is what i do not want happening), im unsure of how much to take so that doesnt happen (i've read between 20-60mg a day).

    I was looking to do the shortest run time possible while still seeing results.

    How does a 6 week run of anavar sound?
    How many mg's a day?
    And what is the best PCT to use in order to boost natural test asap?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    Anavar can indeed shut you down, besides at your age you have tons of natural test production, if you used that and got your diet/training straight you could easily add a few pounds.

  3. #3
    This is what i found

    Studies using low dosages of this compound note minimal interferences with natural testosterone production. Likewise when it is used alone in small amounts there is typically no need for ancillary drugs like Clomid/Nolvadex or HCG. This has a lot to do with the fact that it does not convert to estrogen, which we know has an extremely profound effect on endogenous hormone production. Without estrogen to trigger negative feedback, we seem to note a higher threshold before inhibition is noted. But at higher dosages of course, a suppression of natural testosterone levels will still occur with this drug as with any anabolic/androgenic steroid and therefore require post cycle therapy to restore the HPTA

    So, I understand it can supress or shut down your test, but i was reading other threads and alot people aid they never heard of osmeone getting shut on on anavar, but only supressed.

    What dose do you think would be good to take in order to not get shut down?

    Also, I still need help with someone answering my questions from my first post above^^

    Here they are again:

    I was looking to do the shortest run time possible while still seeing results.

    How does a 6 week run of anavar sound?
    How many mg's a day?
    And what is the best PCT to use in order to boost natural test asap?
    Last edited by americanoak; 01-11-2010 at 02:22 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    edit that link out of your post, please. You can't post things like that here.

    And, fyi, information off a site trying to sell you steroids is not always reliable.

    If someone else wants to answer your questions, they can feel free, but I already gave you my advice.

  5. #5
    oh, sorry wasnt aware I couldn't post links. Thanks aha

    Thanks also for the advice, good to know, just hoping some other people will chime in aswell and give their opinion

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    only advice ill give you because i feel 22 is still to young is your questions can easily be answered with a simple search in this forum

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Mid West
    A 22 yr old taking steroids just to get bigger and look better may be too young. But a 22 yr old with a legit purpose like taking them to perform better in a sport which they may only play until 23 or 24 is not too young. Don't be so quick to pull the age card. I'm 22 and am thinking about doing an anavar cycle as well man in the process of researching it more thoroughly.

  8. #8
    i dont see a difference doing it to perform better in a sport for another year or ot just look better for this years summer. No matter what you use it for they will have the same sides. I would never take aas for a sport if i wasnt 100% sure i wanted to take them in the first place. Also, to me, steroids in sports is kinda cheating, but thats another topic.

    I understand some people say I may be too young, however I am 22 and feel i have the right to make my own decisions.

    I chose anavar because i have read about how mild of a steroid it is. If I was going to run it it would be mainly to shed some bf while maintaining the muscle mass i already have, or adding an extra few lbs.

    I've read women can take doses of up to 10mg a day without fear of masculine side effects that they'd fear taking other steroids. I have also read that this drug was originally made for younger people, people with aids, etc. It has only gotten a bad name and banned by FDA because of the side effectsand publicity of so many, more harmful, steroids.

    I admit, some of my information may be wrong, but this is why I am on this site. I would really apperciate if someone could answer my original questions. Please.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Dallas, Texas
    Im 21 and in the same boat you are my friend.. It sucks when no one answers your questions...

  10. #10
    any other input?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    you little guys crying about not getting your question answered should look at the search and see how many questions we had on this TODAY along.

    take at least 60mg a day more like 100mg. good luck finding a legit source, that shit is not cheap.. if your going to run gear just do a test cycle. I'm done here since noobs don't read the stickies.

  12. #12
    ive read tons of stickies, i just like to hear from other people and what they have to say.

    This is what i came up with:

    Anavar.. either 40 or 60mg ed, longets ill take it is 6 week, that part is final.

    For PCT:

    Nolvadex & Clomid 9 hours after last use of Anavar.
    Im just unsure of dosage... I read the following from another thread but i cant remember where.. how does this PCT sound, do you have any recomendations to make this better

    2 weeks: Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid) 50/50 mg ed (ttl 700 mg) (Breakfast)
    3 weeks: Tamoxifen Citrate (Nolvadex) 20/20/20 mg ed (ttl 420 mg) (Breakfast)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Didn't you already start a thread about this?

    You pretty much have all the info you need on this forum buddy...

    And make sure your source is good otherwise you will be shelling out alot of cash on bunk or underdosed gear.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by americanoak View Post
    So I have been doing my research trying to find a mild steroid and anavar is where i ended up. I am looking to add a couple punds of lean mass while shedding a few pounds of fat. Im 22, ~190lbs, 6ft, and about 10-11%bf.

    I have been working out for a few years and just wanted an extra boost for the summer season. Although I've done my research in finding that anavar in mild doses will not shut down one's own test production, (which is what i do not want happening), im unsure of how much to take so that doesnt happen (i've read between 20-60mg a day).

    I was looking to do the shortest run time possible while still seeing results.

    How does a 6 week run of anavar sound?
    How many mg's a day?
    And what is the best PCT to use in order to boost natural test asap?

    Most males do well on 40-60mg daily,,for 10-12 wk cycles.
    I would still do a clomid/nolva PCT after cycle.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I have run several anavar only cycles....leans you out, very little gain, shuts you down and for me thins out my hair like crazy in spots. But that was me and I am prone to those sides.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Gym and the Kitchen
    As with all drugs, how it affects one person does mean it will affect you in the same way. It's true you may be shutdown very little with a var cycle, but you may also be shutdown hard. Personally, if I were to run an oral only cycle, it would be Tbol hands down, but if you insist on var, I would personally would run 60-80mg and a proper pct. There's no sense in risking shutting down your natty production and not making sure it recovers. I would run the standard 4 week pct (Nolva 40/40/20/20 and Clomid 100/100/50/50), but I have been shutdown very bad in the past and it sucks big time!!! Just my 2 cents

  17. #17
    hmm so if uve got hair issues dont touch anavar? even though its mild ... i can understand why d-bol and test or something like that would thin ur hair , but anavar.. i was sure that it wouldnt affect it. VEGAS u said uve done several cycles.. ive got 50 caps of 30mg each how should i spread it out ? i wast thinking of pyramiding it. EG. 6days - 30mg, 8 days - 60mg , 6days 75mg , 1day 90mg , 4days - 60mg and 3days 30mg.. just so ur not going full does for 3weeks then cutting it off. rather i thaught ease into it then ease out ? someone please correct me if im wrong .. thanks mateys

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by fit4ever180 View Post
    I would run the standard 4 week pct (Nolva 40/40/20/20 and Clomid 100/100/50/50), but I have been shutdown very bad in the past and it sucks big time!!! Just my 2 cents
    finally someone answers this question haha thank you.
    I was planning on running nolva and clomid, just wasnt sure of dosage.

    Ive never cycled so im not sure if im prone to getting shut down easly or not, but judging by the mildness, if thats a word, of anavar, do you think it is likely to be shut down by a low dosed 6 week cycle?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by americanoak View Post
    So I have been doing my research trying to find a mild steroid and anavar is where i ended up. I am looking to add a couple punds of lean mass while shedding a few pounds of fat. Im 22, ~190lbs, 6ft, and about 10-11%bf.

    I have been working out for a few years and just wanted an extra boost for the summer season. Although I've done my research in finding that anavar in mild doses will not shut down one's own test production, (which is what i do not want happening), im unsure of how much to take so that doesnt happen (i've read between 20-60mg a day).

    I was looking to do the shortest run time possible while still seeing results.

    How does a 6 week run of anavar sound? it could sound fine if you were more grown
    How many mg's a day?
    And what is the best PCT to use in order to boost natural test asap? only blood work can tell

    ---thanks you are welcome
    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    Anavar can indeed shut you down, besides at your age you have tons of natural test production, if you used that and got your diet/training straight you could easily add a few pounds.

    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    edit that link out of your post, please. You can't post things like that here.

    And, fyi, information off a site trying to sell you steroids is not always reliable. ...x2

    If someone else wants to answer your questions, they can feel free, but I already gave you my advice.
    Quote Originally Posted by americanoak View Post
    ive read tons of stickies, i just like to hear from other people and what they have to say.

    This is what i came up with:

    Anavar.. either 40 or 60mg ed, longets ill take it is 6 week, that part is final.

    For PCT:

    Nolvadex & Clomid 9 hours after last use of Anavar.
    Im just unsure of dosage... I read the following from another thread but i cant remember where.. how does this PCT sound, do you have any recomendations to make this better

    2 weeks: Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid) 50/50 mg ed (ttl 700 mg) (Breakfast)
    3 weeks: Tamoxifen Citrate (Nolvadex) 20/20/20 mg ed (ttl 420 mg) (Breakfast)
    perhaps this was the thread:

    Whatever you are going to do, remember BW!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Also another great question, How does your diet look? if your looking to shred up for your beach bod, With a crappy diet that anavar is gonna be a waste of some serious cash..Diet, and workout routine is gonna be a huge factor in your sucess with anavar, whether your lookin for a six pack for the beach or not. It doesn't matter. Whats your diet you got planned?

  21. #21
    haha sorry about that BJJ, gj with all of the work you have done on that thread btw.

    For right now, HuntMan, I am cycling carbs.

    Ill go 3 to 4 days low carbs, then add in a high carb day.

    On low carb days i will have a combo of complex carbs from either oatmeal or wheatbread and simple carbs. I will usually have a protein shake with ~40g protein and about 2tbsp peanutbutter and skim milk, or I will have a few whole eggs + some egg whites.

    For the rest of my meals I will have some type of protein, very low carbs (~10) and healthy fats, i.e nuts, avacado, olive oil, etc...

    On high carb days Ill pretty much do the same thing except in my other meals i will add in wheat bread or sweat potatoes or any good complex carb for around 40 carbs / meal except for later in the day when i start to cut them down a little, usually couple hours ebfore i sleep

    anyway to sum it up.. my diet is based around high protein and cycling carbs

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas67 View Post
    I have run several anavar only cycles....leans you out, very little gain, shuts you down and for me thins out my hair like crazy in spots. But that was me and I am prone to those sides.
    Why would you run several cycles then??!? Simply to lean out?!

  23. #23
    imo all steroids "surpress " your natty test to some point ... i think ppl mis- use the word "shut down" and "surpress" imo shut down is no test at all or very very little , surpress on the other hand may have different levels alot, a little, or moderately etc ....

    in saying this var will still "surpress" you thats a definate !!!! pct is needed !!!!! id see just how much u are shut down by bloodwork b4 cycle during and after, during is to see effect whilst on , liver values, chol/triglc , etc b4 is to get your baselines set , and after cycle to get back to norm levels this test the after cycle 1 is then what id base my pct around e.g. if u are severley shut down then nolva and clomid high doses and hcg if u arent then id say just 1 or the other clomi or nolva ......

    all this aside you are only 22 your natty test doesnt decline till 25 im 28 and have natty test at 550ng/dl this is normal and im 28 !!!! yours would be higher at 22 and by tweaking your diet and trining you could get the pounds u want naturally . imo you are to young , they are not a magic pill !!!!!

    if u do run it which is apparent you are 6 weeks at 50+mgs is what id do at your age .... i cant state enough the importance of bloodwork and its correllation to pct and what u do nolva 20/20/10/10/10 and clomid 150/100/50/50 if heavily shut down or nolva 20/20/10/10 if lightly shut down are some examples ......

    i hope u read this and wait a few years youd be better 4 it

    your welcome

  24. #24
    thanks fo rth einfo in2shape. Im still havin alot of trouble deciding if i rly wanna cycle yet. As i keep reading i am slowly going towards waiting till im older.

    If i was not suppressed only moderatly, but still ran the heavy pct

    the nolva: 20/20/10/10/10 and clomid 150/100/50/50

    what would happen? wouldnt my natty test just shot back up quicker than the weaker pct?

  25. #25
    doesnt work like that bro .... u have to remember these drugs clomid nolva also have there sides, every1 is different i dont know how well u will react to get yet alone pct drugs , thats the risk u take bro thats YOUR decision , i wont make that 4 u , .....

    in all honestly ppl on here have done it at alot younger and are fine , then theres the others who have done it also and have come back with

    no nuts, begging 4 help, cant blow a load, tired, bald, acne everywhere, tits leaking milk oh and a limp noodle !!!!!!!! dont be another no listener / statistic !!!!!

    it is your choice your risk your body your hormones and your tits leaking milk !!!!!!

  26. #26
    i understand in2shape.

    What types of sides do nolva and clomid have?>

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