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Thread: Test E and Deca dosages

  1. #1

    Test E and Deca dosages

    Im 6'3 210lbs n wanting to take Test E and Deca, i ordered both at 250mg/ml, and was wondering if that was enough to take once a week as a 10 week cycle with mixing 1ml for each one??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Nope you screwed up, both need to shot twice a week.

    250mg of test and 250mg of deca per week is not going to do much.

    Need at least 500mg test and 400mg of deca/week to make decent gains.

    Doesnt seem like you knew what you were doing, is this gonna be your first cycle? What are your stats?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    If its your first cycle stick with Test - E.

    2x 250mg shots a week. 3 1/2 days a part.

    Get a good PCT together.

    This is the best beginners cycle advice. READ UP!

  4. #4
    yea its my first cycle, should i just up the dosage on both of them or stop taking the deca? n will the tex? .... if i kept taking them together as 250mg each will i get no results?... im 6'3 210lbs. 12 percent body fat n im 21 yrs old

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    21! your still young bro. What's your diet like?

  6. #6
    save the deca for your second cycle

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    Actually, save the test and deca for a later cycle.

    You don't need steroids at 21 years old.

  8. #8
    I'm intaking about 4000 calories a day with about 350gm of protein... So taking this cycle I won't benefit from it??

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    The gym or the kitchen
    No it wont..... 250 is nothing. Do some research before you buy and inject things into your body.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Y don't u work on your diet for a few more years? And see what it takes for u to grow. U will for shure grow on those cals. Your still young and u prob put on 20 lbs natually in a short time. When I was younger I got my diet in check and gained like 50lbs in a year. Good luck!

  11. #11
    Ok thanks everyone for the feedback... I have gained In the past year but it seems as of I hit a peak what should I do?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    Quote Originally Posted by jonnyred View Post
    Ok thanks everyone for the feedback... I have gained In the past year but it seems as of I hit a peak what should I do?
    Change your training routine, re-evaluate your diet....

  13. #13
    The reason I ask bc my friend took the same thing test n deca 250mg/ml n gained 25lbs on a 10 week cycle.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2009
    At The Gym


    Quote Originally Posted by 6ft5 View Post
    Y don't u work on your diet for a few more years? And see what it takes for u to grow. U will for shure grow on those cals. Your still young and u prob put on 20 lbs natually in a short time. When I was younger I got my diet in check and gained like 50lbs in a year. Good luck!

    I HIGHLY doubt that...

    To the OP, do more research before you start putting synthetic substances into your body

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