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Thread: Question from going from Bulking Cycle to Cutting Cycle?

  1. #1

    Question Question from going from Bulking Cycle to Cutting Cycle?


    I'm 3 weeks into a bulking cycle, 500mg sus, 200mg decca per week, and have one week left of Dbol.

    Now, I've really miscalculated my cycles, I ideally wanted to have a 12 week bulking cycle (above) then go on to a Cutting Cycle of maybe Tren, prop & anavar (yet to be decided)

    Would this have a negative effect on the gains I have gained on the bulking cycle if i went straight into a cutting cycle (yes, recovery will be a bitch)

    Is it best to do PCT for a month after Bulking cycle then go into cutting cycle if my levels are normal, or do I need to have basically the same time off than I have had on.....

    could I get away with staying on the sus, changing the decca for tren, and adding anavar & Clen then going calorie deficit.? (this would be preferred)

    Or alternativly, could you change a cycle 4 weeks in? and go to cutting now?

    Thanks for your advice!
    Last edited by Simon83; 02-04-2010 at 06:50 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Reason for time off and time on is for your body to recover. If it's recovered already... whatever, your choice.

    You can cut on anything, it's all in your diet and training. (yeah yeah, "bloat", but that water weight goes away fairly quickly upon cessation, if it happens at all.)

    You can do exactly what you said and switch (or you could even change your sust out for prop while you're at it.) Naturally you'll get conflicting advice based on who/where you ask, but that's my opinion (and I've done it myself and my bloodwork all came back just fine, however you're not me and I'm not you, so your mileage may vary.)

  3. #3
    exactly, everyone has different views.

    I'd prefer to bulk and cut in the same cycle, and after 12 weeks switch to prop, tren, avavar /winny and clen.

    I just didn't want this to have a negative affect on my gains from sus and decca.


  4. #4
    If i go from 12 week bulking cycle into 8 week cutting cycle will i loose alot of the gains?

    This is what 'some' people say!!

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Like some previous stated its all on your diet and training if you lose or keep your gains while on a cycle like you said, especially with the compounds you have listed. However after 18 weeks utilize HCG and you'd better start eating heavy again when you begin pct.

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