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Thread: Newbie with a couple HGH ?'s

  1. #1

    Newbie with a couple HGH ?'s

    Ive spent some time on the forums and just wanted to make sure Ive gathered some accurate info:

    Im 33, 6'4", 215lbs, about 18% body fat. Athletic and in shape, but looking to lose some fat, strengthen joints, and get into even better shape again.

    First time HGH cycle; Ive decided to go with 3 IU's a day, injecting at the end of the day. Green top, 30IU vials (2ml). 1/2cc syringes. I have 4 vials total.

    Just wanted to make sure I did my math right as Ive seen conflicting data on the forums.

    - Using the 1/2cc syringe, am I drawing back to 16 of 50 to get 3 IU's ?

    - Will 4 vials (40 days) be enough time to see some results ?

    Thanks guys and gals.

    Last edited by PhRising; 02-03-2010 at 11:36 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Alberta, Canada
    4 vials won't be very much.

    You need to run hgh for at least 4 months, preferably 6 months.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Alberta, Canada
    You want to draw up to the 20 mark for 3iu's if your adding 2mls.

  4. #4
    My calculation: (vial says 30IU,2ml)

    1 ml = 1cc
    so 30IU or 2 ml (1 vial) = 4 syringes (each syringe is 1/2cc)
    15IU = 2 syringes
    7.5IU = 1 syringe
    3.75IU = 1/2 syringe
    3IU = .32 syringe, or 16 of 50 on the syringe

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