Guys, long story short.. I'm starting hgh soon after 4 years of contimplating, getting funds, age, etc.. Age: 31yrs
I checked my old threads to recap on my knowledge of reconstituting, etc. I just want to clarify a measuring on the Slin pin.
I'm doing 1 1/2 ml of B-Water to reconstitute & 5ius/day (5 days on/2 off).
My question: On my 1/2cc pin (50) it goes in number gaps of 5's (eg. 5,10,15,20).
If i want 5iu's of hgh, Do i just draw out the liquid to the number "5" & would the be considered my dose @ 5ius??
** This topic is still a blur to me no matter what i read..
Please help me out, thanks.