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Thread: Thinking of doing a this a good foundation?

  1. #1

    Thinking of doing a this a good foundation?

    Hi guys/gal,


    I've been looking around this site for quite some time now(8 months or so) and finally decided it was time to get serious and join as a member. I have been a firefighter now for 5+ years at a very busy department. I have been working out since before then and played sports throughout high-school/college. For the last year I have gotten even more dedicated and become strict about diet and training. This has gotten me to the point where I am happy with my results but still not completely satisfied. I have seen a few guys who have gotten great results from a cycle and I was wondering what you guys think of my base foundation. I have realistic goals and don’t want to get to the point where I can’t do my job aka too big haha, I would just like to get bigger. I have a very solid grasp on my diet and training but I would just like to take it to the next level. I understand that this will take alot of work but I am willing to do this.

    Stats are:
    Age: 24
    Weight: 183
    Biceps: 15.5
    Height: 5'11"
    Waist: 32
    BF: My guess 14% (+- 2%) Just a guess

    My questions are:
    1) Do I have a good base foundation to do a cycle?
    2) If so what would be your recommendations for my first cycle?
    3) Should I stay natural for another year or so and explore the idea next year?
    4) Will I be puffy and have alot of water weight for California Summer if I start a cycle next month? (Should I wait till end of summer to do a cycle)
    5) What areas do you think I should focus on?
    -- aka Arms, chest, Legs, Lats....??
    6) What's your estimate for BF%
    7) If I already have kind of puff nipples, should I be worried about gyno? (I’m a little self-conscious of them already)

    Please be 100% honest, you wont hurt my feelings. I would rather you be harsh and honest then try to be soft and sugar coat the matter.

    PS-I have NEVER posed, so don’t bother critiquing my flexing/posing (I know it is very poor). Its my first time in front of a camera!

    Hope I've answered everything!! Looking forward to hearing your opinions!!

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    its really your choice have a decent base and looks like you have a grasp on diet and exercise.....some will say your too young and some will say to stay natty and reach your genetic peak first but you seem to have a good head on your shoulders so it up to you good luck eather way...

  3. #3
    Thats kinda what I was thinking. Im on the fence-could stay natural and try to push forward or could take things to the next level by doing a cycle-Thats why I posted those 7 questions above. I think the outcome of what people have to say about those 7 questions will help determine which side of the fence I go to. I have no issue doing a cycle, but I dont feel as if I should make the decision without some other peoples advice. Especially people who have done a cycle and have more knowledge then myself- I have just read soooooo many post where people say they went on a cycle too soon. I would like to hear everyones response so I know if Im ready. Keep them coming guys...


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    check your email bro

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    not bad man your def lean but you have nice muscle tone. It is up to you, we both know you can prolly gain a few more lbs but its up to you. you look great though.

  6. #6
    Thanks for the response-Its good to know that Im atleast on track. I know I could use a little more meat on me...thats def. a goal to shoot for. As for the 7 questions below, do you guys have any thoughts on them!! (minus number 1 since it has already been answered that "Im on the fence" and could continue in either direction!!

    My questions are:
    1) Do I have a good base foundation to do a cycle?
    2) If so what would be your recommendations for my first cycle?
    3) Should I stay natural for another year or so and explore the idea next year?
    4) Will I be puffy and have alot of water weight for California Summer if I start a cycle next month? (Should I wait till end of summer to do a cycle)
    5) What areas do you think I should focus on?
    -- aka Arms, chest, Legs, Lats....??
    6) What's your estimate for BF%
    7) If I already have kind of puff nipples, should I be worried about gyno? (I’m a little self-conscious of them already)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    australia, melbourne
    i think your ready to cycle,

    your not near your genetic potential but your definetaly closer to it then most people who start AAS are

    first cycle is standard 500mg test eth weekly, maybe a oral steroids to kikstart it

    if you wanna stay natural its up to you, it all depends on how patient you are and how long your willing to wait to reach your desired size

    you could be puffy, depends on how prone you are, i persoanly blow up like a balloon while others have close ot no water retention, but my guess is you will most likely be puffy since majority of people do bloat to some extent

    you should work on EVERYTHING, their no bodypart on you thats to big, so work on everything if you wnana gain the most size possible

    i think 12% is good bf% estimate

    worried about gyno or not, just make sure u have soem nolvadex on hand and you wont face any problems since ull have noladex to treat it

  8. #8
    Great...after talking to some of the guys on this forum I got some amazing help. Everyone on here (thus far) has been nothing but nice and helpful, so with that being said THANKS to all that provided input!!! But getting back to the cycle question. Since I will be ending the cycle near the beginning of "shirt off season" I am looking to keep myself clean and lean without cutting myself short of the gains (I dont want to be a stuffed sausage for summertime and then shredded for the winter, if anything I would want the exact opposite . I understand I will have to eat big to get big and with that will come extra weight in addition to the water retention. I am afraid that if I am bloated and puffy for summer time, Im going to want to cut down fast to look clean and show off my gains (hahha j/k) but I dont want to rob myself after my cycle and loose all my gains, leaving me back where I starting. So I guess the question is, will I be best suited doing a cycle of:

    wks 1-8 anavar 50-100mg/day
    wks 1-8 test prop 100mg EOD
    PCT(start 2 days after last injection)
    nolva 40/40/20/20
    clomid 100/100/50/50
    pros- quick cycle, not much water retention. significant gains from test, significant strength from both.
    cons- some often find bad soreness from test prop, anavar is pricey

    And trying to keep the weight and water retention off from the beginning or Should wait til the end of summer and take the side effect during the winter of next year. I know this is a subjective personal question, but Im basically asking if I will look like and bloated jackass for summer, or will I be able to make my gain, keep my gains and still keep/maintain a decent muscular and defined physique?

    Thanks in advance for the help guys, really helping a newbie understand the ins and outs!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Never dun prop but I liked test e and EQ. Stay pretty lean good vascularity, prformance goes up. Little slower so prob wouldn't bloat to much. But everyones diff. I'm bout to try sus and eq. Can't wait!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    O yea! you look good dude. I have big ass nips, I try and keep my chest big and wide so they don't look so fkn funny. I don't like mine either.

  11. #11
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    solid base compared to most other people we see asking if there ready to cycle. Simple test e or c cycle will be best bet.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    good base, about same as me when I started my cycle, if you can put on 25-35 pounds will look pretty beast.

    gl with your decision

    oh and even if you go on dbol/test - e dosen't mean you'll bloat, I leaned out during my cycle, watch your diet you should be good.

  13. #13
    Thanks for the advice...As of right now, I’m looking for pictures of guys (about me size/body type) who have done types of various cycles. This will help me see what I will look like post cycle. Am excited to do a cycle, I just want to get the correct cycle, dose, and timing so I can optimize my gains. There is no rush for me to do it, so I might as well take in as much information and advice as possible (they are both FREE and Healthy ha-ha). I have done quite a bit of research up to this point and now that I’m getting close to pulling the trigger, I’m realizing that although I know a far amount, there is still soooo much to know/understand. Once I decide on a particular cycle, I will do my final research and pull the trigger.

    Keep any recommendations coming on what would be a good first cycle for someone my size, experience and physique!

    I thought the Test prop + Var seemed to be a good cycle considering my goals and needs!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    I have to agree with most of the people here... you have the experience... forget about test prop for your first cycle go with enanthate or cyp.... just remember diet is everything....

  15. #15
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
    Join Date
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    Mt. Olympus
    first cycle should be basic...

    test e or cyp 500mg wk 1-12

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Yep, keep it simple dude. Mayby throw in sum clen w pct.

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