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Thread: Egg whites in Oz

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Egg whites in Oz

    This probably should go in the diet section but i figure we have more traffic through here.

    I used to buy my egg whites in cartons from safeway, but they have ceased to stock them. Can any Aussies tell me anywhere else to buy them? Preferrably not frozen. Bulk is fine also.


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Squating at the Curl Rack
    egg whites liquid? not powder?

    man up and eat the yolk. Egg protein is only a complete source of protien is the white is eaten with the yolk. The cholesterol DOES NOT effect your HDL or LDL levels, or cholesterol levels, and the fat is VERY good.

    IGA sells them.
    Just my 2 cents.

  3. #3
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    Thats the first time I've seen someone argue the RDA for cholesterol.
    I think ultimately I will just have to eat 8 yolks a day for some time and see what it does to my LDL.

    The reason I'm so interested is because I have always eaten egg yolks myself, but always have been paranoid that I'm asking for a heart attack in later years. Even to the point where when I have my 7th or 8th egg, I almost feel my blood pressure jump from anxiety of the thought like "damn I need to really stop eating yolks", thats huge though I need to do more research.

    Just saw one from Harvard but its new and I would not trust it, will look for what else is out there right now I'm real curious about this yolk topic.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    Thats the first time I've seen someone argue the RDA for cholesterol.
    I think ultimately I will just have to eat 8 yolks a day for some time and see what it does to my LDL.

    The reason I'm so interested is because I have always eaten egg yolks myself, but always have been paranoid that I'm asking for a heart attack in later years. Even to the point where when I have my 7th or 8th egg, I almost feel my blood pressure jump from anxiety of the thought like "damn I need to really stop eating yolks", thats huge though I need to do more research.

    Just saw one from Harvard but its new and I would not trust it, will look for what else is out there right now I'm real curious about this yolk topic.
    I don't have any studies at the moment, but from personal experience eating the yolk does not effect my cholesterol in a bad way. I ate 12 whole eggs a day for about 6 weeks and got tested. I can't remember numbers, but the doc was impressed.

    I only see the frozen whites in Woolies now. Never been tempted to buy them.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by auslifta View Post
    I don't have any studies at the moment, but from personal experience eating the yolk does not effect my cholesterol in a bad way. I ate 12 whole eggs a day for about 6 weeks and got tested. I can't remember numbers, but the doc was impressed.

    I only see the frozen whites in Woolies now. Never been tempted to buy them.
    Wow this is pretty damn impressing indeed. As long as I've been here I've heard over and over "just one yolk a day" but could never not eat the yolks lol.

    I'm gonna familiarize myself with this topic so I know now for good, next time someone comments about be eating my egg yolks I will unleash a furry of scientific studies to prove them wrong, then enjoy my yolks like its always been meant to be =] lmao - thanks gents, another reason why I love this site, its like the CIA of diet information.

  6. #6
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    Yolks all the way.

    I'll get some study's soon and post them up. I eat dozens of eggs a week, its been going of for years, and my LDH/HDH are perfect.

    Let me make one thing perfectly clear, THERE IS NO SCIENTIFIC LINK BETWEEN EATING CHOLESTEROL AND THE CHOLESTEROL IN YOUR BLOOD. there is no proof that eating it effects your levels.

    But so i can prove my point more, by tomorrow i hope i will find and post some studies.



  7. #7
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    This excludes transfats, because transfats are not natural, they are the result of humans super-heating oil and thus forming transfats. They are not find naturally in nature. But there is no trans in eggs. So enjoy.

    studies to follow!!!

  8. #8
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    Heres the one found, I just want to see if theres more because the articles only makes mention of a few studies done, seems like a small amount. If theres more you know that would be great, Friend might thank you too lol.

    A pivotal study from Harvard in 1999, of nearly 120,000 men and women, found no association between eggs—up to one a day—and heart disease, except in people with diabetes. Nor did it find a link between eggs and strokes. Studies since then have similarly vindicated eggs, including a Japanese study of more than 90,000 middle-aged people in the British Journal of Nutrition in 2006, and a study in 2007 from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, which both found no link between frequent egg consumption and heart disease. In light of these findings, recommendations about eggs have changed over the years, and cholesterol guidelines, in general, are being rethought.

  9. #9
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    Or wait maybe thats the wrong question? It might be smart to ask how many studies prove a link first? Is there even any? Ok I need to research but first I need to sleep lol. Will be back!!

  10. #10
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    That study is "ok", but it only surveyed for 1 egg a day. Im eating 6-8 eggs a day.

    I will look for more by tomorrow.

  11. #11
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    Some points from Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD, author of The Cholesterol Myths : Exposing the Fallacy that Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Cause Heart Disease.
    Cholesterol is not a deadly poison, but a substance that is absolutely necessary for you to be healthy. High cholesterol itself does not cause heart disease.
    People who have low blood cholesterol have the same rates of heart disease as people who have high blood cholesterol.
    The cholesterol found in your blood comes from two sources: cholesterol in food that you eat and cholesterol that your liver makes from other nutrients. What's interesting is that the amount of cholesterol that your liver produces varies according to how much cholesterol you eat. The more cholesterol you eat, the less your liver produces. And vice versa - the less cholesterol you eat, the more your liver produces. This is why a low cholesterol diet does not decrease a person's blood cholesterol by more than a few percent.
    Drugs that solely lower your cholesterol do not decrease your risk of dying from heart disease, nor do they increase your lifespan. These drugs pose dangers to your health and may decrease your lifespan.
    The newer cholesterol-lowering drugs - called statins - do reduce your risk of heart disease, but through mechanisms that are not related to lower blood cholesterol. Unfortunately, statins like lipitor, mevacor, zocor, pravachol, and lescol are known to stimulate cancer in rodents.
    I'll look for more info later.

  12. #12
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    Good work auslifta, one of the studies i was looking for. .

    I just finished my final exam today, so im nto bothered looking for more. lol. Tomorrow maybe.

  13. #13
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    ive been eating whole eggs ever since i read anthony bova's spartan regime in high school, and did some study into it. my cholesterol levels havent been affected. but rose is right stay away from those fcukin trans fats!!

  14. #14
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    who cares... be happy and die eating yummy whole eggs

  15. #15
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    Dsm will gladly give you some yummy whole eggs to choke on

  16. #16
    abou your questions about eggs

    they have both good and bad cholestrol

    from a study done in aus, (im going to go have to find this one on google) it was found the higher amounts of good cholestrol in eggs actually helped lower bad cholestorl in the blood

  17. #17
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    ^^i would like to see these studies, that would be awesome if it did that.

  18. #18
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    Refer to Auslifters post above, he has it down pack.

    Ill try et some studies tomorrow, if stevey doesnt stop making fun of my DP .

  19. #19
    this so far is the best i can find

    im not going to post a slab of it, read the link, the page is very informative and should give you anough information to support eggs dont hurt your cholestorl

  20. #20
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    That was good rangin2, maybe your not that bad, but still ranging1 is better .

    What about for consumption of more that 5+ eggs a day? All these studies are on 1 egg a day.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Rose View Post
    That was good rangin2, maybe your not that bad, but still ranging1 is better .

    What about for consumption of more that 5+ eggs a day? All these studies are on 1 egg a day.

    read the graph on correltion fo egg consumption per capita in the link i posted and its shows a good level off evidence

  22. #22
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    A buddy of mine was eating about 18 sole eggs a day and just had a heart attack at the age of 25. No prior heart problems nor was there any family history of hear issues. The rest of his diet is fairly clean aswell. The only bad thing is heavy drinking on the weekends. I'd like to see some detailed studies on large consumption.

  23. #23
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    Sorry stack it, you can relate the egg consumption to his heart attack, that theory has already been disproved for one, and second there are soooooo many other variables to be considered. For example, artificial preservatives, color, flavors, they all contribute to health problems, Pollution in the air, water, food we consume, the heavy drinking is a BIG factor, but not the only one. Other drugs he was taking. Man there are millions of other variables that need to be considered. Genetic is also big, sometimes they skip generations until two recessive genes are perfectly matched, etc etc.

    Also thats a lot of eggs, i dont think i could ever down that. The most i had was a dozen in one day... and felt sick, haha.

    But yes more studies on more eggs!!

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Rose View Post
    Refer to Auslifters post above, he has it down pack.

    Ill try et some studies tomorrow, if stevey doesnt stop making fun of my DP .
    lol rosieee i was just kidding mate, it wa s just the baby oil. looking good but bro.

    and this whole egg debate i couldnt care, your going to ie regardless and 99.9999% it wont be due to eggs killing you. but seriously i wona find egg whites in aus like the OP asked... any place??

  25. #25
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    hahaha, . It wasnt baby oil either, it was emu oil, hahaha. I dont even know how i got emu oil

    Haha, any supermarket, IGA sells them fresh im sure.

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Rose View Post
    hahaha, . It wasnt baby oil either, it was emu oil, hahaha. I dont even know how i got emu oil

    Haha, any supermarket, IGA sells them fresh im sure.
    lol its australia

    if you need emu oil i suggets you just walk out into the local paddock

    always couple flocks of emus around

    i usually ride my rex (pet kangeroo) and chase them down

    then squeeze me some oil

    works everytime

    dont use a boomerang, i know that tv show 'a current affair' said its a good weapon to get those emus down

    but in all honesty a rifles so much easier to carry when your riding your kangeroo, and much more effective

  27. #27
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    Check out they ship eggwhites.

  28. #28
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    Nevermind they only ship to continental us.

  29. #29
    ^^^^ dam beat me their, just realised the same thing

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