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Thread: Heres the cycle I plan on running, any advice is appreciated

  1. #1

    Heres the cycle I plan on running, any advice is appreciated

    Wanted to say whats up to everyone on this site.

    I've read alot of your threads and most all of you seem to be pretty cool and this place doesn't seem to be a cluster **** of idiots.

    Anyways heres my stats since I know its a must
    Age 29
    Height 6'
    Weight 207
    BF 17%
    cycle experience (PH, Havoc) Worked great on me except gave me dry knees they just didnt feel lubed up enough when doing presses LOL
    Experience off and on for 10 years but been solid for 3 years now
    Drugs back in my early 20s made me quit and always go back. .

    I really havent seen much on anything saying if steroids was safe to take if you are a past user of heavy drugs.

    I've had blood work done on just about anything you can have blood work done and everything has come back normal. (test, cholesterol, sugar levels, white/red blood counts) the works

    So this is the cycle Im thinking about running
    Test E 1-10wks 500mg a week split into 2 shots of 250mg
    Novla 12-14wks 40/40/20/20 Should I stack with Clomid and if I do how should I make the dosing look?
    Ill have arimidex on hand in case of gyno. I know I can use nolvadex but from the reading I've done on here it looks like arimidex would be the better choice for an on cycle estrogen blocker.

    I also have a post cycle mix that I plan on using and cycle support for liver support

    I have yet to put together what I think would be a solid diet. I have read a few of the diets on here but still undecided. I can eat just about anything except for eggs.
    If anyone could provide a link to some diet ideas I would appreciate it.

    Lastly, I'm just looking for advice, or changes that any of you think I should do to help make this cycle better and safer.

    BTW, Im 207 now and do not plan starting til I hit 195 would should put me around 13% BF
    Last edited by LiftedDuramax2007; 02-15-2010 at 06:53 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    cycle is well planned out. for someone who is new on this board you definitely have already proved yourself smarter then most in my eyes. The only thing is pct should be
    Day 1-18: Clomid @ 100 mgs
    Day 1-18: Nolva @ 40 mgs
    Day 18-36: Clomid @ 50 mgs
    Day 18-36: Nolva @ 20 mgs
    dunno if thats what you were planning.

    This is probably the best link on this site period and it has to do with diet.
    check it out tons of info.

    The only thing i would change about your cycle is maybe start to drop a few lbs of fat b4 you start. try to hit 15% imo. You can do that while priming for your cycle which is highly recommended. here ya go.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by LiftedDuramax2007 View Post
    Wanted to say whats up to everyone on this site.

    I've read alot of your threads and most all of you seem to be pretty cool and this place doesn't seem to be a cluster **** of idiots.

    Anyways heres my stats since I know its a must
    Age 29
    Height 6'
    Weight 207
    BF 17%
    cycle experience (PH, Havoc) Worked great on me except gave me dry knees they just didnt feel lubed up enough when doing presses LOL
    Experience off and on for 10 years but been solid for 3 years now
    Drugs back in my early 20s made me quit and always go back. I do have a history of using just about everything except for H.
    if you could edit out the name as i have done that would be great, we don't condone rec drug references
    I really havent seen much on anything saying if steroids was safe to take if you are a past user of heavy drugs.
    safe is a relative term, but they won't cause physical dependence like most rec drugs will, though they can cause psychological dependence but i know alot of people that used to/still use rec drugs and have used AAS and the discipline that comes with bodybuilding to ween off the drugs or to get them under control
    I've had blood work done on just about anything you can have blood work done and everything has come back normal. (test, cholesterol, sugar levels, white/red blood counts) the works
    great, i like that you come prepared
    So this is the cycle Im thinking about running
    Test E 1-10wks 500mg a week split into 2 shots of 250mg
    Novla 12-14wks 40/40/20/20 Should I stack with Clomid and if I do how should I make the dosing look?

    Read through this, it will provide answers to alot of your questions

    Ill have arimidex on hand in case of gyno. I know I can use nolvadex but from the reading I've done on here it looks like arimidex would be the better choice for an on cycle estrogen blocker.

    I also have a post cycle mix that I plan on using and cycle support for liver support

    I have yet to put together what I think would be a solid diet. I have read a few of the diets on here but still undecided. I can eat just about anything except for eggs.
    If anyone could provide a link to some diet ideas I would appreciate it.
    post your diet and we'll critique it for ya bro, no problem there
    Lastly, I'm just looking for advice, or changes that any of you think I should do to help make this cycle better and safer.

    BTW, Im 207 now and do not plan starting til I hit 195 would should put me around 13% BF
    answers in bold^^^^

    you seem well prepared, another couple months on here while you lean down and you'll be ready to start a cycle with full confidence that you know what you are doing(and if you have a question we are always here)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by bjpennnn View Post
    cycle is well planned out. for someone who is new on this board you definitely have already proved yourself smarter then most in my eyes. The only thing is pct should be
    Day 1-18: Clomid @ 100 mgs
    Day 1-18: Nolva @ 40 mgs
    Day 18-36: Clomid @ 50 mgs
    Day 18-36: Nolva @ 20 mgs
    dunno if thats what you were planning.

    This is probably the best link on this site period and it has to do with diet.
    check it out tons of info.

    The only thing i would change about your cycle is maybe start to drop a few lbs of fat b4 you start. try to hit 15% imo. You can do that while priming for your cycle which is highly recommended. here ya go.
    BJ what about HCG?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    if he had some i would mention it, not everyone runs hcg during cycle. For a first cycle i think he is looking ok.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by bjpennnn View Post
    if he had some i would mention it, not everyone runs hcg during cycle. For a first cycle i think he is looking ok.
    agreed, hcg is normally used more often when suppressive compounds like deca, tren, etc... are used, unless he has an affinity for testicular atrophy he shouldn't have a problem with this cycle

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    answers in bold^^^^

    you seem well prepared, another couple months on here while you lean down and you'll be ready to start a cycle with full confidence that you know what you are doing(and if you have a question we are always here)
    Thanks, I edited out the name of the drug. Thats what you wanted right?

    Well thankfully I didnt start Test last year like I was going to. I didnt know jack about any gear and PCT. I may be new on this forum but I feel I've done alot of research. Hell I read just about every link on the left hand side on the main page of this site 3 times

    Ill come back in a bit and answer the questions in bold and reply to other responses. Plus post up my current diet. The thing is I already know it COULD be better but like with most things I need that extra incentive to not break a great diet. And being on gear tells me I have to do stay straight.
    Hell if I could quit all the crap I did in my early 20s cold turkey I have no doubt I can stay straight on any diet I set up for myself.

    Ill post up the break down later, but it mainly consists of chicken, steak, roast beef, asparagus, tuna, brocolli, peanut butter, nuts, yogurt. Then I have my 1 day a week of pigging out on something from applebees or chilis but thats only 1 meal.

    I've lost a clean 20lbs in 2 1/2 months and Im still making gains in the gym by a good amount so I gotta be doing something right

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    agreed, hcg is normally used more often when suppressive compounds like deca, tren, etc... are used, unless he has an affinity for testicular atrophy he shouldn't have a problem with this cycle
    How can I find out if I do have an affinity for testicular atrophy?

    Thats the one thing I havent done too much reading on yet is HCG, but Ill get to it. Hell now that its mentioned Ill read it after I get done with dinner in a bit.

    You guys think I should run dinabol for the jump start? I dont think I need a jump start but hell a boost is nice before the test kicks in

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    I think you should get that diet first and foremost going. Most important part.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    i wouldn't worry about the testicular atrophy personally, not with this cycle

    the dbol is optional, but orals are commonly used as a kickstart with longer esters(cypionate, enanthate, decanoate, etc..) because they take 5-6 weeks before the blood concentrations reach a high enough level where you start to see really good gains

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    answers in bold^^^^

    you seem well prepared, another couple months on here while you lean down and you'll be ready to start a cycle with full confidence that you know what you are doing(and if you have a question we are always here)

    To the OP:

    Your attitude is very good towards advice and reading the site.



  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by TITANIUM View Post

    To the OP:

    Your attitude is very good towards advice and reading the site.


    Thanks bud, I love reading and feeling confident in something I'm going to do. So any links you guys want to post up for some good reading/learing is welcomed.

    I have no problem in waiting til I am at the right BF % to start this run as I want to see some clean results.
    My goal is to hit 225lbs at 12-14% But since Ill be starting at 195lbs Ill take 15+ lbs on a 1st cycle.
    With all the good reading I dont see any reason why I can't come out of this huge.

    I will of course post a cycle log.

    Heres some of my current lift numbers, keep in mind I have a small back pain right about an inch above my ass so I cant do any moderate/heavy deadlift or squats. I have adjusted my routine to not use this area and give it as much rest as possible and then go real light after 3 weeks.

    BB Bench 295x1, 255x4
    DB Rows 105x10
    Deads 335 before I couldnt go any higher due to that pain
    Lying leg press 540x5, 650x1 (no squats til injury heals)
    DB Curls 55x10
    BB skullcrushers 100x10
    Seated Military Press 205x4, 185x10
    Calf press 680x25

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Well if you want some links for research i think i can oblige

    Why Test for a First Cycle
    Written by jimmyinkedup
    contributed by jimmyinkedup

    Test Beginner Cycle Guide
    Written by Phate

    Avavar FAQ
    Written by XBiker

    Sust and Why you SHOULDN’T USE IT
    The Iron Game

    Oral vs. Injectable

    Burst Cycling Explained
    Written by Marcus300
    contributed by Marcus300


    How to Keep from Losing Muscle During Empty Stomach Cardio
    Written by Phate

    Diet Help
    Written by Phate, Diet written by PerfectBeast2001

    Nutritional Links
    Written by Pinnacle

    Adipose Tissue and how to get rid of it

    Why rice isn't a good carb

    Carb Cycling

    Nark & Nova's Diet Help
    Written by Narkissos and Novastepp
    contributed by A2thej2008

    Dave Polumbo Diet
    contributed by A2thej2008

    Keto Diet Info and Help
    contributed by A2thej2008


    Swifto's HCG and PCT Advice

    Pheendo's PCT

    Anthony Roberts PCT

    All You Need To Know About Gyno

    Serm/AI Definitions

    Clomid Q&A


    Gyno Reversal
    contributed by WARmachine

    The most efficient way to use HCG
    contributed by WARmachine

    HCG crash course
    contributed by WARmachine

    Drummerboys PCT and Cycle Recomendations: Estrogen, Progesterone and Cortisol control
    contributed by WARmachine

    Arimidex is NOT effective on gyno, Get letro
    read post #6 by magic 32
    contributed by WARmachine

    Think Adex is good for PCT?
    contributed by WARmachine

    All About Caber
    contributed by WARmachine

    Running Letro reversals, preventing gyno, and everthing inbetween
    Written by WARmachine

    HGH, Insulin, and IGF-1

    Guide to Reconstituting HGH

    The Book on Insulin

    The Facts on HGH


    Putting HGH, Slin, and IGF-1 together

    The Skinny on Insulin

    Info on IGF-1

    Understand Insulin

    Sympathomimetics Links

    Clenbuterol FAQ


    Cytomel (T3)


    All you need to know about DNP

    T4,T3 Explained


    Clen FAQ
    contributed by WARmachine ~ Written by perfectbeast2001

    contributed by WARmachine

    The Woman Section

    Women and Steroids

    Steroids and Woman’s Health

    Woman and HGH

    Test and Female Body Composition


    Finaplex-H Prep without a kit

    Fina convertion with pictures

    Making Test Suspension

    Making Liquid Clen/T3

    How to Cap Accurately

    Injectable Winny, PEG and Water Conversion w/ Pics

    Injectable Recipes***1

    The Dissolving Thread

    How to make Bacteriostatic Water


    Injection Info

    Understand Esters, Half-Life, and Active Life

    All about Antibiotics

    If You Are Under 24 Then Read This

    Injection Frequency
    contributed by WARmachine

    Ester Weight and Active Lives
    contributed by WARmachine

    Stallion_1's AAR thread
    Written by Stallion_1
    contributed by WARmachine

    contributed by A2thej2008

    Vitamin Info
    contributed by A2thej2008
    Written by ironmaiden708

    Best Multi-Vitamins
    contributed by A2thej2008

    Ask the Exercise Scientist
    Written by MuscleScience

    Acne Control
    Written by Hazard

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    damn copy and paste all those rite now make it easy.

  15. #15
    Jesus, I guess I asked for it lol

    I can say at the start of that list I have read quite a few of those already.

    But its safe to say I haven't hit 10% of those


    Alot of guys on this site just dont realize how much more they can get out of this stuff if they just do some reading

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by bjpennnn View Post
    damn copy and paste all those rite now make it easy.
    lol, that database took me soooo long to create, but it's worth it for people that are willing to learn

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by LiftedDuramax2007 View Post
    Jesus, I guess I asked for it lol

    I can say at the start of that list I have read quite a few of those already.

    But its safe to say I haven't hit 10% of those


    Alot of guys on this site just dont realize how much more they can get out of this stuff if they just do some reading
    you obviously don't have to read all of them, it's just a database i made of some of the best threads i've seen

    but just have a look through it and read the ones you are interested in

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    you obviously don't have to read all of them, it's just a database i made of some of the best threads i've seen

    but just have a look through it and read the ones you are interested in
    Yea I figured that with the womens links in there

    So instead of thinking too hard Ill just state what I eat in this thread over the next 7 days. Any criticisim is totally welcome, but if you do tell me to ditch something I'm eating please name some replacements.
    1030am, When I woke up, normally get up at 7. non flavored oatmeal, 1 scoop of protein 24g, half pound of mixed fruit.
    1pm 50g of Waximaize and 52g of team skip protein which is a 33/33/33 blend if no body knows. 5g of fish oil
    At 4pm I had 10oz of lean steak cooked by me. 5 long asparagus sticks, no butter
    630pm 1 can of tuna with 1tsp of mayo, very very little mayo.

    Im alittle low on the calories today because I woke up so late for some reason but damn it was a good sleep.

  19. #19
    Oh and keep in mind I know that my diet I am on now will not be the diet while on cycle.

    Im on a very low carb diet. Roughly a 40f/40p/20c split
    2500cals a day on training days
    2200cals non training days
    2800cals bing day. f/p/c split is all over the place lol

    Its been working out great, Ive got energy in the gym and even with my 1 day a week cheats Ive still lost mostly fat.

    I will post a pic when I hit 205 which should be in the next few days.

  20. #20
    Im either blind or just havent seen any threads or info yet on this.

    Would it be ok to use PH like Havoc wks 1-4 to kick start rather than using dbol?

    Havoc works wonders on me and figured it "could" be a good addition while Im waiting on the Test to kick in

    And Phate did you happen to get my email I sent you?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by LiftedDuramax2007 View Post
    Im either blind or just havent seen any threads or info yet on this.

    Would it be ok to use PH like Havoc wks 1-4 to kick start rather than using dbol?

    Havoc works wonders on me and figured it "could" be a good addition while Im waiting on the Test to kick in

    And Phate did you happen to get my email I sent you?
    sorry, i need to change that email, it's incorrect, get 25 posts and pm me your question

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by LiftedDuramax2007 View Post
    Im either blind or just havent seen any threads or info yet on this.

    Would it be ok to use PH like Havoc wks 1-4 to kick start rather than using dbol?

    Havoc works wonders on me and figured it "could" be a good addition while Im waiting on the Test to kick in

    And Phate did you happen to get my email I sent you?
    I, too , want to say it's refreshing to see a newbie with a good attitude on here. We don't see that much, and you are definately going to get the help you need.

    To answer your question, yes a lot of guys use PH's as a kickstart. New laws passed in January, so most PH's are not legally available. See what is available to you.

    Good luck in your learning. Keep the good attitude and you will get all the answers you need.

  23. #23
    Thanks guys

    Ill admit a year ago I came on to some gear forums and asked a bunch of questions and was told the same thing most noobs are told. "You arent ready"

    You were all right, and I can totally see where noobs are coming from. You want to do it NOW not later but after doing all the reading I've done I can see why its so important to do your research before starting any type of cycle.

    Its not worth ****ing your body up for the long term if you arent educated enough on this stuff.

    Any noobs reading this I highly recommend listening to the advice given to you on this site. They arent telling you not to do it because they dont want you to get big

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