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Thread: A 16-week mass+cut cycle, need some advices.

  1. #1

    Arrow An 18-week mass+cut cycle, need some advices.

    I am 184lb 1.75m height
    bf 17-18% (as i think, gonna post pics soon, i was naturally bulking since october)
    lifting experience - 2 years
    experience of training - 4 years

    My cycle is going to look like this: 18 weeks, 2 phases (bulk 1-10, cut 11-18)

    Bulking phase:
    week1 test E 500mg, D-anabol 30mg ED
    week2 test E 500mg, D-anabol 30mg ED
    week3 test E 500mg, D-anabol 30mg ED
    week4 test E 500mg, D-anabol 30mg ED
    week5 test E 500mg
    week6 test E 500mg
    week7 test E 500mg
    week8 test E 500mg
    week9 test E 500mg
    week10 test E 500mg
    Cutting phase:
    week12 test prop 75mg ED + T3 + Clen
    week13 test prop 75mg ED + T3 + Clen
    week14 test prop 75mg ED + T3
    week15 test prop 75mg ED stanozolol 50mg/ED + T3
    week16 test prop 75mg ED stanozolol 50mg/ED + T3 + Clen
    week17 stanozolol 50mg/ED + T3 + Clen
    week18 stanozolol 50mg/ED

    PCT 3 weeks - Clomid\Nolva\HCG

    T3 cycle looks like this (in mcg)

    Days 1-3 25
    Days 4-6 50
    Days 7-9 75
    Days 11-33 100
    Days 34-36 75
    Days 37-39 50
    Days 40-42 25

    In case of estrogen side effects (including gyno symptoms) extra nolva on hand.


    Diet is fully natural, NO protein powders at all. Mostly chicken breasts + complex carbs(oatmeal, brown rice, pasta, buckweat) througout the day - 6 meals.
    Something like:

    1 - chicken breast, complex carbs
    2 - chicken breast, complex carbs
    3 - chicken breast, complex carbs
    4 - chicken breast, complex carbs
    5 - chicken breast, veggies
    6 - curd \ chicken breast

    Extra meal immidiately after workout - around 100g of sweets

    Diet while bulking:
    250g protein 300g carbs 100g fat

    Diet while cutting:
    250g protein 200g carbs 60g fat

    Ast Multi x32 2tab ED
    pre-wo booster (Nano Vapor or Xpand Xtreme)
    Amino Acids throughout the day (on cutting phase only)

    What can I do better? What should I change in my program?
    I heard that cutting before bulking cycle is necessary. So, maybe I should swap phases?
    Last edited by mrfoxwolf; 03-08-2010 at 04:50 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    How old are you? and is this your first cycle?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    So you are going to eat pounds of chicken every day? I feel as if you do not know much about diet, seeing as how you say
    Chicken and complex carbs. What do you consider complex carbs?

    Your cycle is way too long. You are running an 18 week cycle with a 3 week pct. Your pct should be much longer than 3 weeks. With an extended cycle like that I would do at least 6 weeks for pct.

    Stay away from NO Xplode when you are running Winistrol, T3 and Clen. You are asking for terrible blood pressure related sides.

    You are 18%bf. You will be over 20% when you bulk before you start your 'cutting' phase. Winistrol will destroy your lipids.

    There is so much more to say here.... I am overwhelmed lol

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Reaver. View Post
    How old are you? and is this your first cycle?
    23. Yes. I was reading about steroids last few months and talked to people, who use them.

    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    So you are going to eat pounds of chicken every day? I feel as if you do not know much about diet, seeing as how you say
    Chicken and complex carbs. What do you consider complex carbs?
    Yes, exactly, abound 2lb per day. This scheme works for me quite well. Few times a week I swap it to fish. I get fats mostly from fish, olive oil and nuts.

    I already wrote about carbs in first post:
    Quote Originally Posted by mrfoxwolf View Post
    complex carbs(oatmeal, brown rice, pasta, buckweat)
    I've read "Tom Venuto's Burn Fat, Feed the Muscle" and his diet plan seemed to be 100% working for me (I had a successful experience of losing 7kg of fat last summer without loss in strength)

    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    Your cycle is way too long. You are running an 18 week cycle with a 3 week pct. Your pct should be much longer than 3 weeks. With an extended cycle like that I would do at least 6 weeks for pct.

    Stay away from NO Xplode when you are running Winistrol, T3 and Clen. You are asking for terrible blood pressure related sides.
    Thanks! That's a quite useful info. But some people insist that 3-4 weeks of PCT is OK even for a long cycle. That's not my opinion.

    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    You are 18%bf. You will be over 20% when you bulk before you start your 'cutting' phase. Winistrol will destroy your lipids.
    So? What can I do better here? Should I cut a bit before cycle or what? Maybe I should choose other "pills" for cycle? At the moment I have only Test E and D-anabol + Nolva. Gonna buy everything I need when I start cycle.

    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    There is so much more to say here.... I am overwhelmed lol
    Well, it would be nice to hear more from you. I am here to listen to people, who have an experience and make right decisions
    Last edited by mrfoxwolf; 03-08-2010 at 10:26 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Thats wayyyyyy too much for a first cycle bro.

  6. #6
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    yeh to much first cyle mate

    test e 500mg weeks 1-12
    winny 50mg ed wk 8-12

  7. #7
    Why too much? I have a T3\Clen experience.
    Doses aren't high enough to start panic.
    What's the point in Test E 1-12? I'll have to do a PCT and wait few months until second cycle. Also my bf% will grow to 20-21% during bulking.
    So what's the point of being fat until the end of summer if I can avoid it?
    Last edited by mrfoxwolf; 03-09-2010 at 05:39 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by mrfoxwolf View Post
    23. Yes. I was reading about steroids last few months and talked to people, who use them.

    Yes, exactly, abound 2lb per day. This scheme works for me quite well. Few times a week I swap it to fish. I get fats mostly from fish, olive oil and nuts.

    I already wrote about carbs in first post:

    I've read "Tom Venuto's Burn Fat, Feed the Muscle" and his diet plan seemed to be 100% working for me (I had a successful experience of losing 7kg of fat last summer without loss in strength)

    Thanks! That's a quite useful info. But some people insist that 3-4 weeks of PCT is OK even for a long cycle. That's not my opinion.

    So? What can I do better here? Should I cut a bit before cycle or what? Maybe I should choose other "pills" for cycle? At the moment I have only Test E and D-anabol + Nolva. Gonna buy everything I need when I start cycle.

    Well, it would be nice to hear more from you. I am here to listen to people, who have an experience and make right decisions

    No no no no. You need to buy everything BEFORE cycle

  9. #9
    I have a straight access to few dealers, so that won't be a problem
    Last edited by mrfoxwolf; 03-10-2010 at 01:05 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by stevey_6t9 View Post
    yeh to much first cyle mate

    test e 500mg weeks 1-12
    winny 50mg ed wk 8-12
    Hey Stevey.....I read that you were natty right?

  11. #11
    So, guys? Any advices?

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