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Thread: 2nd Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Sunny South Africa

    2nd Cycle

    Hey people

    Im busy planning my second cycle. i thinking of using eq but have heard to many mix reviews of this product. Im still busy with my first but hey doesnt hurt to start planning the second one and that gives me ampule time to do so. Im thinking of this:

    Week 1 - 15 Supertest 2ml a week (1ml=320mg)
    Week 1 - 15 Eq 1ml a week (1ml=350mg)
    Week 1 - 15 Letro 1mg ED
    Week 1 - 4 Tbol 40mg ED
    Week 14 - 17 Tbol 40mg ED


    Week 15 - 17 Pregnal
    Week 18 - 21 Nolva 40/20/20/20
    Week 18 - 19 Clomid 100/50

    Lean bulk
    10 - 12% bf

    Current stats
    14% bf

    Im on week 8 of a 10 week cycle of supertest 2ml a week and finishing of with tbol. Hope to be at 180 or so after this cycle. Then i will be four month of cut my bf% down again and start next cycle. So is Eq good for my next cycle any advice will be appriciated.

    Thanx Fakey

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    1mg Letro ed will crush your estrogen.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Sunny South Africa
    yeah i know but heavy sensitive to estro. Got puffy nips in the 2nd week. Started my cycle with .25mg didnt help, went to .50mg still nothing now im on 1mg. There not getting worse and shrunk only a little. But now i know, so for my next cycle i start from the get go with .75mg but most properly will have to bump it up.

  4. #4
    The EQ dosage is 1/2 of what I recommend for a first run w/ EQ. 600mg/wk minimum IMO.

    That letro dosage is nuts. Staying on letro for 5 - 6 weeks is hard enough; let alone nearly 4 months straight. I would 100% opt to do 0.5 - 0.75mg/ed of arimidex over 0.75mg/ed of letro any day.

    Finally regarding that t-bol... well Firstly, I would say T-bol should be run for longer then 3 - 4 weeks. I think 6 weeks is best for gains w/ t-bol. I would also bump the dosage to 60mg/ed for those 6 weeks... but some see gains off 40mg/ed.. it's your call.

    This is what I would turn the cycle into:

    Week 1 - 15 Supertest 2ml a week (1ml=320mg)
    Week 1 - 15 Eq = ~600 - 700mg/wk
    Week 1 - 15 Letro 1mg ED
    Week 1 - 6 Tbol 60mg ED


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Cycle looks ok, but if i were going to incorporate eq in it, i would run it at closer to 800mg's but thats just my two cents. Even at 15 weeks 350 is a low dose imo?

    If it were me, i would try deca with all the appropriate ai's and estro chems readily available for my second cycle instead of eq. I understand you want lean bulk and deca causes some bloat (in some) but you are jumping with tbol and finishing with tbol so as far as gains, i think 8-10weeks of deca would be much more beneficial then 15 weeks of eq at 350 a week. Just my honest opinion. You may feel you want eq instead do to gyno or whatever you may be reasoning with.

    Good luck,

    "dirty d"

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Sunny South Africa
    Thanx for the reply's. Yeah the main reason im going for eq is trying to lesson my chances of getting marbles for nipples. The other thing that im not sure about is the panic attacks one can get with eq. Is this true, whats the deal there. I will then maybe opt to keep letro at .75mg and maybe add proviron at 75mg ED.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Sunny South Africa
    Dirty D what estro chems were u talking about?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Well you have letro, and nolva combats it if you see it early you can run the nolva throughout the cycle and pct.

    If prolactin sides arise, look into cabergoline

    "dirty d"

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Fakey_AK View Post
    Thanx for the reply's. Yeah the main reason im going for eq is trying to lesson my chances of getting marbles for nipples. The other thing that im not sure about is the panic attacks one can get with eq. Is this true, whats the deal there. I will then maybe opt to keep letro at .75mg and maybe add proviron at 75mg ED.
    EQ can cause stress in some people. T-bol has similar sides too. IMO they are pretty over-rated. I never have experienced them. (other then perhaps anxiety for 2 - 3 days will adjusting to a a high T-bol dosage.)

    Don't use proviron as an 'anti-e'.... it's far from it, and can even contribute to gyno in some cases. Stick to letro if that works for you; otherwise use an AI like arimidex or aromasin.

    You can always incorperate the use of nolvadex w/ an AI... this will mean that your estrogen breast tissue receptors will be blocked while the AI eliminates ~83% of estrogen from your body. (this should be 100% suffice for future gyno prevention.)

    Quote Originally Posted by "DIRTY D" SANCHEZ View Post
    Well you have letro, and nolva combats it if you see it early you can run the nolva throughout the cycle and pct.

    If prolactin sides arise, look into cabergoline

    "dirty d"
    Why would he have prolactin sides; let alone need a dopamine agonist for this cycle?

    He's not even including a 19-nor.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Sunny South Africa
    Yeah i did use in week 3 20mg nolva, week 4 40mg nolva and week 5 40mg nolva. But then dropped the nolva as it made no difference for me. And i think using 40mg nolva and 1mg letro were hindering my gains. So ended up using only 1mg letro ed to date. My current cycle i have picked up 8.8lbs so far but think it could have been a lot more tho. But still have four weeks left.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by vitruvian-man View Post
    eq can cause stress in some people. T-bol has similar sides too. Imo they are pretty over-rated. I never have experienced them. (other then perhaps anxiety for 2 - 3 days will adjusting to a a high t-bol dosage.)

    don't use proviron as an 'anti-e'.... It's far from it, and can even contribute to gyno in some cases. Stick to letro if that works for you; otherwise use an ai like arimidex or aromasin.

    You can always incorperate the use of nolvadex w/ an ai... This will mean that your estrogen breast tissue receptors will be blocked while the ai eliminates ~83% of estrogen from your body. (this should be 100% suffice for future gyno prevention.)

    why would he have prolactin sides; let alone need a dopamine agonist for this cycle?

    He's not even including a 19-nor.

    i was refering to if he decided to go with deca instead of eq. Thats where the prolatin statement came in, but i see where it could've been taken as for the eq.

    "dirty d"

    correct me if i'm mistaken, but deca can cause lactation due to prolactin and or gyno.... Again, correct me if i'm wrong as i don't suffer these sides with deca so i am basing on research, but i believe with deca, this is a possibility

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Definitely wouldn't run letro.. IDC how gyno prone you are... Run nolva or adex. letro will demolish your estrogen. You need some estrogen man.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Sunny South Africa
    If i take adex instead of letro, what will be a good dosage, will .75mg ED do or can i go for 1mg ED?

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Fakey_AK View Post
    If i take adex instead of letro, what will be a good dosage, will .75mg ED do or can i go for 1mg ED?
    1mg of a-dex/ed is a lot... but if that's what it takes to prevent your gyno sypmtoms then I would definitely stick to a high dosage.

    Gyno prevention is a LOT easier and more effective then gyno reversal. (not to mention at least you won't have to taper up to 2.5mg/ed of letro... honestly = the worst feeling ever.)


  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Sunny South Africa
    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvian-Man View Post
    1mg of a-dex/ed is a lot... but if that's what it takes to prevent your gyno sypmtoms then I would definitely stick to a high dosage.

    Gyno prevention is a LOT easier and more effective then gyno reversal. (not to mention at least you won't have to taper up to 2.5mg/ed of letro... honestly = the worst feeling ever.)

    Bro in Week 4 i was stessing to much about my puffy nips that i went up to 2mg. In a weeks time i was as sick as a dog. Dropped the letro back to 1mg and felt fine again. This first cycle i have learnt alot about aas and my body. But atleast now i know.

    Thanx for all the input from everybody.

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