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Thread: Do you mean pain DURING or pain AFTER?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Do you mean pain DURING or pain AFTER?

    You know the way people say that Testosterone Propionate is painful to inject...

    Well do they mean that it's painful while you're injecting, or do they mean it's painful in the hours after you inject?

    I've injected myself in the glute about 60 times by now. I've only ever injected Sustanon, Testoviron and Deca-Durabolin.

    I've never had pain while I'm injecting (but Testoviron gives me a dull sort of ache, nothing major though).

    When I first started out injecting my glutes, I was sore the next day. I remember the first ever injection, I was walking with a limp for about 2 days!

    Anyway, I was starting to think that I was immune to injection pain because every time I injected into my glute I never had any pain the next day, I could even rub the injection site and I wouldn't feel anything, it was as if I never injected. I figured my ass just got used to it, or maybe my ass was so big now that the tiny needle was nothing to it... I dunno how it works.

    Well I injected myself in the right glute two days ago... and it turned out differently. I've been walking around with a pretty bad limp coz my glute is sore where I injected. There's no infection or abyss or anything, it's just tender and it hurts pretty bad when I walk.

    The injection itself went fine, no pain, I didn't hit a nerve, no blood.

    The only thing I'm thinking could have affected it is that I did a HEAVY leg workout the same day. I did about 6 sets of squats, doing 5 reps to exhaustion, and I squat ass-to-the-ground. Then I moved on to other exercises like leg extensions.

    Maybe it's just the luck of the draw, maybe every once in a blue moon an injection will leave you with a limp, or maybe it's because I did that heavy leg workout on the same day!

    Does anyone else here get sore injection sites every once in a blue moon? I'm doing a shot in my left glute tomorrow and I bet it won't hurt at all the next day.

    Oh by the way, one quick question. If you wanted to minimise pain would you:
    1) Inject before you do your leg workout
    2) Inject after you do your leg workout

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    I think you should definitely inject after the leg work out. I've personally never pinned legs, but when I hit my shoulders I can barely raise them up, yet go into the gym and directly attack the muscle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    ^^^^^^i dont know about that cus after a woorkout the muscle is really tight i cant imagine that being any better pain wise....ive injected before a leg workout but in the glute so i have no personal experiance with it....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    I don't care about there being a little pain when I inject... what I don't like is having a limp for two days and hurting when I turn over in bed!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Could someone please answer this question for me:

    When people say that Testosterone Proprionate is "painful", do the mean it's painful WHILE injecting, or do they mean that it's painful A FEW HOURS AFTERWARDS?

    I did a 1.5ml shot of Organon Sustanon in my left glute this morning... and it's sore!

    I'm starting to think it's to do with the Sustanon because I never got any pain when I used Testoviron or when I used the Testosterone made by Uni*** L*** Sci*****.

    If I have a limp again tomorrow then I'm gonna put it down to the Sustanon. Would it be the Propionate inside the Sustanon causing this?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    The pain from Prop comes after the injection. It can last for several days for some. You do get used to it after a while. I always use short esthers and rarely have any substantial pain. Every now and then I hit a nerve and I get some swelling, maybe a little redness but not debilitating.

    Yes, most likely the pain from the sus is coming from the prop esther.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by ErectileTissue View Post
    Could someone please answer this question for me:

    When people say that Testosterone Proprionate is "painful", do the mean it's painful WHILE injecting, or do they mean that it's painful A FEW HOURS AFTERWARDS?

    I did a 1.5ml shot of Organon Sustanon in my left glute this morning... and it's sore!

    I'm starting to think it's to do with the Sustanon because I never got any pain when I used Testoviron or when I used the Testosterone made by Uni*** L*** Sci*****.

    If I have a limp again tomorrow then I'm gonna put it down to the Sustanon. Would it be the Propionate inside the Sustanon causing this?
    I cant comment on the prop but I used to get sore glutes from sust until I started heating the amps in a shot glass beforehand. It makes it less thick and easier to inject. my mate does 2mls of sust per inject and also gets no pain. We both massage and run briefly afterwards.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I seek Immortality
    Its painful the next day

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Next day or two. Not while injecting.

    There are a lot of users on here claim they use 'pain free prop'. I have never been fortunate enough to find such a pot of gold.

    Prop hurts, yo.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    The funny thing is that Organon is pretty much the biggest name in Testosterone, but it's giving me a bad limp! I thought the biggest name would be the "cleanest" and the least painful.

    I used a product called Test-Comp 250 made by Uni*** L*** Sc****** and it has exactly the same make-up as Sustanon (i.e. it has Prop, Phenylprop, Isocap, Decano). The stuff gives me no pain whatsoever, and I injected over 20ml of it over 3 months. No pain at all. And it has the same amount of all esters (30mg, 60mg, 60mg, 100mg).

    I'm switching back to Testoviron as soon as the supply comes in. Anyway I've only got 8 days left of my cycle.

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