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Thread: Military Presses-Behind or in Front of Head?

  1. #1
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    Military Presses-Behind or in Front of Head?

    Strong Dudes,

    I have read in a couple of different articles that doing military presses behind your head is really bad for your shoulders, to the point that you shouldn't do them. I love military press, so I have been doing it in front of my head for some time.

    However, I revisited the behind the head method just today, and got a tremendous shoulder burn in the process (not like an injury type burn). So my question is this:

    Has anyone else ever heard this? What are your thoughts on the matter? I'd like to hear some other guys weigh in on this. A lot of the dudes I know advocate machine work for shoulders to prevent injury, but I hate machines and refuse to use them.

  2. #2
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    I used love military press behind the neck. But I have been doing them to the front now for years, a few weeks ago I went behind the neck and it seemed to put a lot of stress on the shoulder joints, so that's it for me.

  3. #3
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    I do both... I also do my pull-ups both ways too, and my pulldowns. Never really had any shoulder problems from this, just bench press likes my shoulders.

  4. #4
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    i wouldnt do behind the neck presses...

  5. #5
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    depends on if you have the back strength for the behind the neck.. however, i no longer do them that way... in front allows us to build muscle size.. thats why we lift
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  6. #6
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    i have always heard that behind the neck if u go to low can tear the rotator cuff..

    i do front..

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by quarry206 View Post
    i have always heard that behind the neck if u go to low can tear the rotator cuff..

    i do front..

    that's more of the overhead pull down..

    but anything behind the neck exposes the ligaments to stress..
    Coraco-acromial Ligament

    Is usually the ligament that is injured with a impingement injury..
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  8. #8
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    i always did behind the neck, its important to use good form and NOT use more weight than you can handle! recently though i started doing in the front on the smith machine to gain more size on the front of my shoulders, but i attribute my nicely definted rear delts to going behind the neck.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    that's more of the overhead pull down..

    but anything behind the neck exposes the ligaments to stress..
    Coraco-acromial Ligament

    Is usually the ligament that is injured with a impingement injury..
    this is actually good info. thank you.. i never really knew any reason for why people said not to go behind the neck for movements..

  10. #10
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    thank you fellers

  11. #11
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    I used to love doing behind the neck presses and was strong at them when I was younger but over time I do think they messed up my left trap. I would personally recommend against them...

  12. #12
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    Doing behind the neck presses are good for stablizer building in Oly lifts.

  13. #13
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    behind hte neck on a smith machine is painful. free bar is better.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by ray0414 View Post
    i always did behind the neck, its important to use good form and NOT use more weight than you can handle! recently though i started doing in the front on the smith machine to gain more size on the front of my shoulders, but i attribute my nicely definted rear delts to going behind the neck.
    I know you made this comment awhile ago but seeing you are still active in the thread. Pressing behind the neck is not a rear delt exercise by any means. The rear delt muscle is lengthening during the positive or concentric part of the movement and shortening on the negative or eccentric part of the movement. Exactly the way your anterior (front delts) would function on rowing or pull down movements for your back. The definition of them is strictly due to the fact you have a low level of body fat.

    That said, it looks like you have a great set of shoulders, just didnt get them the way you think you did.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Masterlifter View Post
    Doing behind the neck presses are good for stablizer building in Oly lifts.
    Aren't you referring to behind the neck jerks? I do know oly lifters that do some behind the neck presses. But they never go heavy and many stress that behind the neck presses are shoulder killers.

    Personally, I just don't see the benefit. I press strictly in front. I jerk from both front and back.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by ray0414 View Post
    i always did behind the neck, its important to use good form and NOT use more weight than you can handle! recently though i started doing in the front on the smith machine to gain more size on the front of my shoulders, but i attribute my nicely definted rear delts to going behind the neck.
    Thats strange as Behind th neck presses target the Front delt mainly, with little help from the rear delt

  17. #17
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    I dont see why people would want to do BTNP's, they target an often overtrained front delt and put you at risk of injury.

    The only time i have ever done them was as a FRONT DELT exercise at the end of my shoulder routine, i would use a very light weight (15-25 reps) and only come down to the back of my head.

    For it to be a safer exercise the name should be changed to 'Behind the HEAD Press'

    I no longer do BTNP's as i have an underlying neck injury where somone pulled on my head when Thai Boxing. Whenever I do BTNP's the injury comes back for a few weeks and i cannot move my head for a few days.

  18. #18
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    Use Dumbells. Once you get them up, no pain in the shoulders at all.

  19. #19
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    I do behind the neck and never had a problem. I should add I use a power rack, put a bench in the middle ad adjust the pins so it relieves some pressure. I NEVER use a military rack, it puts to much pressure on shoulder joints when racking and re rackig. Like this(2:20)

    I have a feeling if you try this out you will never go back to dumbell or infront of your neck. It feels greats ans BLASTS the side delts

  20. #20
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    Been doing behind the neck press for 28 yrs - NEVER once had a shoulder injury,just use proper form and keep your elbows 'flared' to the front,pressing to the front works the front delts far too much !

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by karl777 View Post
    Been doing behind the neck press for 28 yrs - NEVER once had a shoulder injury,just use proper form and keep your elbows 'flared' to the front,pressing to the front works the front delts far too much !
    Kinda like squats work your legs too much, bench works your chest too much and curls work your biceps too much? Overhead presses are a front delt movement I dont care if you bring the bar down in front, in back or knock yourself on top of the head with it. You are working front delts. Dont believe me, look at an anatomy chart or study basic kiniseology. If you want to work your rear delts you MUST incorporate some sort of pulling movement, not a pressing movement.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    Kinda like squats work your legs too much, bench works your chest too much and curls work your biceps too much? Overhead presses are a front delt movement I dont care if you bring the bar down in front, in back or knock yourself on top of the head with it. You are working front delts. Dont believe me, look at an anatomy chart or study basic kiniseology. If you want to work your rear delts you MUST incorporate some sort of pulling movement, not a pressing movement.
    Yeah and dumbbell pullovers are for back,lol.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    Kinda like squats work your legs too much, bench works your chest too much and curls work your biceps too much? Overhead presses are a front delt movement I dont care if you bring the bar down in front, in back or knock yourself on top of the head with it. You are working front delts. Dont believe me, look at an anatomy chart or study basic kiniseology. If you want to work your rear delts you MUST incorporate some sort of pulling movement, not a pressing movement.
    Nice! I sometimes (once every 8 shoulder rountines or so) will do the press standing with light weight and bring it behind my head. I think I just get bored or something. I always bring it to the front on the military press. It is much more comfortable than going to the back.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by karl777 View Post
    Yeah and dumbbell pullovers are for back,lol.
    Not sure if this is a sarcastic joke??

    I think DB Pullovers are a great Lats exercise, especially when done on a slight decline.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Not sure if this is a sarcastic joke??

    I think DB Pullovers are a great Lats exercise, especially when done on a slight decline.
    agreed. kinda like a cable straight arm pushdown

  26. #26
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    great information, i tried behind the head a couple of times and it hurt my shoulders, thanks God it was minor and my chiropractor was able to put everything back. i don't like it, front is the way to go for me.

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