1st things 1st a little info on me:
24 years old
Anywhere from 10 to 15 percent body fat. I took it on one of those things you hold so no telling exactly what it is but I'm in good shape.
About 5 years of weight training and currently play rugby for my city.
Started training for natural bodybuilding shows about 6 months ago, but have decided to go unnatural.
I have done about 3 or 4 prohormone cycles, did my 1st when I was young and dumb at about 19-20 years old. Didn't do proper research and took OTC type PCT that didnt work to well. Got a tad bit of gyno, barely noticable but there regardless.
Me and a friend plan on taking the following for our 1st cycle:
1 – 4 D-bol 40mg ED
1 – 10 Enan 500mg/wk
I read in a sticky that this should also be taking during cycle:
1 – 12 Nolvadex 10mg ED
1 – 12 L-dex .25mg ED
Now for my questions:
Everywhere I have read it has said to take nolva/clomid/AI for the PCT, but like I jus stated I read a sticky saying I should take the nolva throughout the whole cycle. Is this right, and will it decrease my gains if I do take it on cycle? Obviously I'm gyno prone so take that into account.
2nd, what supplements should I take while on cycle. Currently what I have is Whey Protein, Multi Vitamin, Fish oil, Flax seed, and Taurine for bad pumps (is that right?) Going to save the creatine and NO for PCT.
And last will be about the Test dosage/time. I've read few different things but the sticky said 1-10 at 500mg a week. Is that good, or would lower dosage say around 400mg for 12 weeks be better?
Any input is appreciated.