I'm about to do my 3rd cycle in a year and a half. I'm a small guy at 5'5" 164lbs and I'm 38 years old. I've been doing a lot of research and reading for about a year now on steroids and still don't feel like Im sure of my cycle! I'm getting up there in age and wont be doing many more cycles!
My first cycle was Dbol with sust250 and HGH. I was totaly uneducated and did no pct! Learned my lesson!
Second cycle I did Test cyp 500mg a week, Eq 250mg a week, hgh and clomid for pct. I saw good reults!
I am now again on hgh and staying on it longer this time and not for just three months this time! I like it a lot! At my age it helps with those aches and pains and in general feeling better since I bust my ass all day long as stone mason!
Like I said I'm getting up there in age and I want to do it right. I'm looking to put on 15 to 20 lbs and then maintain!
Her is my 3rd cycle:
HGH 3 iu's every other day
anadrol 50 mg's a day for 4 weeks for a jump start
test cyp once a week
andropen275 once a week
nolva 10mgs a day
clomid for pct
What do you guys think? I'm looking for good honest opinions! I already have all this gear and I'm ready to start!