5+ cycles
Used Test in all added tren, eq, hgh etc. Not all run together.
This is just some background.
I eat 7 meals 3 shakes 4 solid.
I train 5 days on 2 off
Im currently cutting and my diet consists of a 3 day split. Im eating 2000, 2300, 2500 cal 50, 100,150 carbs 1.5g pro p/ lb.
I have started 40 mins cardio pw. as of 4-1-10.
I am doing this as a hobby. Amateur bb.
I have Var and Winny orals teste 200 and deca200.
I will be running 1iu Hgh 6/7 days forever.
I also have anastrozole eod.
Im not looking to pack anymore mass. I would like to harden and preserve during diet + cardio. I need to drop bf .
I would appreciate opinions on running this the most EFFECTIVE WAY.
I was going to run Test 200 p/wk Winny 50 ED and Var 50mg ED as well.
I was aware of 2 orals so I plan on this being a fairly short,(6 week) cycle.
Would deca be better than test? I would imagine I'd need both if I take deca. However I don't want to carry anymore water.
Please advize. Thank you.