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Thread: do i have bitch tits or is it just fat?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    do i have bitch tits or is it just fat?

    hey guys im new to this board...........i've been scared shitless for the last couple of days.........started my second cycle of prop and 1st cycle was a mess.........i'll explain some other time.............i got to keep 25 pounds from 1st my nipples look a lil funny..........i got pretty fat from the 1st cycle.......i dont know if im getting bitch tits or if its just fat..........please comment......i know i need to shave and get a tan so dont remind gonna do some winny in a couple of weeks...........i'd rather know the truth than have u guys go no dont worry its not bitch tryin to get my hands on some nolva as we speak........
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    Last edited by Pete235; 06-10-2003 at 05:22 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    more pics

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    Last edited by Pete235; 06-10-2003 at 05:23 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Baby fat. Add more muscle and it will go away...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    more pics

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    Last edited by Pete235; 06-10-2003 at 05:23 AM.

  5. #5
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    Last edited by Pete235; 06-10-2003 at 05:23 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    well man, it sorta depends on how you fell. when u touch them does it hurt or burn, are they itchy ? imho, they look ok, i mean mine hang lower andi never had a prob with gyno. if u feel the burn or itchiness then try nolva at around 10 mg ed for a week. if that doesnt work, i would run nolva at 20 mg. if u can get arimidex, even better, at about .5 grams ed should do if gyno appears. are u takin any anti-estrogen ?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    It looks like normal body fat to me. You could call it gyno if you want to have a complex about it, but it doesn't look like it to me.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    SOuthern Cali
    your cool shit started lookin like that after i finshed my last cycle and didnt work out for 5 months...(its a long story) but ive been started working out again for the last month and a half and it went away..your cool trust me

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    It doesnt look like it on the side shot, but it does look like it from the front shots. Bro, always keep your anti-es on hand. It looks like you have a little gyno to me.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Ecko Now in Ontario
    Get some Yohmbi-burn and rub it on.... Should go away in a couple of weeks (3-4)... By the way bro I doubt its gyno it looks a lot more like baby fat

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by Warrior
    Baby fat. Add more muscle and it will go away...

    But I will say this, IMO you should put the AAS away for now. I don't mean this as a flame bro, but it doesn't look like you should even be THINKING about another cycle! Sure, I can see some muscle and maybe it's genetic that you are not muscular, but if I saw you in person I wouldn't even guess that you trained regularily or ate properly ley alone have completed a cycle of AAS. Seriously dude, tell us a little about how long you've been training, what your workouts are like, how is your diet, your age and your goals.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    looks like fat bro. I had that too as I came from 25% BF down to 11%. Hit the bike and diet and they will be gone in a few weeks


  13. #13
    Reduce the size of those pictures!!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    my experience

    Originally posted by Pete235


    But I will say this, IMO you should put the AAS away for now. I don't mean this as a flame bro, but it doesn't look like you should even be THINKING about another cycle! Sure, I can see some muscle and maybe it's genetic that you are not muscular, but if I saw you in person I wouldn't even guess that you trained regularily or ate properly ley alone have completed a cycle of AAS. Seriously dude, tell us a little about how long you've been training, what your workouts are like, how is your diet, your age and your goals.
    i agree a may not look to good right now. 4 months ago i weighed in at 145 and was doin 155 bp for reps. Im tryin to bulk up, i dont know of any other way of getting big with out putting on fat 1st. I weigh in at 190 even though a lot of it is fat. I do 245 bp for reps of 10. Im tryin to get up to 210-220 before i start cutting. I'll post some pics when im done and maybe then u'll have a diff opinion.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    I think you have the beginnings of gyno, for sure. Baby fat doesn't stick out from your body as shown in pics 3 and 4. Get some nolvadex for that now and don't run another cycle without an anti e like liquidex ED. Btw, I agree with Pete that you do not look like you work out, let alone have done AS recently. Post up your diet/training routine and we can help bro.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Bro, you're missing my point. I'm not trying to discourage you, all I'm saying is don't be in too much of a rush. Don't look at AAS as a short cut to a great body. You should really use them only as a tool and only when you are ready physically and mentally. You're 19 years old and have an abundance of natural testosterone flowing through just need to learn how to access it. At your age putting on weight is easy as long as your training and diet is spot on. Whether your bulking naturally or with drugs, you will still gain some fat, that's the nature of bulking. Tell us a little about your training and give us an idea of what you eat in therun of a day.

    One last question, how long has it been since your first cycle.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by sigrabbit
    Reduce the size of those pictures!!!
    I've already reduced them...just hit your refresh button.
    Last edited by Pete235; 06-10-2003 at 07:53 AM.

  18. #18
    Ahhh...much better. One of my pet peezes is trying to look at a 24"x20" picture on one of these posts. Oh yeah, I hate waiting for them to load too.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    here it

    Originally posted by pumpseeker
    I think you have the beginnings of gyno, for sure. Baby fat doesn't stick out from your body as shown in pics 3 and 4. Get some nolvadex for that now and don't run another cycle without an anti e like liquidex ED. Btw, I agree with Pete that you do not look like you work out, let alone have done AS recently. Post up your diet/training routine and we can help bro.
    ok this is what my diet and gym routine looks like

    I dont cheat on any of these, full strokes nice and easy with squeezing at the end. each body part is

    day1 chest
    10x4 flat 225
    10x4 decline 245
    10x4 fly's 225

    day3 Shoulders
    10x4 Smith military press 90 plus bar thats attached to pully
    10x4 behind neck press 180
    10x6 shrugs 270

    day2 bi's and tri's
    10x4 alt dumbell curls 50
    10x4 cable one arm curls 90
    10x4 hammer curls 55

    day3 Legs
    10x4 quad extension 170
    10x4 leg press 200
    10x8 calf thingy with 90

    day4 Back
    10x4 seated rows 170
    10x4 behind neck pull 150
    10x4 lat raises 35

    day5 back to chest and so on
    day 6 off
    day 7 off


    9 1cup oatmeal and 44g of protein
    11 same thing
    12:30 2 chicken cutlets (i know, but its hard to get anything else around my job)
    2:30 same thing
    5 1 cup oatmeal and 44g of protein
    7 workouttime - carbforce 130 g of carbs
    8:30-9 1 cup oatmeal and 44g of protein
    11 same thing
    3 44g of protein


    I got so much stronger..........the muscle is there........but the fat is in the way..........we'll c how this nolvadex works......THX for the honest opinion's

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Originally posted by Pete235
    Bro, you're missing my point. I'm not trying to discourage you, all I'm saying is don't be in too much of a rush. Don't look at AAS as a short cut to a great body. You should really use them only as a tool and only when you are ready physically and mentally. You're 19 years old and have an abundance of natural testosterone flowing through just need to learn how to access it. At your age putting on weight is easy as long as your training and diet is spot on. Whether your bulking naturally or with drugs, you will still gain some fat, that's the nature of bulking. Tell us a little about your training and give us an idea of what you eat in therun of a day.

    One last question, how long has it been since your first cycle.

    it was 9 weeks on the 2nd of june..............i got off of it with clen and clomid 3 weeks later

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2003
    My advice. More carbs, more bread. fuck the oatmeal. Buy 4 of the 18 pack eggs. After your workout, start with a max weight gainer shake, blend it with milk and put about 4 eggs in it to start out. A week after, go up to 5 eggs and maybe 2 shakes or 3.
    As for the gyno, do more benching and the tits will fill in. It is not gyno.

    One more thing. People will disagree with me but. Buy some Dbols and use em for a month before doing a cycle. It will help you learn how to react to a real cycle, it will help you with your appetite and get you used to eating more, it will put some water weight on you so you can see how your titties fill out. it will help you mentally with your workout by increasing your weight gains and amp you up.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2003
    One more thing. Buy potatoes and pastas and rice.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    you did a cycle? and your starting your second one? this is not even funny.

    no flame here, you really don't look like you workout, and your into your second cycle. you jumped the gun on cycling way too early. i suggest you do not touch anything for a good 4 years. learn to train and eat, then get back to aas. you have no base yet, and i seriously question the 190 pounds. maybe if your 5'10" or taller. are you that tall? if so, i may be wrong but i am 195 and look very different.

    again, this is not a flame.

    and to me, it looks like the start of gyno. be careful, pointy nipples are suspicious. that is unless they looked like that before.
    Last edited by abc 1; 06-10-2003 at 05:50 PM.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    uhm, no flame !

    #1. how is it that u do 55 pound hammers ? wow, with ur arms, u must be heman or just react well to juice. shit!

    #2 i think u do 2 many sets 4 sets of each, wow! thats alot imho

    #3 for back i think u should try wde-grip pullups to widen ur lats, barbell rows and deadlifts. and try doign shrugs with dumbells man, hold it for a squeeze, i dont see any developement on ur traps.

    like when i was 19 and did juice bro, i was fkin huge! i dont mean to say u are not getting big, but i didnt lift as much weight as u on some thing and was like, rediculously massive, i just exploded cause i trained naturally for 2 years hardcore prior and put on like 40 lbs of mass naturally.

    well it all boils down to this, imho i think u should have waited for the juice, u dont look like u really trained hard enuff naturally, and the prob is now, if this is ur second cycle (and ur gear was real ? for the first one)
    then ur natural test is really gonna be shutdown hard after this, even if u recover it with hcg. BUT FROM WHAT I SEE, U CAN MAKE IMMEDIATE CHANGES BY ADDING WAYYY MORE TO UR DIET BRO ! like common, u need almost 2x as much as i see in that list to attain any measurable results! best of luck man !

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    its true

    i bullshit u not ......................i do weigh a matter of fact 193 as of today....i am 5'11......all the info is true...........i forgot to throw in the stats for tri's..............if u need em lemme know..........instead of sayin " second cycle? not even funny" why dont u give me useful advice.......whats done is done........i put on a lot of weight in my 1st cycle and got sooooooooo much stronger so i dont understand why u guys r being so negative.......

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    hey bro, how much weight did u gain in ur first cycle ?

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Originally posted by gundam675
    hey bro, how much weight did u gain in ur first cycle ?
    from 160 to 187 after only 4 weeks............then something happened and...........if u want i can explain in a next thread........and i didnt put on anymore weight

    i lost 5lbs after coming off
    1month later i was back up to 187

    and here i am now

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Originally posted by gundam675
    uhm, no flame !

    #1. how is it that u do 55 pound hammers ? wow, with ur arms, u must be heman or just react well to juice. shit!

    #2 i think u do 2 many sets 4 sets of each, wow! thats alot imho

    #3 for back i think u should try wde-grip pullups to widen ur lats, barbell rows and deadlifts. and try doign shrugs with dumbells man, hold it for a squeeze, i dont see any developement on ur traps.

    like when i was 19 and did juice bro, i was fkin huge! i dont mean to say u are not getting big, but i didnt lift as much weight as u on some thing and was like, rediculously massive, i just exploded cause i trained naturally for 2 years hardcore prior and put on like 40 lbs of mass naturally.

    well it all boils down to this, imho i think u should have waited for the juice, u dont look like u really trained hard enuff naturally, and the prob is now, if this is ur second cycle (and ur gear was real ? for the first one)
    then ur natural test is really gonna be shutdown hard after this, even if u recover it with hcg. BUT FROM WHAT I SEE, U CAN MAKE IMMEDIATE CHANGES BY ADDING WAYYY MORE TO UR DIET BRO ! like common, u need almost 2x as much as i see in that list to attain any measurable results! best of luck man !
    ok i'll take ur advice.......2x......literally
    THE LIFTING STATS ARE NO BULLSHIT......thats what i find weird..........i have always been naturally strong....and a lot stronger on As... but im not big wtf?

    Thx for input........

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    OK bro...

    I agree with gundam...some of the weight you are using is not believable. If that is true, your form must be suffering.

    Your training and nutrition need work. It takes years to learn this stuff....all I can say is keep researching, lift naturally for a few years until you figure these out and what works for you. Then once you have these down, try some AS, but not until you have these down first.

    If you want to get on track fast, get with someone like Swolecat bro.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    May 2003
    yeah IF you are lifting that much especially with hammer curls.. then you most def have to be rocking your back or something. . My one friend has like the same build as you and there is no doubt he is strong.. but not that strong...form is everything when it comes to getting in a good workout.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    your right, i should give more advice, my bad.

    my point of saying this is funny is because you should not be using aas. that is obvious to me. you are f'ing yourself up, not like your going to get a rare disease and die, i mean your going to create a misproportioned, sloppy physique. you have no muscle base and really should not be allowed to touch aas. that is what i meant, in a non-rude fashion. i think you have the perfect height to build a great physique, but what your doing now is wrong. your body will not keep the muscle it could off a cycle if it is not prepared to expand. i could care less what you gained off this cycle because it does not show so please don't say i gained 20 pounds or something like that, with that caloric regiment you did not gain 20 pounds of muscle. from my quick calculations, you were eating near 3400 calories a day, more than likely closer to 3600. double your bodyweight in calories, post cycle. if i ate double my bw in calories i'd throw on about 10 to 15 pounds in 10 to 12 weeks, probably 55% fat, 30% muscle, 15% water.

    you should be interested in life long health rather than quick fixes. aas can f'up the way your body looks, i had to fight off estrogenic fat because of mistiming anti-e's, and you look like the beginning stages of gyno. i was able to cut the fat off very slowly with diet, you have to get a doctor to cut those out. think about it.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Hey bro you originally said you've taken deca, if it is slight gyno then there is a possibility it is from that whereas only taking nolv aint gonna cure deca gyno, obviously depends on how much deca you actually had.
    Just a thought......

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Originally posted by markyh
    Hey bro you originally said you've taken deca, if it is slight gyno then there is a possibility it is from that whereas only taking nolv aint gonna cure deca gyno, obviously depends on how much deca you actually had.
    Just a thought......
    300mg qv deca a week........what u think?

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    ok today i went to the gym and did bi's........I asked the personal trainers to take a look at my posture and from..........i was doing 55lbs for hammer curls........the only thing the personal trainers said was........" U might wanna bend at the knees a little"

    i know i dont look good right now...........but that doesnt mean i am weak..........why cant u guys believe me? do u want me to video tape this and then post it up on my server?

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    To hell with 10 reps... do one warm up then 5-8 where you fail on the last one every time.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Sleeping in the Leg Press
    Try to do your curl laying on a inclined bench and letting your arm go straith down. and curl them without moving your elbow at all.. Use little weight and do it in 411 (raise in 1 sec. contract for 1 sec. lower them in 4 sec.) for 3 set of 8-10

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    ok guys... i see a lot of advice on what exercise to do and what weight to use to correct this and that, but the bottom line is, this guy just needs more time on his side... In my mind, no one should be putting on that much mass in such a short amoutn of time.. 4 months ago he was 145 and now he's 193?!?!?!? 48lbs in 4 months... on someone who was a qualifiable stick... a lot of weight, not a lot of it quality mass, on a person never meant to be this heavy this fast.. of course there are going to be all sorts of things wrong with his body..

    That picture does look like early stages of gyno.. You should get that looked at IMEDIATELY...

    On the hammer curls... I can understand 55lbs.. It's not easy but well within the realm of possibility.. In fact, i can believe all those numbers...

    My advice to you is to save the money you were gonna use for the second cycle and invest it in some knowledge instead.. At 19, i was no where near where you are now and now at 22, i can honestly say without roids i look about 4 times better than the pictures you have shown.. a lot can be accomplished naturally in a relatively short amount of time.. Why burn yourself out so early without even wondering how far you can go on your own?

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    Vancouver BC
    Originally posted by abc 1
    you did a cycle? and your starting your second one? this is not even funny.

    no flame here, you really don't look like you workout, and your into your second cycle. you jumped the gun on cycling way too early. i suggest you do not touch anything for a good 4 years. learn to train and eat, then get back to aas. you have no base yet, and i seriously question the 190 pounds. maybe if your 5'10" or taller. are you that tall? if so, i may be wrong but i am 195 and look very different.
    I agree with ABC here, cuz I am 6'0 and around 200#, and if you see my pics, you can DAMN tell I have something in

    man U gained 25 pounds???? Thats hard to believe... dont be fuckin with us, cuz you really fucked your body by not listening to EXPERIENCE bros advice here. I dont see where the 25 pounds went.

    no offense, but would u happen to have "BEFORE" pics..... i would realyl love to see those, and I believe some other bros do too

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Originally posted by Big_BoneZ

    I agree with ABC here, cuz I am 6'0 and around 200#, and if you see my pics, you can DAMN tell I have something in

    man U gained 25 pounds???? Thats hard to believe... dont be fuckin with us, cuz you really fucked your body by not listening to EXPERIENCE bros advice here. I dont see where the 25 pounds went.

    no offense, but would u happen to have "BEFORE" pics..... i would realyl love to see those, and I believe some other bros do too
    ok BRO....look on the forum.........nipple guy......its check em out.........u can call me fat......u can say i fucked up........u can call me stupid...............but dont call me a lyer........why would i lie when im trying to get some advice??

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    you know what.........

    here they go again..........JUST IN CASE YOU COULDNT FIND THEM ...........BRO
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