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Thread: Help with Winny Tabs...

  1. #1

    Help with Winny Tabs...

    I am 5 weeks into a 10 wk cycle of:

    Mon: 1cc Sus 250, and 1cc Deca 200
    Thurs: 1c Sus 250

    I have been taking that for 5 weeks. I am growing, and getting stronger. I do have some fat to lose. I have 50 winny tabs (50mg). Should I bring them into the mix or should I wait until I am done this cycle? Thanks!

    I am 6' 3" 250lbs, 37 yrs

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    Am i right in thinking your bf% is still around 25%?????

  3. #3
    It actually ended up being 18% when I had it checked.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    What's your cycle experience?

    Winny won't help you burn fat.

    I'd tighten up your diet/cardio before adding in more compounds.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    What's your cycle experience?

    Winny won't help you burn fat.

    I'd tighten up your diet/cardio before adding in more compounds.

  6. #6
    I think I am going to do that. I am just going to finish up my 3 or 4 weeks left. One thing I found today was alarming to me. About a year ago I did a cycle of Sus at 500mg a week for 10 weeks. Not sure if that did this, but abput 5 weeks ago, my doc checked my test levels cause I complained about not sleeping, and short term memory loss. Well I just got the results an hour ago! Normal total test levels are from 250 to 1100. Mine was 16! Yes 16!. Of course now that I am on, I am feeling better probably due to me getting what my body was not making on it's own. Now I have to go get all this checked out. I am not sure if I should stop now, think about PCT or what. I will probably keep as I am, and wait to see doc for advice now.

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