Alright, im new to the idea of steroids ive heard about them in the media etc, then decided to educate my self about them on before buying anadrol. ive got a few questions though.
Im taking 50mg a day i weigh 170lbs im 5f5 im also using Cre 3 times daily and some other shit to help with weight gain eating 7 times a day and drinking about 7 - 8 litres of water a day.
My day starts like this
5 in the morning i wake up run for an hour. drive to gym do small weight upper and big weight lower
8:00 - 11:00 go take care of company matters
12:00 - 2:00
back to gym cardio for an hour small lower big weight on upper
eating inbetween all these times
2:00 - 4:00 back to work
5:00 - 7:00
do hard core upper and lower body
6 days a week on this schedual i take sundays off to spend time with my wife
7:00 - 9:00 at night - 3 days a week i have boxing
now what my problem is im feeling NOTHING from the anadrol im taking its making no difference in my workout i still seem to be putting on weight normaly i havent seen the rage effect - zits anything have not noticed any differance in my lifts or strength im not sure if i picked up junk or not or whats sposed to be going on keep in mind ive never done steroids in my life up untill 4 days ago and im an EXTREAMLY calm person. im just not sure what these pills are sposed to be doing.
the name of the company is medistar pharmaceuticals canada
Anadrol 25mg-capsule
the pills where sealed when i bought them with a simple plastic seal but the pills them selfs are tiny gel caps see through with white powder inside them
if anyone has any advice for me i would appreciate it allot !