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Thread: taking abombs have a couple of questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    taking abombs have a couple of questions

    Alright, im new to the idea of steroids ive heard about them in the media etc, then decided to educate my self about them on before buying anadrol. ive got a few questions though.
    Im taking 50mg a day i weigh 170lbs im 5f5 im also using Cre 3 times daily and some other shit to help with weight gain eating 7 times a day and drinking about 7 - 8 litres of water a day.

    My day starts like this
    5 in the morning i wake up run for an hour. drive to gym do small weight upper and big weight lower
    8:00 - 11:00 go take care of company matters

    12:00 - 2:00
    back to gym cardio for an hour small lower big weight on upper
    eating inbetween all these times

    2:00 - 4:00 back to work

    5:00 - 7:00
    do hard core upper and lower body
    6 days a week on this schedual i take sundays off to spend time with my wife

    7:00 - 9:00 at night - 3 days a week i have boxing

    now what my problem is im feeling NOTHING from the anadrol im taking its making no difference in my workout i still seem to be putting on weight normaly i havent seen the rage effect - zits anything have not noticed any differance in my lifts or strength im not sure if i picked up junk or not or whats sposed to be going on keep in mind ive never done steroids in my life up untill 4 days ago and im an EXTREAMLY calm person. im just not sure what these pills are sposed to be doing.

    the name of the company is medistar pharmaceuticals canada
    Anadrol 25mg-capsule

    the pills where sealed when i bought them with a simple plastic seal but the pills them selfs are tiny gel caps see through with white powder inside them

    if anyone has any advice for me i would appreciate it allot !
    Last edited by corestorm; 04-24-2010 at 12:41 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I don't know anything about your gear, but I can tell you that your cycle and training could use some serious work. You only need 1 workout per day, and a max of 5-6 days per week. You're overtraining and that is why you aren't gaining size like you want. Also, don't do Drol alone. That's just a rookie mistake.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    you are NOT ready for AAS in anyway shape or form, your diet/training is lacking immensely, and you have a TON of research to do before you start shoving unknown compounds into your system... i'd give it about a year or so before your even close to being ready

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    Yeah I didnt really get into detail with my workout its a TON of cardio work and my morning - afternoon consists of allot of conditioning, at night I go pretty hard on the weights though and im only in the gym 6 days a week. Like I said though ive never touched steroids in my life thought about it a couple years ago but didnt know enough about them. I did about a week of reading and decided to jump into anadrol. you say anadrol is not enough on its own whats good to stack with it.
    And taking this bye its self its not going to have any effect on weight gain etc.

    I was misinformed then i was told i should expect 1 - 2 lbs a day depending on how im eating.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    again i appreciate the feedback.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    just a question how do you know about my diet etc and im already taking them so...
    Just need some advice mate. appreciate the concern but its not helping me.
    I have a meal plan made for me every 3 months that i pay good money for depending on my goals
    and my workout schedual sounds insane but its really not
    if you knew my routine I just love cardio and im addicted to the gym i guess you could say.
    Last edited by corestorm; 04-24-2010 at 01:13 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Just stop taking them right now and you'll be fine. Testosterone should be the base of your cycle, and your first cycle should be nothing but test (unless you have some very particular goals). Anadrol is going to cause a lot of side effects and immediate weight and strength gain, but you will quickly lose most of these gains as soon as you come off. Besides, you will feel like shit once it shuts you down and you have no test in your system.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    Hmm, why the **** do people take them then
    Im really confused...
    what should I be taking if anadrol is garbage I need to jump weight FAST.
    and doing it withough help is going to be impossible for me.
    the guy I purchased them from told me they where fine on there own and i had a better chance of being hit bye a car then them doing anything bad to my system.
    he also told me that i would be putting HUGE gains on and notice a huge change in my lifting.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa View Post
    you are NOT ready for AAS in anyway shape or form, your diet/training is lacking immensely, and you have a TON of research to do before you start shoving unknown compounds into your system... i'd give it about a year or so before your even close to being ready
    A year of what studying steroids, I didnt realise how dangerous they where before i purchased them i guess.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    You're severely overtraining. Once a day 4 or so days a week lifting is enough for maximum strength gain, and you can do cardio on the other days, or after lifting if you must.. If you're concerned your gear is bunk perhaps you should post up a picture.

  11. #11
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    Taking anadrol bye its self

    Good idea bad idea.
    If its a bad idea why
    what side effects am i going to see

    Keep in mind I Dont care about the losses after the cycle I need to put on a bulk ammount of weight and keep it for a small period of time then trim back down to my origonal weight.
    Im also not interested in stacking a bunch of stuff.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnonEagle View Post
    You're severely overtraining. Once a day 4 or so days a week lifting is enough for maximum strength gain, and you can do cardio on the other days, or after lifting if you must.. If you're concerned your gear is bunk perhaps you should post up a picture.

    ahh thats a good idea ill post one right now give me a minute and ill link it thanks.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by corestorm View Post
    Good idea bad idea.BAD IDEA
    If its a bad idea whyQuick gains that are quick to dissapear. Also, negative effects on blood pressure, and cholesterol
    what side effects am i going to see Same you would see from any oral only cycle

    Keep in mind I Dont care about the losses after the cycle I need to put on a bulk ammount of weight and keep it for a small period of time then trim back down to my origonal weight.That is straight up retarded IMO. Why do you want to gain weight just to lose it? Did some kid threaten to beat you up at the bus stop in a few months?
    Im also not interested in stacking a bunch of stuff.What do you plan on stacking? Do not say another oral

    Answers in red

  14. #14
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    ROFL no man im a boxer, theres a guy a couple weight classes ahead of me and I want to smash his ****ing face in...
    Im also 26 so i havent had my ass kicked bye a kid in a bus stop for a while.

    So, what are my options here then.
    should i just throw the pills out.

    Oral = bad. fair enough but from what i understand the best gains are from anadrol from what ive been told and read.
    Mind you the internet is misleading as hell.
    My blood preasure will level back out and so will my cholesterol.

  15. #15
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    Why is taking anadrol bye its self bad and anadrol with test ok thats what I dont get.

  16. #16
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    Sounds like your after a quick fix bro, before we start lets have a look at your stats:

    Years training????/

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    5f5 170 lbs
    boxing for 14 years
    bf around 7 - 8%
    age 26
    Weight training 10 years
    Never touched steroids in my life up untill 4 days ago.

  18. #18
    I did a little oral cycle a few month back, winny 50mg and anadrol 50mg....

    gaines was good, and I did keep some of it, about 50% I would say, the rest was probably water... plus I was keeping carbs low at the time so gains would probably be a little higher if I was on bulk...

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Markosterone View Post
    I did a little oral cycle a few month back, winny 50mg and anadrol 50mg....

    gaines was good, and I did keep some of it, about 50% I would say, the rest was probably water... plus I was keeping carbs low at the time so gains would probably be a little higher if I was on bulk...
    Aye all im taking is 25mg anadrol in the morning after I eat and 25mg before i go to bed.

    Im on an EXTREAMLY high card diet right now I need to be up to 190lbs in about 30 days.
    But ive had a TON of negative feedback about anadrol and im not really seeing any results mind you its been 4 days but im not sure what this is sposed to be doing as far as my weight training etc.
    If I had it my way i would just swallow a 20 - 30lb lead ball and rock this guy at the weight im at but it dosent work that way

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by corestorm View Post
    Why is taking anadrol bye its self bad and anadrol with test ok thats what I dont get.
    As soon as you start taking anadrol your going to shut your bodies natural testosterone production down, this is one reason to add testosterone...

    If you spend just a couple of hours in the educational threads at the top of this forum you will find all the answers you need...

    A anadrol only cycle is a very poor idea....

    Looking at your training routine you need to spend more time correcting that before you look at steroids....

  21. #21
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    Yeah I hear you, looking at my routine you would think it was insane I dont do hard core weights all day like i made it look i didnt post that very well in the other post i made, ive been in the gym training for half of my life I know what im doing as far as diet - lifting go trust me.

    My main and olny concern is taking anadrol alone.
    Im a ***** I dont want to cram a needle into my butt

    I just need a quick jump in weight so I can get a fight then drop down a weight class.

    If my only option is :if im going to take anadrol I need to stack it with something else so I dont do serious damage: then please tell me what else I need to be taking and I will do it.The guy I purchaced the junk from is a young kid with no information. Im really trying to cover my own ass and have been digging around trying to find information but all i read is
    :anadrol is great: or :anadrol will **** you up:
    these 2 things dont help me the drug was made for a reason and people are oviously taking it.
    Has anyone ever heard of some one taking it on its own.
    Or can give me a legit reason on why its bad for me other than it will put my blood preasure through the roof.
    I know what it does to my liver I know about how it effects blood preasure and i know im going to loose atleast half the weight i put on i dont care.

  22. #22
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    no youll lose it all, you dont know what you are doing. Do you even know what pct is?

  23. #23

    yo bro

    Hey man I've done Anadrol lots at 100mg a day for about a month at a time alone and with IGF-1 and stacked with test and deca and all kinds of things and these guys are gonna jump all over me cause this is my first post under this name but whatever all I can say is no other drug will give you 20 pounds as easy and fast as anadrol and you WILL lose everythign and fast as most of it will be water retention but at least youll make weight for your fight and be back down to your weight class your only real problem is shutting down your natural test production and Im not the best guy to ask about PCT so maybe someone else could chime in

  24. #24
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    ahh come on man of course i know what pct is and i already have everything for post cycle I want to loose my sex drive as badly as i want to read bullshit posts like the one you just put up.

    Is there any other steroid information sites that some one can lead me to im really getting no where with my questions, just ignorant people trying to tell me im an idiot when they have no idea about my routine or diet, and that i shouldent take oral steroids and no one can tell me why.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by flyguy1111 View Post
    Hey man I've done Anadrol lots at 100mg a day for about a month at a time alone and with IGF-1 and stacked with test and deca and all kinds of things and these guys are gonna jump all over me cause this is my first post under this name but whatever all I can say is no other drug will give you 20 pounds as easy and fast as anadrol and you WILL lose everythign and fast as most of it will be water retention but at least youll make weight for your fight and be back down to your weight class your only real problem is shutting down your natural test production and Im not the best guy to ask about PCT so maybe someone else could chime in
    Right on finaly a legit reply thanks mate, did you have any issues comming off of the drol mood wise - sex drive etc. and im only doing 50mg a day right now 25 in the morning 25 at night.

  26. #26
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    Question how longs it gonna shut me down for.

  27. #27
    these guys get pissed for posting links so I had to delete it hope you got it tho its a good site
    Last edited by flyguy1111; 04-24-2010 at 03:20 AM.

  28. #28
    bro I wish i had a solid answer for you abotu shutting down and for how long and what to do about it I could maybe suggest using a short ester test to keep your sex drive up like a test prop so you can get your pct going right away after your fight

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by flyguy1111 View Post
    there are a lot of brilliant juice guys on this site but a lot of lil geeks too that will go off about bullshit this site is packed with good guys that will answer your questions and not a lot of harsh geeks like buddy above
    Right on thanks allot man. Appreciate it!

  30. #30
    when I was taking anadrol I swole up fast man like literally probably 12-14 pounds in two weeks but I was puffy as hell it was all water Im sure but it works and youll make weight in your time frame mood I was a lil more short fused than usual but felt pretty good man cocky strong not a bad way to walk into a ring also maybe ask some guys about this shit too for your fight haha Ive never used it but it sounds like it might help
    Last edited by flyguy1111; 04-24-2010 at 03:06 AM.

  31. #31
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    Hmm, that halo sounds pretty bad ass man, the sick thing is I told this guy to drop 10 lbs and id put on 10 and meet him half way and he told me I wasnt worth his time in the ring he would jut lay me on my ass. I wish that was the outcome and he wasnt such a p u s s y because I wouldent be trying to put on all this ****ing weight. Then have to cut it off which from what ive read might be hard since this is my first cycle theres a good chacne I might keep allot of the weight I put on, im also kind of worried now from all this negative feedback about anadrol alone.

    What are my options here and the smartest way of doing this without hurting my self. What else should I be taking with the anadrol to balance my body.

  32. #32
    man Anadrol is fine **** it so what its hard on the liver its a month man youll be fine cholesterol again its not a long term thing and no need to worry about keeping the weight you gain youl definately will go back to your original weight after you stop taking the anadrol thats everyones biggest problem with it sure youll explode in size and strength and fast while your on it but you go right back to where to started as soon as you stop which is exactly what yoru after so it sounds perfect to me you sound liek a healthy guy bro your body can take it so your good to go dont let some geek tell you otherwise you could take milk thistle for your liver if you want the only real issue I could see is the shutting down of your natural test production and pct which I really dont have any solid advice for in this situation Also youll probably get some pimples too man I had them on my back and chest it wasnt pretty but what can ya do itll get you where you want in the time frame you want and youll drop rigth back down to your original weight pretty fast after so.............actually come to think of it if you came directly off without pct youd drop the weight even faster like as fast as you gained it ...........your sex drive tho bro could go for a lil bit its a trade off depends what counts more to you I guess tough call
    Last edited by flyguy1111; 04-24-2010 at 03:16 AM.

  33. #33
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    Sounds like a no brainer then no point on quitting the anadrol. ill post a vid of the fight on here when im done and im not to worried about the zits I tan allot and eat extreamly good foods shower 2x a day so the oily skin shouldent be to much of an issue.
    when you say shutting down my natural test production is that perm if i dont take proper shit near the end of the cycle or is that only a temp thing.

  34. #34
    its temporary for sure bro I've been there before and it sucks but you"ll come back its been a while since I've just come off a cycle without doing pct but even without youll come back but if you have all your pct stuff together youll be back in no time man I doubt youll even notice a change in sex drive maybe just do HCG on its own hell you could take while you take the anadrol and just continue while you come off

    Good luck with the fight man
    Last edited by flyguy1111; 04-24-2010 at 03:28 AM.

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    Ahh right on! Thanks for all the good advice man I really appreciate it.

  36. #36
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    The advice that flyguy is giving you in this thread is terrible, he will be reported because its advised that people giving advice should at least have the first clue what their talking about...

    Think about what he's telling you, he himself hasnt got an idea when it comes to pct or potential sides...

    I would not be supprised if flyguy is a 19 year old boy who would take anything given to him....

  37. #37
    why is it terrible? what specifically is wrong with what I said and your right as i mentioned several times I don't have solid advice for pct in this situation but he just wants to make weight for a fight and lose it after what would be better for that than anadrol???

  38. #38
    I don't understand these guys they come on here and s h i t all over what someone is sayin without giving any advice of their own or even to explain what is wrong with he advice they have a problem with Oh yeah and I'm 32 bro and have been using AAS since I was 25 and you as well as a lot of other people may know more than me but from my personal experience with drol and from everythign I've read it seems like itll work just fine for what this guy needs it for
    Last edited by flyguy1111; 04-24-2010 at 03:53 AM.

  39. #39

  40. #40
    you can never get a straight answer on this site everyone wants to call you an idiot and say pct!!! I'm outta here bro >>>>good luck with the fight and ask around at different forums too liek the one i sent you the link for search forums for anadrol and talk to guys that have actually used it not just these geeks that read and pass it on

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