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Thread: first time user for a cut , need help ANAVAR , PRIMOBOLEN

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Lightbulb first time user for a cut , need help ANAVAR , PRIMOBOLEN

    i am coming to the end of my bulk, im 19. i am nealry quiflied as a personal trainer want to have a nice dry cut look so i get good amount of clients not just a meathead.

    started at

    17% bf

    in 20weeks.

    my diet was 4000calories a day 6meals sometimes wake up in middle of night and have another meal, used animal m-stak what really seems to blow me up if i use 3 cycles of it.. worked well. Im quite happy with my results. i have four weeks left. after this four weeks i want to start leaning up. Always had a bit of a problem with cutting. Never used any steroids before. but Thinking of using rather Anavar primobolen tabs or mayby even both.

    few questions i need answering.

    1. could i stack them both together , if so how?

    2. how many mg would i use daily( i heard 50mg of anavar)?

    3. do you take all mg together at once or take half in morning and half in evening?

    4. would stacking a fat burner supplement like 'MAN scorch' work well with anavar?

    5. anythink else i should know before using any past experiences

    Thanks alot to you all of you that help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Diet and cardio.... Best results. Minimal knowledge needed... you have much to learn.

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