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Hello fellows, Im' thinking about getting a first cycle going, but i have a high BF(19-21%~)and would like to burn the fat while gaining some muscle too, was thinking about the "standard" beginner cycle of 12w on Test E and Dbol first 4w, but adding Var(heard good things about it on this forum) in the last 4 weeks or maybe the 8w succeding the Dbol? Let's say, 400mg Test 12w, 40mg Dbol first 4w, and 40 Var 8w? How does it sound, what would u more experienced guys change besides the "dont cycle, lose fat first, learn how eat first, grow natty" arguments(Totally right, but im young and sttuborn..). Much aprecciated andsorry for the bad english.
Almost forgot, I'm 24