hello to everyone..iam a national level athlete.(sprinter)..i have a drug tested event on mid november...iam planning to start a cycle on mid june of halo(30 mg ed for 4 weeks)and test prop 100 mg eod for 8 weeks..i know for sure that test will be out of my system in a month,but how about halo?i will be taking it until mid july,thats 4 months before the event..will it be safe?i want to know the maximum safety time..i kno that detection time for halo is 2 months, but is this standar?i ve heard (rumors???)that oral winny is now detectable for 50-60 days now...(it was 28 days)so is there any chanse 4 months after i stop halo still be detectable???any expirienced atlete who knows for sure??thanks