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Thread: Help: Stacking with Prescription to get away with drug test.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Sunnyvale, CA

    Help: Stacking with Prescription to get away with drug test.

    I wanted to go on a cycle but my profession prohibits me from obtaining it illegally since I work in a pharmaceutical industry. If ever I went to see a doctor and was found to have a low test level and is prescribed with low dose of steroid, is it possible to stack it with illegally obtained steroids and not get fired if I got picked for a random drug screening?
    I am 25 years old 5'11" 150 lbs, not sure about my body fat % but i don't think i have much, I'm pretty skinny. I have been underweight my whole life. If i tell the doctor i have been experiencing some of the symptoms of having a low test level, I am pretty confident that i would at least get a low dose prescription. But I am not sure if that is enough to help me build mass...
    I am a noob and has no experience with steroids. :P

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    I would get blood work, yes.

    But I wouldn't worry about using steroids at this point.

    I've yet to see anyone who doesn't respond to FOOD.

    What's your diet like?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Sunnyvale, CA
    Not very good... but i just switched my whey protein from one that has 160 calories to 980 calories per serving... hope it helps out a... I'm also taking creatine. I was just skin and bone before starting working out but after 6 months in the gym i look more tone and i kinda get obsessed with it and just want to see more result...

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Sunnyvale, CA
    i know it's kinda too soon... but wd it help if i get a personal trainer while on steroids?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    You're not gaining weight because your diet sucks.

    you don't need steroids.

    You need solid, whole food nutrition and heavy compound lifts.

    Now go start a thread in the diet section....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    First off you need to visit the diet section and learn how to eat. Honestly.

    It all depends on who is judging/reviewing your case and if they believe you or not that maybe you just injected to much, are at a peak in your cycle and how high it is.

    Do they do random drug testing? If not it's easy to plan a cycle. You need to educate yourself quite a bit first and understand how to cycle properly.

    Read up on the HRT section also, there are a LOT of use here who are on HRT/TRT full time and have done a cycle or two.

    Also if you do it right and it's prescribed it does not take long to save up enough LEGALLY to do a cycle since it would be rare for you to use a whole vial in one month. To keep my levels normal I use less than 1/2 of my vial and about a month before my test I cut back to 1/3 so my levels come out on the low/med normal side.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 05-25-2010 at 07:24 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Sunnyvale, CA
    I have no experience in steroids.
    Yeah they do random drug screening and a person get pick at least 3 times a year. Just last year a person got fired from testing positive on oxycodone and he has been taking percocet prescribed to his wife. That's why I'm curious if i get a prescription, can i stack it up with the ones online? I'll be safe from getting fired if i have a prescription to back up my drug test result if ever...

    I'll be checking on the diet section later on. And yes, I need to improve my diet first. I am still in the process of educating myself about steroids and later on this is going to be my first obstacle from using it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2010
    1) Unless youre an athlete, your jobs "drug tests" wont be checking for steroids. Theyd just want to ensure youre not on any rec drugs (morphine, pot, coke).
    2) I doubt that you could claim such test levels from your HRT. A doctor wouldnt prescribe such a high dosage.
    3) As everyone said (and either theyre all idiots, or they are onto something.. check out diet section for answers!) you are not eating enough.
    You can take steroids. Lots of them. But not very much will happen. They are only part of the equation. You also need to train hard as well as eat big and rest lots. This is why everyone says train and eat first. Also you need a foundation to build on. Hire the personal trainer and learn from him.

  9. #9
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    Apr 2008
    When it comes to personal trainers I dont have much faith in them after see so many for so many years that look like crap.

    Sorry I dont see it the same as a Mechanic who has cars in the driveway that are broke down or a builder who's house is not finished.

    If you want a personal trainer make sure you pick one that is in similar shape/condition that you want to be in.

  10. #10
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    Sunnyvale, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by ThatGuyYeahHim View Post
    1) Unless youre an athlete, your jobs "drug tests" wont be checking for steroids. Theyd just want to ensure youre not on any rec drugs (morphine, pot, coke).
    2) I doubt that you could claim such test levels from your HRT. A doctor wouldnt prescribe such a high dosage.
    3) As everyone said (and either theyre all idiots, or they are onto something.. check out diet section for answers!) you are not eating enough.
    You can take steroids. Lots of them. But not very much will happen. They are only part of the equation. You also need to train hard as well as eat big and rest lots. This is why everyone says train and eat first. Also you need a foundation to build on. Hire the personal trainer and learn from him.
    I am not sure about that since steroids falls under the same category as heroine while oxycodone is only category II controlled substance... you maybe right about the test level if ever. I guess im stuck with whey, creatine and supplements... If ever i was prescribed with low dose, i just hope it makes a difference... even if just a lil and yes... i will try to improve my diet more

  11. #11
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    Nar, Police, Army, Navy, Construction, Mining along with general workers that are members of this website and are subject to drug testing and obv. use AAS and never test positive for anything, even while on a course.
    Its only athletes that are tested. There are many posts on this topic (though you may need to go back some)

  12. #12
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    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    If you want a personal trainer make sure you pick one that is in similar shape/condition that you want to be in.
    Granted, Personal Trainers can be retards. Its not exactly hard to get a PT certificate and turn up to a gym.
    Just because they look how you want to look doesnt mean they can help you.
    They dont often talk in depth of diet like this site does.
    They can however give you pointers in techniques, what exercises to do and motivate you (theres nothing like having someone count for you while you concentrate on breathing; pushing out a few more than you would, and then just helping you slightly on the last one because youre arms or whatever are about to give in!)

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThatGuyYeahHim View Post
    Nar, Police, Army, Navy, Construction, Mining along with general workers that are members of this website and are subject to drug testing and obv. use AAS and never test positive for anything, even while on a course.
    Its only athletes that are tested. There are many posts on this topic (though you may need to go back some)
    hmmmmm now that you mentioned it, and i started googling it... steroids don't show up in the list of drugs they check on a drug test.... hmmm.... interesting... but steroids is illegal without prescription... very interesting... going to check other threads there is hope yay.

  14. #14
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    May 2010
    Theyre only illegal in some countries.
    But steroid testing is expensive (not sure why..) and apparently its a separate test from what Ive read on some posts). And anyways do you really care if your workers are on steroids? Other than perhaps the odd case of roid rage, Ive never heard of an employee embezzling funds to support a steroid habit, or someone f'ing up on the job cause theyre whacked out of their head on steroids.
    If anything they'll be more active etc.

  15. #15
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    I'm from the US and possession of steroids without a prescription is a federal crime punishable by up to one year in prison >.< and yes you are right... couple of sites says most drug screening don't check for steroids unless you're an athlete... so i guess it is safe to say it's ok to stack prescription steroids with the one's online? I may not need it but just to be safe i would still prefer to have a prescription.. just in case

  16. #16
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    May 2010
    Of course its safe The sust 250 I have is the same my pharmacist sells. He even helped me crack my first amp. With the tests involved and costs, not to mention im certain my test levels are/were normal... and from what Ive read unless you have a really 'easy' doctor, you're almost fighting for it.

    Personally for this guy though, that shouldnt be his main issue. Simply he does not have the training nor diet experience to gain full advantage from gear. What he gains from gear he can gain naturally (of course it will take longer OP) and then if and when he decides to step into the dark side he will be far bigger.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Sunnyvale, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by ThatGuyYeahHim;519***0
    Of course its safe The sust 250 I have is the same my pharmacist sells. He even helped me crack my first amp. With the tests involved and costs, not to mention im certain my test levels are/were normal... and from what Ive read unless you have a really 'easy' doctor, you're almost fighting for it.

    Personally for this guy though, that shouldnt be his main issue. Simply he does not have the training nor diet experience to gain full advantage from gear. What he gains from gear he can gain naturally (of course it will take longer OP) and then if and when he decides to step into the dark side he will be far bigger.
    You have been a big help! Now, I don't think i still need to worry about the random drug test at work. I just need to look for an endocrinologist and make an appointment get my blood test done and hopefully get a prescription and stack it with some from online, if i don't, I don't really need it because either way I will get some online odds are i have lower than normal, I'm pretty sure of this...

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    rhode island USA
    i doubt they are testing for steroids unless ur an athlete

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