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Thread: I have read but still dont know

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Linden MI

    I have read but still dont know


    Im glad I have found this site. There is a lot of great info here but Im here to find out how to do one cycle. Thats it one cycle Im 40 years old and Have worked hard all my life I had some back and shoulder injuries from driving a truck( Flatbed work) I got out of shape for about 7 years and Im back now. Im in good shape I did PT and have been eating and exerciser. I have been doing P90X for the last 2 and a half months. I had to take a week off due to a nasty cold and body aches and felt 100 percent better so I have cut back from six days a week to every other day because of pain in my joints shoulder and feet. I have made gains but have never been able to build chest muscles for some reason. I feel stuck right now Im ready to move past where I am and I dont want to get huge I just want to move to the next level and then continue to stay in shape. Im 5'10 172 lbs in my underwear and my only fat seems to be in my tits and the spare tire. I have read that Sust is a low side affect drug. If someone could give me a low tech solution I would appreciated it. It will probably be a while till I actually get to do this because once I get all the info I then have to find a reputable place to get them

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    England The North
    better diet is your answer.... you dont need aas your under weight at your age and id say you have other problems arthritis to be 1. steriods are not the answer

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Long Island, NY
    Tits and spare tire lol nice!

    I agree with devil. Steroids are not your answer. You are more prone to injury and since you have back and shoulder problems. I would not touch the stuff.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    If you're getting back into shape after 7 years you might not want to cycle just yet. Give your body more time to get back into shape. You want your body fat to be below 15% or so before you cycle. There are too many side effects like acne and gyno. The hardest part is just being patient. Give your body a chance to maximize the natural potential before you cycle. You might find that your body will "fix" your back and shoulder problem by itself once you get into shape.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Staring into glory!!
    Try incline and flat bench dumbells for chest developement. They seem to be easier on shoulders and really isolate the chest muscles.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Linden MI
    Thanks for the info, I have noticed my back is getting much better and my shoulder is getting stronger. When I started I could only do >>>one pull up and my shoulder hurt now I can do 10 at a time in wide reverse and closed grip and I do almost 100 push ups in a chest work out.I have a Metal rod in my right femur from a car accident at 21 so I dont have a lot of flexibility and get hip flexor pain if I over do it.

    Yes I really need help with my diet I eat healthy fruits nuts egg white omelets, protein shakes a lot of rice. But I have two young kids i have to cook for also.
    So I will hold off on a cycle and try and work on my diet. Any help???

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    End of the Earth
    Quote Originally Posted by kicker42 View Post
    Thanks for the info, I have noticed my back is getting much better and my shoulder is getting stronger. When I started I could only do >>>one pull up and my shoulder hurt now I can do 10 at a time in wide reverse and closed grip and I do almost 100 push ups in a chest work out.I have a Metal rod in my right femur from a car accident at 21 so I dont have a lot of flexibility and get hip flexor pain if I over do it.

    Yes I really need help with my diet I eat healthy fruits nuts egg white omelets, protein shakes a lot of rice. But I have two young kids i have to cook for also.
    So I will hold off on a cycle and try and work on my diet. Any help???
    There is a great diet forum here. Post yours up there and the diet gurus will work their magic on it.

    You say you are 40 years old. Have you been to the doctor and had your hormone levels checked? You may be a candidate for TRT. Usually around the age of 30 your test production starts to decline. It becomes harder and harder to make any gains in the gym, lose weight, gain lean mass, loss of libido, poor sleep quality. It may be a good idea to get checked out.

    Good Luck!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Linden MI
    By TRT I assume you mean testosterone levels. I have been check for that with in the last month and my doctor says they are normal. But I do have the symptoms of low T. Hard time gaining muscle cant loose the fat in the two places. Tired, dont sleep well and a decrees in sexual desire That is why I wanted to try a cycle to see if it cleared up the problems with being tired all the time and gaining muscle. It vary well could be my diet Im learning that diet is maybe more important then working out. so i will check with the diet forum and see what I can do. Thank you vary much for your feed back.

  9. #9
    Making the jump to AAS is a big commitment, and it doesn't sound as if you're ready for that right now. You have to be on point with your diet and sleep unless you will not see the gains you expect.

    Missing 7 years and getting back using P90X is an indication that you should take a good year back in the gym and eating properly. Once you get there and still feel that you have hit that proverbial wall, then you can broach this again to yourself.

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