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Thread: My Split, Critique.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    My Split, Critique.

    So here it is fellas:

    Chest, biceps & forearms

    Quads, hamstrings, abs and obliques

    Shoulders & Triceps

    Rest and/or am. cardio

    Back(upper &lower) & calves

    Rest and/or am. cardio

    End Day1 will start again.

    Critique is welcomed and exactly why i posted this on here, the only issue i find is that my triceps are pre exhausted from the shoulder workout but i can't find a suitable place to slot them!

    Thanks for any help and advice!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Business as usual yeah?
    Your split is fine.

    Quads, hamstrings, abs and obliques"

    I have to ask, are you doing squats or deadlifts? My instinct is no but I thought I would ask.

    When I graduated high school I was very skinny. A strong wind would have blown me away. I would have had no business doing squats or deadlifts for two reasons. One I was a moron and would have loaded the bar up because of ego. Two I would have used horrible form that would have blown my knee or back. I'm actually thankful I didn't try them back then. If you aren't doing them, have been lifting a year, and really want to get to your best physique, I would study videos on youtube. I would have a gym partner or trainer help with your form and I would start with just the bar or bar plus 10 lbs on each side. I did squats today and my form was impeccable. I can sense when my form is correct or wrong. Even the stretches I did beforehand helped my form. I believe in form and safety first. Serious and career ending injuries do happen. They don't get talked about enough.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    I do do squats with a strong emphasis on form as i know how important it is. It is one exercise i am quite weary about because i have heard of the serious injuries that can occur if not executed in a proper manner. I also have a dedicated training partner to spot me and also asses my form.

    I also perform roman dead lifts on my back day with the same emphasis on the quality of the movement.

    Thanks for the tips any ideas about the location of my tricep workout?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Business as usual yeah?
    The physiology of the shoulders is one of my weaker points to be honest. I have a few feelings about it. First pre exhausted is ok in my book unless its to the point that you feel the triceps are getting overworked.

    You are probably squatting on Day 2 and deadlifting on Day 5 which is perfect. I actually wouldn't bounce the split around to change triceps over. If I were to though one option would be to put calves on Day 2 and triceps on Day 5 but I don't really like that because when i'm done with Back I am exhausted. Another option

    Day 1: Chest, biceps & forearms
    Day 2: Quads, hamstrings, abs and obliques
    Day 3: Triceps
    Day 4: Back(upper &lower) & calves
    Day 5: Shoulders
    Day 6: OFF

    But I like what you have up better for spacing reasons. Another option; most people switch up their exercises every 1 to 2 months. You could on your next mix try to pick exercises that are more raises and pulls than presses.

    This video shows "5 shoulder exercises. Seated Dumbell Press, D.B. Lateral Raise, D.B. Front Deltoid Raise, D.B. Rear Deltoid Raises, D.B. Arnold Press"

    Thats a pretty good shoulder day in itself. You could throw in

    Upright Rows

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Throwing in triceps after back would probably be counter productive as it is already a mammoth workout. I also prefer the original plan due to spacing.

    Thanks for the links, I forgot to mention I train my rear delts as well as my traps on my back day, how do u guys feel about this?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Business as usual yeah?
    Quote Originally Posted by adzy View Post
    Throwing in triceps after back would probably be counter productive as it is already a mammoth workout. I also prefer the original plan due to spacing.

    Thanks for the links, I forgot to mention I train my rear delts as well as my traps on my back day, how do u guys feel about this?
    I love it, especially traps on back day. Get em started with some deadlifts, then nuke the hell out of them with some barbell or dumbbell shrugs. If you want to have a little "fun" with it, try this. Do a set of dead lifts. Have another barbell already set up with whatever you like to shrug, and have pyramided / warmed up to that weight already. When you are done with the dead lift, take a couple of breaths and immediately walk over and start shrugging. This will give you a great pump. Not something I would necessarily do year round, but a great tactic to use for a while to really zap the muscle.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    I will definetly give that a try. Also from time to time I like to superset face pulls or upright rows with my shrugs, the on the last set I go for a triple drop set of jus shrugs. Back day is hands down my favourite day! Most times a get to a point where I feel I'm going to throw up!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    dont know if this was mentioned above or not but I personally would avoid lifting 3 days in a row.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    It wasn't mentioned above however I find it not too taxing on my progress and performance. Although I'm lifting 3 days in a row the second day is a leg day and I basically consider it as a recovery day for my upper body.

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