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For shoulders, I've found lighter weight/more reps to help on everything, except shoulder press. Try starting out with heavy shoulder presses - 4 sets. Then lateral raises, light weight, perfect form, make sure you're not using other muscles (my traps kick in if I'm not careful). End it with a drop set...I do 30lb dumbbell for 8, immediate 25lb for 8, 20 for 8, 15 for 8, 10 for 8. Then rest and move to front raises. Use an under-grip and lift to parallel. I usually finish off with some reverse flys, very light weight.
Thanks for the tips - these are pretty much the exercises i'm doing now, so this is good in that I won't have to alter my workout much, just change up weights/sets/reps.
For back, I've have found a tremendous difference if I really concentrate on pinching the muscles. Stay kinda heavy, I love T-Bar rows...probably my favorite exercise. Lat Pull Down (try different grips), One Arm Row, etc. Slow, controlled and flex your lats as hard as you possibly can throughout the exercise. Hope that helps.
Interesting you mention this! I just did back yesterday, went a bit lighter and slower and made sure to squeeze/pinch like you're stating above - I am VERY sore today. Hopefully this is the difference I needed, time will tell.
For T-Bar rows, are you using the standing platform, or the one where you sort of lay on your stomach? I like the standing platform much better, I think it helps overall as you have to stabilize your own bodyweight - much more like the real exercise (barbell row).