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Thread: i am so pissed off

  1. #1

    i am so pissed off


    i took her 2 the ER last week. they did xrays, and said she 'sprang' it.

    so I am waiting for it to heel. it hasn’t.

    so i took her to a really good foot specialist, and he did xrays and guess what. it is broken!

    he put a cast on it today.

    and to top it off she did this at skool, and noone at skool seems to know what happened.

    the things is, she is special needs girl and she can't talk, so it really pisses me off more.

    special needs children at skool are supposed to be look over like a hawk. ESPECIALLY one that can't walk very well like mine.

    she also fell down some stairs this year at skool. her reactions time is very slow and she hit face first on concrete. i was really pissed then, now this?!?!?

    i went over and talked to the principal and she gave me this big runaround, i think i need to escalate this to someone higher so this doesn't happen again.

    this is very careless for them to allow her to get hurt pretty serious 2 times.

    and im super pissed and the stupid ER too

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    UK West yorkshire
    Frikin hate lazy ass Doc's that dont do their job proper!! lets killem!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    UK West yorkshire
    Frikin also hate lazy ass teachers... chuck in a claim dude... that'l teachem!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Standing Above Weakness
    Sorry to hear about your daughter's injury bro.. hope now that they found the real prob, she'll be on the road to recovery.

  5. #5
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    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by shredhead View Post

    i took her 2 the ER last week. they did xrays, and said she 'sprang' it.

    so I am waiting for it to heel. it hasn’t.

    so i took her to a really good foot specialist, and he did xrays and guess what. it is broken!

    he put a cast on it today.

    and to top it off she did this at skool, and noone at skool seems to know what happened.

    the things is, she is special needs girl and she can't talk, so it really pisses me off more.

    special needs children at skool are supposed to be look over like a hawk. ESPECIALLY one that can't walk very well like mine.

    she also fell down some stairs this year at skool. her reactions time is very slow and she hit face first on concrete. i was really pissed then, now this?!?!?

    i went over and talked to the principal and she gave me this big runaround, i think i need to escalate this to someone higher so this doesn't happen again.

    this is very careless for them to allow her to get hurt pretty serious 2 times.

    and im super pissed and the stupid ER too
    While i can understand that you are upset there is no reason EVER to use the word "skool." Its very annoying.

  6. #6
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    My daughter got a busted lip at the daycare, NONE knew what happened. She (at the time was 6) said another kid hit her with a chair. The daycare provider said she was lying, but couldnt out right tell me what happened...I was soo pissed I pushed and pushed until the daycare was closed down.
    If you want to go to a higher power, try calling the superintendent, then the school board. I hope you get heard.
    Oh and if I were you, I would send the bill to the school.

  7. #7
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    I hear ya man I do work for special need kids and adults, my job is to make environments safe and easy to use by the patient and those who take care of them. and yes they are supposed to be watch over by professionals and when the pro's arnt around its the parents responsibility. If someone gets hurt by my work that's what INSHURENCE is for. Sounds like the surroundings are not accessible for the ones that need it to be. Just like she fell on her face because no body was watching or helping w access. Just like the broke foot. Kinda sounds like one them big heavy doors got shut on her foot. Just my .02. You need to contact your health care provider an file sum paperwork. Yes its a pain in the ass but if nobody does it, things like this can only get worse, for everyone.

  8. #8
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    Im sorry to hear this. It must be very frustrating. Thats sad she cant even say what happened. Poor little girl. Shes lucky she has a daddy that wont put up with this shit. Best of luck to you and your little girl.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by shredhead View Post

    i took her 2 the ER last week. they did xrays, and said she 'sprang' it.

    so I am waiting for it to heel. it hasn’t.

    so i took her to a really good foot specialist, and he did xrays and guess what. it is broken!

    he put a cast on it today.

    and to top it off she did this at skool, and noone at skool seems to know what happened.

    the things is, she is special needs girl and she can't talk, so it really pisses me off more.

    special needs children at skool are supposed to be look over like a hawk. ESPECIALLY one that can't walk very well like mine.

    she also fell down some stairs this year at skool. her reactions time is very slow and she hit face first on concrete. i was really pissed then, now this?!?!?

    i went over and talked to the principal and she gave me this big runaround, i think i need to escalate this to someone higher so this doesn't happen again.

    this is very careless for them to allow her to get hurt pretty serious 2 times.

    and im super pissed and the stupid ER too

    So sorry to hear that Bro. I would go and talk to principle and made sure she knows if he/she didnt took action I am willing to go to higher most ppl know on here when it comes to children I am OVER protective just me. So do that and see what happened. I would talk to the in charge in hospital and make sure that he knows what those fvckers did in ER....

  10. #10
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    Shitty situation man.....

    I would probably show the foot specialist the 1st set of xrays and see if he can see a fracture. If he can.... then the ER doc is definately a dumbass. You may be able to contact someone at the hospital and file some sort of complaint. I believe doctors receive "blue sheets" and once they accumulate 3 or 4.... they get disciplined by the hospital......


  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Shitty situation man.....

    I would probably show the foot specialist the 1st set of xrays and see if he can see a fracture. If he can.... then the ER doc is definately a dumbass. You may be able to contact someone at the hospital and file some sort of complaint. I believe doctors receive "blue sheets" and once they accumulate 3 or 4.... they get disciplined by the hospital......

    This to! I got my knee cap broke 25% off 2 pinky knuckle sized pcs of bone floating around and the quad tendon jacked somehow. The ER xray peson said no brakes whatever! Its swole like a 3X normal size never got better. Went to a anuther doc the next week throbbing, can't move it, still swollen. He drained about 10 0Z blood outa it he said becuz of the blood some thing is broke the next week got 5 0Z blood. Tried living w it. Finaly got orthoscopic on it removing the pcs of bone and chizling my cap to make scar tissue for a smooth cap. Liggs still jacked now I have an pretty atrophied quad and it hurts when I sqat now I guess I have to live with it.? Do what u can now. Best luck man!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    While i can understand that you are upset there is no reason EVER to use the word "skool." Its very annoying.
    Thats funny.

    But on a serious note to the OP, if you make a huge stink they may limit what your daughter does taking away from here learning experience and just being at school. Anyways , good luck, tough situation.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  13. #13
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    Have her write down what happened on paper

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